Lebron James will Eventually Average a Triple-Double before he Retires...

OP, it's easy to say all that but hard to actually do.

Jordan had a few seasons like LeBron is having now.
Originally Posted by cortes21

lebron good. he gotta bad attitude though.

And this has to do with the topic, how?

His "bad attitude" hasn't stopped him from getting triple doubles in the past...

Am I missing something here?
I highly doubt he will...if anyone can it would be him though. I say we see a baseball player hit .400 before we see a basketball player average a triple-double once again.
There aren't enough possessions in modern NBA games to accomplish it. Bill Simmons broke it down very well in his book. Granted it's easier to get assists now, but with so many less possessions, it's next to impossible to do it.
ilguaskas is retiring soon so no

most of his career assists are probably to dude's automatic jumper
Unless he was deliberately trying to average a triple-double, at the sake of playing the game naturally, there is no way in hell this happens.

Could he do it if that was what he focused on instead of winning, playing within the game, etc.?  Absolutely.

Could he do it by playing the game to the best of his ability without worrying about statistics?  Absolutely not.  Would he win a championship that season?  Absolutely not.

But I honestly wouldn't put it past this clown to attempt something like this at the expense of winning...
People were saying this after his 2nd season, so this isn't any bold assertion by the OP. It would have happened already if it was going to. He can either go out on the court with the mentality to win the game OR with the mentality to average a triple-double. He can't do both.
Originally Posted by DubA169

discuss what? get off of your knees
. seriously.
I remember during his rookie year I said something like, "Lebron will eventually average 25-8-8" and I got laughed at on here.
Unless he was deliberately trying to average a triple-double, at thesake of playing the game naturally, there is no way in hell thishappens.

Could he do it if that was what he focused on instead of winning, playing within the game, etc.?  Absolutely.

Could he do it by playing the game to the best of his ability withoutworrying about statistics?  Absolutely not.

And That
But I honestly wouldn't put it past this clown to attempt something like this at the expense of winning...
No way. Today's players are too good and athletic for him to average a triple double. He won't even get 20 triple doubles in a season let alone average one.
How about averaging a double-double before we discuss this.

Ill this to the list of things that people SWEAR he WILL do.
One thing about the L', nothing is impossible. Players reach new heights almost everytime they touch the floor, so it's certainly not impossible

However, that's hard as hell to do! Rebounding takes more dedication, any player is able to get 3 assist easily by seeing an open teammate, but rebounding is demanding, he'd have to play the whole game to guarantee himself a triple double every game, and what player who's focus is to win a championship is going to do that just to make his stats look good?

With that being said, He might make it, he might not. But if were talking about the League right now he has to most potential to get one.
I don't think he would quite average a triple-double, but with the Knicks, if they keep the same coach/system and if he didn't go after scoring as much but tried to fill out the box score overall, he would be capable of getting 27, 8.5-9 & 8.5-9. Oh yeah, and he would have to average 40 minutes per game and play in 4th quarters even if his team was winning.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Originally Posted by DubA169

discuss what? get off of your knees

EXACTLY. How about he get 40 triples doubles in a season before we start talking about he can AVERAGE one throughout a 82 game season
why u continue to slurp lebron boy? He leavin in a few months. LET IT GO !
triple double for a full season? he hasnt even averaged a double-double yet.. this slurping, i swear..
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