Lebron James had to apologize for quoting "jewish money" lyrics

yeah dude got a 12 car garage but only got 6 caaaaaaars

Accountability only matters if you're relevant or if you have sponsorships. Seriously. 21 Savage really has nothing to lose because there aren't the same expectations set out for him as there would be for someone else.

Let me clarify relevancy...there's relevancy on a micro-level, which 21 Savage has...but Lebron's relevancy, I mean...i don't even need to compare the two :lol:

I get WHAT you are trying to say but look a A. The occupations B. The actual individuals Rap isn't a intellectually respected artFORM, so those in the field aren't goimg to be held in a high enough standard

Both eloquently stated. Repped.
How is the line offensive though? Because of the stereotype of jews getting money? I guess it's like the Asians being smart stereotype. Even though it's positive people don't like to hear it.

its dumb, but da jew thing has to do with da "jews run everything" narrative thats kinda true when it cones to media.

1st one of these i heard was in rap when dudes brag about their jewish lawyers :lol:
I'm surprised he posted that. You can't even say "jewish" w/o them jumping on you.

It was funny hearing Stephen A talk about "Lebron has to be careful, he's talking NFL owners and blah blah". You can't run from racism. Lebron had the N word painted on his house. So he might as well speak his mind and be honest about the racism in this country.
Now I'm not accusing anyone of being sensitive, but it's to the point that people are searching for anything to harp on these days and find a negative angle.

I saw a commercial of a little girl cooking yesterday and i wouldn't be surprised to see people complaining about that 'why can't she be changing a tire or doing a science project'.

I saw an ad for fashionable scrubs (they were very nice too) and the ad said something like 'attention nurses'. Someone commented 'oh well i guess you only want nurses to buy it so dental assistants obviously aren't important enough to include. You just lost a sale' :rofl: ok, now that's too sensitive.

People want a perfect, all inclusive statement these days without unintentionally slighting anyone.
I wouldn’t have apologized. I don’t believe anyone was truly offended, I think some wanted to be offended to be able to play victim and feel included.

Wypipo so offended about LeBron cursing and saying N. Don’t watch his shows. Don’t watch him off the court. He a grown *** man. He can do and say whatever he wants. That’s why he shouldn’t be apologizing for ****.

The Shop is such an important show for a lot of people. They’re talking about some real **** that needs to be said
I wouldn’t have apologized. I don’t believe anyone was truly offended, I think some wanted to be offended to be able to play victim and feel included.

Wypipo so offended about LeBron cursing and saying N. Don’t watch his shows. Don’t watch him off the court. He a grown *** man. He can do and say whatever he wants. That’s why he shouldn’t be apologizing for ****.

The Shop is such an important show for a lot of people. They’re talking about some real **** that needs to be said

I get the apology from a business perspective. But when it comes to stuff like this, people are more worried about the shaming of the public figure who slipped up than they are the actual apology.

Lebron has been nothing but a standup guy off the court and has been a good person all around. He slipped up, he applogized and everyone should keep it moving.

Anyone that’s “outraged” after that is corny and needs to grow up because it comes off as they’re more concerned about using something this trivial to pile on Lebron than they are acknowledging a sincere apology from someone with a clean track record.
Lebron had the N word painted on his house

There was no evidence, pics, suspects, security footage, nothing. According to the reports, "they cleaned it off" before the police got there, so they can't say they saw it.

All taking place conveniently right before the NBA finals Game 1 press conference. :rolleyes

There was no evidence, pics, suspects, security footage, nothing. According to the reports, "they cleaned it off" before the police got there, so they can't say they saw it.

All taking place conveniently right before the NBA finals Game 1 press conference. :rolleyes
You really think lebron James would make that up because of the nba finals? Like what

Black people get called ****** every day in this country
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