Legalizing Mary Jane????

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Might take like 20 years for that to happen

first all the states have to do what states like Cali have done

Eventually the feds will not be able to control every single state. SO when 30 out of 50 states are cool with weed then the Feds will be the bad guys, which they truly are.

I have been noticing the media and news making special reports on how much money marijuana brings into the state and the failure the war on drugs has had o Marijuana. As people are educated throughout time they will soon see how the benefits out weight the possible negative aspects of the plant.

Mean while I will just chill in Cali and take advantage of the accessibility we are blessed with
Marijuana will NEVER be legalized in the USA.
Just a way POSSIBLE way but

Cali ftw
You can grow hemp without growing bud that can get you high. People don't know that but the government does.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Hemp is one of the most useful materials in the world. Bud is one of the best medicines here, too.
You think these big companies want you walking to your local tree supplier and buying a sack for $5-10
or spend hundreds buying their Xanax and Percocet?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

You can grow hemp without growing bud that can get you high. People don't know that but the government does.
That is true

You need a female plant for the maximum THC possible

but I guess if you let it grow normally which would mean the plant is pollinated (?) by a male plant resulting in a weed plant that is not really usable forsmoking purposes but it still contains some THC even though it is in small and useless amounts
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by blazersfan

You see the difference between MJ and all those drugs you mentioned is that they are all man-made, and are proven harmful. MJ is natural, and is also used for medical reasons as well. It should be legalized because people shouldn't find ways to smoke it and not get caught and put to jail for something petty like this.

Oh, I'm not a regular smoker, but I do burn from time to time.
I am a regular smoker and you are kidding yourself if you are trying to using the argument of "weed is from the erfff and its natural, etc... etc..." so is fungus/magic mushrooms. so is peyote, opium, jimsom weed, etc... etc... Marijuana today... unless youre smokin some of that brickpack Tijuana stress... is a highly scientifically grown product manipulated by man, and thats the way I like it. If I am paying a premium price, I want premium scientifically developed and grown strains of THC laden buds.

Personally I am all for legalization. Like others have mentioned, besides my bud habit, I am for the most part an upstanding law abiding citizen (well ill drive home from the bar after a few brews but thats another topic). It would be preferable for me to buy my weed legally and consume it legally just for peace of mind.
How much is weed actually altered? There's a pretty big line between altering something chemically and cultivating

Look at cigarettes
those WILL kill you, and they are legal. Weed is harmless compared to ciggs and alcohol.

Admittedly I am too lazy to look up the data, but a simple google search will probably show that THC levels in buds have increased exponentially since the60's. Am I complaining? heck no

But you do make a point... Advances in the science of horticulture can be seen as advances in the cultivation of what is still a naturally growing plant. Thatbeing said, some potent strains were not naturally forming in nature and were the product of cross breeding several different trains of buds to harness all thegoodness that these multiple strains offer. By that note, the argument can be made that Nitrous is also a natural drug since Nitrogen and Oxygen are twocommon elements that are delightfully combined to create the best drug on this planet.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by blazersfan

You see the difference between MJ and all those drugs you mentioned is that they are all man-made, and are proven harmful. MJ is natural, and is also used for medical reasons as well. It should be legalized because people shouldn't find ways to smoke it and not get caught and put to jail for something petty like this.

Oh, I'm not a regular smoker, but I do burn from time to time.
I am a regular smoker and you are kidding yourself if you are trying to using the argument of "weed is from the erfff and its natural, etc... etc..." so is fungus/magic mushrooms. so is peyote, opium, jimsom weed, etc... etc... Marijuana today... unless youre smokin some of that brickpack Tijuana stress... is a highly scientifically grown product manipulated by man, and thats the way I like it. If I am paying a premium price, I want premium scientifically developed and grown strains of THC laden buds.

Personally I am all for legalization. Like others have mentioned, besides my bud habit, I am for the most part an upstanding law abiding citizen (well ill drive home from the bar after a few brews but thats another topic). It would be preferable for me to buy my weed legally and consume it legally just for peace of mind.
How much is weed actually altered? There's a pretty big line between altering something chemically and cultivating

Look at cigarettes
those WILL kill you, and they are legal. Weed is harmless compared to ciggs and alcohol.

Admittedly I am too lazy to look up the data, but a simple google search will probably show that THC levels in buds have increased exponentially since the 60's. Am I complaining? heck no

But you do make a point... Advances in the science of horticulture can be seen as advances in the cultivation of what is still a naturally growing plant. That being said, some potent strains were not naturally forming in nature and were the product of cross breeding several different trains of buds to harness all the goodness that these multiple strains offer. By that note, the argument can be made that Nitrous is also a natural drug since Nitrogen and Oxygen are two common elements that are delightfully combined to create the best drug on this planet.
But cross breeding and growing the plant a certain way is not as harmful as medicine which is ALL man made.

It's just a way of growing the plant. Just like growers do certain things to make oranges grow bigger faster or whatever a mj grower does the same

adjust temp, minerals in the soil, proper care trimming watering etc.... not the same level of chemical alteration as medicine. People will not die from an odof thc.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

it will be chemicalized to hell after the govt gets it hands on it.
you could grow it yourself if it was legal.

not necassarily. alcohol is legal to purchase, but you sure as hell ain't entitled by law to make it yourself.
as far as my take on marijauna being legal, yeah, why not?
i've smoked weed twice in the last 10 or so years, so it wouldn't affect me, but my only concern is what the govt would do to it. just like tobacco.
and if it's good enough for our first president, it's good enough for me:

: George toked weed, man?
Slater: Absolutely George toked weed, are you kiddin' me, man? He grew fields of that stuff, man, that's what I'mtalkin' about. Fields.

Kyle: He grew that stuff up in Mount Vernon,man.

Slater: Mount Vernon, man? He grew it all over the country, man. He had people growin' it all over the country, you know. The wholecountry back then was gettin' high. Lemme tell you, man, 'cause he knew he was onto somethin', man. He knew that it would be a good cash crop forthe southern states, man, so he grew fields of it, man. But you know what? Behind every good man there's a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington,man, and every day, George would come home, she'd have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he'd come in the door. She was a hip, a hip, hip lady,man.

I prefer my weed untaxed.

"Right now weed is cheep, illegal and easy to find. Let's keep it that way."
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

But cross breeding and growing the plant a certain way is not as harmful as medicine which is ALL man made.

It's just a way of growing the plant. Just like growers do certain things to make oranges grow bigger faster or whatever a mj grower does the same

adjust temp, minerals in the soil, proper care trimming watering etc.... not the same level of chemical alteration as medicine. People will not die from an od of thc.
You make a good point. Advances in cultivation methods is not the same as a man made drug, but I still think the "its natural so it aint asbad" argument is still flawed. Not that its as prevalant this day in age, but Jimson weed is a prime example of a recreational drug that grew in nature,but people did OD/Die and it did have negative health effects on ones body. I'm not sure what the typical OD dosage is on opium, but I'm pretty sureyou can smoke/consume enough of that to OD and die too. On the flipside, you can take a man made drug like Ketamine (some people refer to it as horsetranquilizer) which would require such a high dosage to OD that 99 out of 100 people will straight up pass out before they can consume enough to OD and die.

btw... im not trying to make the argument that drugs are bad mmmkay and they should be banned
I been smoking fairly regularly since HS which was more thana decade ago (damn im getting old) and am firm supporter of any movements to legalize. It is a point of contention with my fiance (maybe she shouldnt havesaid yes) but I will have no problem discussing the truth about marijuana with my future kids, nor will i restrict them from choosing to burn buds so long asit is done in a safe/responsible manner and done in moderation.
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Let the spewing of ignorance continue, Ima try and not even get involved this time around.
what ignorance? im curious to hear differing opinions, and based on your handle you seem to be in favor of legalization.

BTW... are you a local Raider fan (Oakland resident)? Didn't Oakland pass Measure Z a few years back effectively decriminalizing posession and growth forpersonal use within city limits?
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Didn't Oakland pass Measure Z a few years back effectively decriminalizing posession and growth for personal use within city limits?
I can answer this. Oakland passed Measure Z basically making marijuana laws the least enforced.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

purplehazze96 wrote:

Let the spewing of ignorance continue, Ima try and not even get involved this time around.
what ignorance? im curious to hear differing opinions, and based on your handle you seem to be in favor of legalization.

BTW... are you a local Raider fan (Oakland resident)? Didn't Oakland pass Measure Z a few years back effectively decriminalizing posession and growth for
personal use within city limits?

Sorry, I didn't really read any of the previous post. I just remember a thread similar to this ran 8+ pages a couple of weeks ago and some of the repliesopposing legalized marijuana were sickening.

I am an Oakland resident and yea Measure Z passed back in 2005.

For the record, I'm actually against legalization simply for my own benefit. Change is bad right? I love my states current laws and the system that'sin place.

I've heard all kinds of horror stories regarding what kind of laws and taxes would be put into affect if the federal government was to legalize marijuana.
school me on measure Z. I heard about it after coming across some story about Weed University or something. So can you walk down the street puffin a jay andthe cops wont say nothing to you as long as you arent near schools or areas where children might be?
Originally Posted by ericberry14

i relaly dont understnad why everybody is clamoring for weed to become legalized. Is it that big of an issue for you guys, is it really that much of a necessity for you to have.

damn where do I start,
-weed was made illegal by a WHITE MAN, due to RACISM, early settlers out west were complaining to to FEDS that mexicans did nothing but smoke weed and partyall night and i guess it scared them, poor babies

-when alcohol was illegal people made moonshine which was killin ppl left and right, the prohibition of weed has led to the birth of worse drugs i.e crack,meth, pcp

-no one can patent a plant so big Pharm wants you to take Xanax, Vicodin and even MARINOL
, which is fake weed so everyone can drive their big expensive cars

-a million people in jail right now (mostly minorities), their lives are ruined b/c of a plant that does not need to be altered AT ALL, literally picked up offthe ground and smoked

theres more but heres the most sad reason for me, the reason America wont legalize weed is because they wouldnt want to import it because that would defeat thepurpose, but wanna know why they cant grow it in the south, the soil has been damaged from all those years of spraying chemicals to grow cotton which is lessdurable and more expensive than Hemp, go figure

We have been very ignorant with weed for a LONG time and I honestly believe its because it is glorified by popular culture and by rappers and if a rapper isdoing something, God forbid Kenny who lives in the suburbs is smoking weed because he is listening to Lil Wayne so much...............................I mean wegot over the Black President Stigma so if we dont kill him hell probably decriminialize it before hes done
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Might take like 20 years for that to happen

first all the states have to do what states like Cali have done

Eventually the feds will not be able to control every single state. SO when 30 out of 50 states are cool with weed then the Feds will be the bad guys, which they truly are.

I have been noticing the media and news making special reports on how much money marijuana brings into the state and the failure the war on drugs has had o Marijuana. As people are educated throughout time they will soon see how the benefits out weight the possible negative aspects of the plant.

Mean while I will just chill in Cali and take advantage of the accessibility we are blessed with
Marijuana will NEVER be legalized in the USA.

yeah like we will never have a black president or before we have a black president we would have a white fem president ..
When it comes to drugs and drug policy, we need to change our mentality and shed old puritan prejudices. It is okay to be high, the high from the drug is apositive thing about a drug, it is okay to like being high, you should be allowed to take risks with your own body and finally, things should not be illegalsimply because a majority does not personally approve of it, unless you are causing a harm or risk of harm to someone else, what you do is should be your ownbusiness.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

school me on measure Z. I heard about it after coming across some story about Weed University or something. So can you walk down the street puffin a jay and
the cops wont say nothing to you as long as you arent near schools or areas where children might be?

Basically like an dee 510 said, it made weed the lowest legal priority for Oakland cops, completely decriminilized it aswell.
im fine with it being decriminalized in Mass right now..

but legalizing it
If you can understand that marijuana isn't nearly as harmful as it is projected to be from propaganda from our government, only then can you start tounderstand why it should be legalized.

Forget all the economic purposes, but could you imagine getting locked up for drinking?

It's the same thing. But much less harmful.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by iLL W1LLiam

I know somebody that made over 250K last year alone tax free off Mary Jane. If it gets legalized I'm gonna get in on it.

You and everyone else.
You would obviously have to have a license to sell it.
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