Lebron James Is Ruining The Game For The Average Fan

Lebron scores half his points per game off freethrow. Plus a few dunks, easy layup in transition here and there. Watch lebron in action. He's not an elite jump shooter.
he doesnt have to be. he is surrounded by them. but im sure if he had to he would shoot a bunch of jumpshots. he did it in cleveland
My father is a big LeBron fan and I am a Kobe fan and I always tell him this. I have the same exact opinion. If he would have won one in Cleveland it would have probably equaled Jordan's 6 for most people. But, now since he has such a good team he has to win at least 6 to be in the conversation with Jordan and at least 5 to be up there with Magic and Kobe. In my opinion of course.
not exactly duncan arguable is the best pf of all time....but to most ppl duncan and the spurs (minus as of late) arent enjoyable...not memorable. Hell youll be hard press to do a 10-15 highlight reel of duncan. Yet you see plenty of them for even the most mediocre of players...or players who aint even whiffing close to greatness or hof status aka youtube tribute videos of steve francis, white chocolate, bdiddy, etc...
I'm almost positive that I'm talking to ACBoyz at this point
 which means I'm fighting a lost battle but just for arguments sake:
No such stat exists so this is irrelevant. I could easily say that Kobe, Melo, and Durant, are all taking spot up shots while LeBron is going against triple teams every possession, but since you're on your "Watch the games" kick as if I dont, are you really trying to imply that theres not someone defending the best basketball player on the floor at any given moment? That hes not seeing just as much if not more defensive pressure than Kobe, Durant or Melo?

You CAN NOT be serious.
So after basing everything you've said off of conjecture since you've been in the thread, you've decided to bring a stat into the argument; OH WAIT, its not a real stat but again its something you're just saying to say with no evidence. This one you could have easily looked up but for some reason you chose not too, but dont worry I will do it for you.

[size=-1]Shot selection[/size]
[/td][td][size=-1]65% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].526  [/size][/td][td][size=-1]37% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]1% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]12.2 [/size][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td][size=-1]27% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].701  [/size][/td][td][size=-1]36% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]8% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]6.7 [/size][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td][size=-1]7% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].968  [/size][/td][td][size=-1]69% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]1% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]2.4 [/size][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td][size=-1]1% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].500  [/size][/td][td][size=-1]0% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]0% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].2 [/size][/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td][size=-1]35% [/size][/td][td][size=-1].748  [/size][/td][td][size=-1]44% [/size][/td][td][size=-1]6% [/size][/td][td]
[size=-1]9.3 [/size]

Whats that Stats? you mean to tell me that 65% of LeBron James shot attempts are jumpshots? You dont say. Wait you have more?

What? You mean that 49% of those shots are from whats classified as mid-long range? Now you want to add something else?
[table][tr][th="col"] [/th][th="col"]At Rim[/th][th="col"]3-9 Feet[/th][th="col"]10-15 Feet[/th][th="col"]16-23 Feet[/th][th="col"]Threes[/th][/tr][/table]
[table][tr][th="col"]Player Name[/th][th="col"]Tm[/th][th="col"]Pos[/th][th="col"]GP[/th][th="col"]Min[/th][th="col"]M[/th][th="col"]A[/th][th="col"]FG%[/th][th="col"]%As[/th][th="col"]M[/th][th="col"]A[/th][th="col"]FG%[/th][th="col"]%As[/th][th="col"]M[/th][th="col"]A[/th][th="col"]FG%[/th][th="col"]%As[/th][th="col"]M[/th][th="col"]A[/th][th="col"]FG%[/th][th="col"]%As[/th][th="col"]M[/th][th="col"]A[/th][th="col"]eFG%[/th][th="col"]%As[/th][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td]LeBron James[/td][td]MIA[/td][td]SF[/td][td]77[/td][td]37.8[/td][td]5.4[/td][td]6.9[/td][td]78.3[/td][td]48.0[/td][td]0.9[/td][td]1.5[/td][td]60.0[/td][td]23.2[/td][td]0.5[/td][td]1.2[/td][td]40.7[/td][td]13.5[/td][td]1.8[/td][td]3.9[/td][td]46.0[/td][td]21.6[/td][td]1.4[/td][td]3.3[/td][td]60.9[/td][td]53.8[/td][/tr][tr][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]


QUE? You mean to tell me that hes out there taking 6.3 jumpers a game? Which blows the league average of 3.1 out of the water? Nah man stats you have to be lying to me, theres no way any of this can be true because AlphaWolf watches the games and he sees different. Didnt you hear me, HE WATCHES THE GAMES!!!!

Originally Posted by AlphaWolf  

Heck. Melo, Durant, kobe are actually way better shooter than lebron.
Not once did I try to argue against this, the point I made was that LeBron was an elite jump shooter which he is. For the record I do watch the games, which is how I can make that statement, but unlike you, I actually have facts to support it, whereas the facts completely contradict what you're saying. You do know what facts are right? Things that are true? Like how everything you're saying is false, but the opposite of that. 

I resign from this conversation from here on out though, I can tell theres no point pass this. "A wise man told me, dont argue with fools"
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I'm so proud of Antidope using these charts and stats.

I smile like a proud dad, watching his only son that made it.
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Lebron is also an overrated assist guy. Most of his assists are set up by the defense, not him.
I see what you are saying, but if his assists are set up by the defense, isn't it because the defenses are respecting him as an offensive weapon??


But that still doesn't change the fact that his assists are set up by the defense.

:lol: You guys are comedy

I mean, does it? If Lebron wasn't the offensive weapon that he is, would he still rack up assists like he does?
Man. I thought it couldn't get any worse. Gotta see the Arguements and excuses made around the 3rd week of June. And to be honest, Jordan ruined the game for causal fans because of his dominance and style of play. It kind of glorified the flashy perimeter play and breeded piss poor fundamentals. Lebron is a breath of fresh air and a coaches wet dream due to his common sense and high iq on the court. All the greats who won multiple chips either possessed it within themselves or had the right leadership (Phil Jackson ) to preach it and keep them on that course.
Basketball is actually a simple game that still works the same traditionally throughout all the years. Take a look at the final 4 teams left in these very playoffs. They all can rebound, score in the paint efficiently, have some low block presence and play terrific team defense. If you notice, all the teams that play and hoist up most of their shots from the perimeter are currently fishing. But I'm not gonna lie, Jamal Crawford is underrated and better than Lebron.
Man. I thought it couldn't get any worse. Gotta see the Arguements and excuses made around the 3rd week of June. And to be honest, Jordan ruined the game for causal fans because of his dominance and style of play. It kind of glorified the flashy perimeter play and breeded piss poor fundamentals. Lebron is a breath of fresh air and a coaches wet dream due to his common sense and high iq on the court. All the greats who won multiple chips either possessed it within themselves or had the right leadership (Phil Jackson ) to preach it and keep them on that course.
Basketball is actually a simple game that still works the same traditionally throughout all the years. Take a look at the final 4 teams left in these very playoffs. They all can rebound, score in the paint efficiently, have some low block presence and play terrific team defense. If you notice, all the teams that play and hoist up most of their shots from the perimeter are currently fishing. But I'm not gonna lie, Jamal Crawford is underrated and better than Lebron.
repped :pimp:
:lol: Buddy I should choose my words more wisely?

I lightheartedly ribbed you(thats the :lol: meant) and said you were Bill O'Reillyish Lebron/Heat fan.

We both know thats something you've been accused of before by multiple people....is that correct?

So instead of just shrugging it off because you know its not true. You get defensive and go on a rant then proceed to tell me to 'hop off" as in hop off my d*** or nuts.

Whats more disrespectful?

If in person, you called somebody a Stan or told them to "hop off".....what would get you punched in the face first?

I don't know how you grew up but telling somebody to "hop off" face to face is the equivalent of saying "lets fight"

Thats why I said stop trying to be an internet tough guy

Only you and Clyde the glide have said that about me, and y'all both LeBron haters so it makes sense.

Didn't know telling you to hop off was disrespectful and it was insinuating a fight. My apologies. Regardless if this was real life, you wouldn't have a chance, Haha.

Continue on.

Nope I wasnt talking about Clyde.....other guys have said it too.

^couplet88....are you a miami heat fan or a knick fan...i get confused sometimes...you ride bron bron hard..

remind me of al3xis and big j....swear up and down that they are knicks fan...but root for the miami heat die hard....and ride bron like a pony in every thread.

miami heat fans posing as knicks fans. >:

Fam im not disputing your fan affiliation to the knicks.... but i will say that around 70% of the time i see you post in S&T it has something to do with Bron or bigging up the Heat. It's fine to be a fan of a great player, but your CONSTANTLY talking about the Heat & Lebron

That was just from one thread.But I guess we are all haters just like you are a Lebron Stan

:lol: And there you go again trying to be an internet tough guy again with your "Regardless if this was real life, you wouldn't have a chance, Haha" comment.

Was that needed?

Be a tough guy in real life, not the internet buddy
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Lebron is also an overrated assist guy. Most of his assists are set up by the defense, not him.
I see what you are saying, but if his assists are set up by the defense, isn't it because the defenses are respecting him as an offensive weapon??


But that still doesn't change the fact that his assists are set up by the defense.

:lol: You guys are comedy

I mean, does it? If Lebron wasn't the offensive weapon that he is, would he still rack up assists like he does?

So you're discrediting his assists because he's an offensive threat? That's like discrediting Steve Young's running ability because he had a good arm.

"Oh if Steve Young couldn't throw the secondary wouldn't step back so his scrambles wouldn't work and he wouldn't get big runs"

And who sets up the defense? Lebron sets up the defense and plays them to his strengths. If Defense played more to stopping his passes we'd have more 40 point games
I'm almost positive that I'm talking to ACBoyz at this point

 which means I'm fighting a lost battle but just for arguments sake:

You just proved my point. You're naive. The stat is misleading because it doesn't show how lebron take the shots. How they were defended? or wether if its open or contested, etc
No such stat exists so this is irrelevant. I could easily say that Kobe, Melo, and Durant, are all taking spot up shots while LeBron is going against triple teams every possession, but since you're on your "Watch the games" kick as if I dont, are you really trying to imply that theres not someone defending the best basketball player on the floor at any given moment? That hes not seeing just as much if not more defensive pressure than Kobe, Durant or Melo?
You CAN NOT be serious.

That's why I told you to watch the game. Lebron is a mediocre off the dribble shooter. He rarely if ever take long 2s. And he rarely can produce off contested jumpers. 
On top of that he could have shot just 4 jumpers per game for example. If he make 2 that's 50%. Compare that to real shooters like curry for example. Curry doesn't take just 4 jumpers a game. He actually score off dribble, behind screen, long 2, contested jumper etc.

So after basing everything you've said off of conjecture since you've been in the thread, you've decided to bring a stat into the argument; OH WAIT, its not a real stat but again its something you're just saying to say with no evidence. This one you could have easily looked up but for some reason you chose not too, but dont worry I will do it for you.

Shot selection







[TD]65% [/TD]
[TD].526  [/TD]
[TD]37% [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD]12.2 [/TD]
[TD]27% [/TD]
[TD].701  [/TD]
[TD]36% [/TD]
[TD]8% [/TD]
[TD]6.7 [/TD]
[TD]7% [/TD]
[TD].968  [/TD]
[TD]69% [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD]2.4 [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD].500  [/TD]
[TD]0% [/TD]
[TD]0% [/TD]
[TD].2 [/TD]
[TD]35% [/TD]
[TD].748  [/TD]
[TD]44% [/TD]
[TD]6% [/TD]

Whats that Stats? you mean to tell me that 65% of LeBron James shot attempts are jumpshots? You dont say. Wait you have more?

View media item 418520
What? You mean that 49% of those shots are from whats classified as mid-long range? Now you want to add something else?

[table][tr][th=""] [/th]


Heck. Melo, Durant, kobe are actually way better shooter than lebron.

Not once did I try to argue against this, the point I made was that LeBron was an elite jump shooter which he is. For the record I do watch the games, which is how I can make that statement, but unlike you, I actually have facts to support it, whereas the facts completely contradict what you're saying. You do know what facts are right? Things that are true? Like how everything you're saying is false, but the opposite of that. 

I resign from this conversation from here on out though, I can tell theres no point pass this. "A wise man told me, dont argue with fools"

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Dude he can shoot those jumpers without real defensive pressure and double teams because he's on a superstar Miami Heat and they play a system that tailored to his strengths.

Go look at his last year with the Cavaliers stats when he was in a similar offensive situation like Melo

(I dont know how to make it into a chart)

Lebron 2010

Shot Att . eFG% Ast'd Blk'd Pts
64% .436 24% 1% 11.3
27% .679 39% 7% 7.5
8% .959 69% 0% 3.1
0% .500 0% 50% 0.1
36% .740 48% 6% 10.6

Anthony 2013

Shot Att. eFG% Ast'd Blk'd Pts
74% .487 46% 2% 16.1
22% .514 24% 18% 5.0
2% .917 59% 4% .7
2% .576 0% 0% .6
26% .544 25% 16% 6.2

As you can see Melo jump shooting stats are better.

So Lebron after playing in the NBA for 9 years just became an elite shooter?


This is just a case when stats are misleading
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I'm almost positive that I'm talking to ACBoyz at this point

 which means I'm fighting a lost battle but just for arguments sake:

No such stat exists so this is irrelevant. I could easily say that Kobe, Melo, and Durant, are all taking spot up shots while LeBron is going against triple teams every possession, but since you're on your "Watch the games" kick as if I dont, are you really trying to imply that theres not someone defending the best basketball player on the floor at any given moment? That hes not seeing just as much if not more defensive pressure than Kobe, Durant or Melo?
You CAN NOT be serious.

So after basing everything you've said off of conjecture since you've been in the thread, you've decided to bring a stat into the argument; OH WAIT, its not a real stat but again its something you're just saying to say with no evidence. This one you could have easily looked up but for some reason you chose not too, but dont worry I will do it for you.

Shot selection







[TD]65% [/TD]
[TD].526  [/TD]
[TD]37% [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD]12.2 [/TD]
[TD]27% [/TD]
[TD].701  [/TD]
[TD]36% [/TD]
[TD]8% [/TD]
[TD]6.7 [/TD]
[TD]7% [/TD]
[TD].968  [/TD]
[TD]69% [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD]2.4 [/TD]
[TD]1% [/TD]
[TD].500  [/TD]
[TD]0% [/TD]
[TD]0% [/TD]
[TD].2 [/TD]
[TD]35% [/TD]
[TD].748  [/TD]
[TD]44% [/TD]
[TD]6% [/TD]

Whats that Stats? you mean to tell me that 65% of LeBron James shot attempts are jumpshots? You dont say. Wait you have more?

View media item 418520
What? You mean that 49% of those shots are from whats classified as mid-long range? Now you want to add something else?

[table][tr][th=""] [/th]

[th=""]At Rim[/th]

[th=""]3-9 Feet[/th]

[th=""]10-15 Feet[/th]

[th=""]16-23 Feet[/th]


[table][tr][th=""]Player Name[/th]

























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[tr][td]LeBron James[/td]

























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QUE? You mean to tell me that hes out there taking 6.3 jumpers a game? Which blows the league average of 3.1 out of the water? Nah man stats you have to be lying to me, theres no way any of this can be true because AlphaWolf watches the games and he sees different. Didnt you hear me, HE WATCHES THE GAMES!!!!

Not once did I try to argue against this, the point I made was that LeBron was an elite jump shooter which he is. For the record I do watch the games, which is how I can make that statement, but unlike you, I actually have facts to support it, whereas the facts completely contradict what you're saying. You do know what facts are right? Things that are true? Like how everything you're saying is false, but the opposite of that. 

I resign from this conversation from here on out though, I can tell theres no point pass this. "A wise man told me, dont argue with fools"

Rolf. Again. Your stat doesn't prove anything. Like I have mentioned before your post. The stat doesn't show how lebron was being defended when he take those shots nor does it show if he makes those shots off the dribble or in traffic etc. You can only see these things by watching lebron not by reading off the stat chart lol.

How do you consider lebron as an elite shooter? What is elite to you? Because I watch lebron and he's not an elite shooter. Lol at the word elite.

No coaches, players or even credited sport source have mention lebron being an "elite" shooter.

If anything the stat you posted only show lebron taking easy shots. Hes an efficient scorer. not an elite shooter. i think you got it mixed up. How do you claim that he's an elite shooter when he can barely make difficult shots and rarely attempt long 2s? Don't you have to have the ability to make all kind of shots in order to be a great shooter/scorer?

And I'm not acbboy. Don't try to avoid the argument by bringing up irrelevant points.

Lol you're probably the only person who claim that lebron is an "elite" shooter. Lol

Wise you're not. Lol
Oh and defender gives lebron a lot of room because they follow the scouting report.

You know if you stay too close to lebron. He'd use his speed to get by you or the ref would call foul if you defend him too close.

I have watch lebron for years. His ability to make contested shots, shots off dribble, long 2s etc is actually limited. That doesn't mean he's not a good scorer but I wouldn't consider him an "elite" shooter.
Synergy and basketball reference also tells that udonis Harlem is an elite midrange shooter from 13 to 20 feet lol.

Brandon bass too lol.

Antidote probably claim them as "elite" shooter too Lol.
Basketball reference. Com

Break down of shooting stat past two seasons.

10-16 feet. Brandon bass fg% 50% vs Lebron James 48%
16- inside of 3 pt line. Brandon bass fg% 46% vs Lebron James 37%

lol what? Hey Brandon bass is an " elite" shooter.

Wow he's better than lebron based on shooting stat lol.
According to facts. Brandon bass is better than Lebron James Lol.

There goes the misleading facts down the drain. LOL

Be careful antidote might claim Brandon bass an "elite" shooter y'all.
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Basketball reference.com. In 82 games. Harlem in 2010 shot 45% from within 16 feet- the 3pt line.

Lol hey facts say that he was a better shooter than lebron MVP season lmao. From 16feet to within the 3pt line that is. Lol is Udonis freaking Haslem an "elite" shooter? :lol:

Again stat can be misleading. Please watch the game dude.

Case closed.
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