All Ready
I'm a little late to the party here but I'm tagging you guys as you guys did the most discussing on it, but I am leaning toward BigJ, and I'm guessing it has mostly to do with our age..
Nobody is saying that if the bubble "bursts" that Sneakerheads are going the way of the dinosaur...far from it. The OG's and newer heads (we all gotta start somewhere) that have a real LOVE of shoes will always be here, but the popularity that we see on the news and in the lines in front of HoH or whatever store, are all the new thundercats who somehow turned this into a fad. Gotta have this new J or LeBron, wait I can flip these and make a profit?! Kids/resellers are what is driving the hobby/fad..NOT the culture... as there is a difference.
So many of us here as I read this thread don't wanna pay the bloated reseller prices, so in a sense it's already started to burst. Many shoes are being sold closer to retail than the last say, 2-3 years. Every idiot thinks that every J released every other weekend is your next Concord, Big Bang, or Galaxy Foam. To's a the real heads who move the culture...we know what will sell because it has meaning or is an OG color like a true Black Infared 6 (just quick examples, you don't have to like it to know what I mean).
The older guys seem to be more selective when it comes to spending over retail for any shoe, or in a case like Memph, had to have the WTL and was willing to pony up WHAT HE DEEMED appropriate for that shoe. That's ok too. It has less to do with demand (in my eyes) and more with what people deem responsible prices. And with all the bots, raffles, captcha, and other crap we have to put up with in order to maybe even get a glimpse of said shoe...we'd rather keep our hard earned money and put it towards another pair elsewhere with little headache rather than the pockets of some snot nosed pimple faced kid who just traded his Pokemon cards for Jordan's.
I know a few new guys who have already bowed out after 2 years flipping yada yada...the thrill is gone I guess. And the more kids (not real resellers with connects etc) realize there's less to be made than originally thought, the more the pool will get thinned out. But that doesn't mean that someone else isn't going to take his place....
And yes...EVERYTHING changed with the Concords...the Big Bang/Galaxy craze just followed on it's coat tails.