Legalizing Mary Jane????

I don't smoke but, I feel that it shouldn't be legalized. The people who want to smoke already do... But think of how the government would regulate itand bastardize it. They would tax it so high, no pun, because they know a lot of people use it... Sure it's illegal now, but I think it would be cheaper inthe long run for those of you who smoke. Granted you don't get busted.
I'm all for decriminalizing marijuana the state of washington spends 7 million a year on marijuana cases that are under 40 grams! We could use that moneyon these busted up roads and sub-par schools.
Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

I'm all for decriminalizing marijuana the state of washington spends 7 million a year on marijuana cases that are under 40 grams! We could use that money on these busted up roads and sub-par schools.
You honestly think they'd use the money towards something useful? They spend over $800 billion just on national defense... $7 million isnothing and would probably then be focused on the next most popular illegal drug of choice...
Originally Posted by jeenewed

No. Why would you want MORE pot-heads running around.

do you consider casual drinkers to be alcoholics??
I don't smoke Mary Jane, but legalize it.

I think Mary Jane is the epitome of a great time because when people around me are high, I can say a lame joke and they'll laugh and I'll look cool!
jeenewed wrote:
No. Why would you want MORE pot-heads running around.

If by "run around" you mean drive or operate machinery or otherwise pose a risk to you, I can understand where you are coming from but if by"running around" you mean existing, then go to hell. Freedom is supposed to mean freedom for people to choose to live differently then you choose tolive.

AS someone has already pointed out here, smoking a little pot or even a moderate amount is a long way from becoming a "pot head," but even if thatwere not the case, even if everyone, who smoked, smoked like Peter Tosh, that really is none of your business just like what you do for fun is (unless you areharming others) none of my business.
Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.
RKO2004 wrote:
Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

Of all of the major, recreational drugs out there, marijuana is the least likely to cause parental neglect. As far as it causing problems, most of the problemsassociated with drugs are because they are illegal. The drug war is what makes dealing drugs and killing rival dealers profitable. When something that iswidely used is made illegal, it does not go away, it goes into the black market and in the black market, that is where most of the problems occur. The worstthing that can happen to a pot smoker is going to jail, that is not a problem with the drug, it is problem with bad laws.

In fact, that is the problem with the drug war or any law enforcement effort to protect people from themselves, even if it benefits a person to not take a drugor to gamble or to engage in any other vice (by vice I mean a crime that does not involve coercion, fraud or other types of malicious or danger being inflictedon another person), the way to prevent such a vice is with extensive law enforcement resources and/or harsh punishments and that is costs to tax payers anddestroys the life of the person far more then that vice did. Until, perfect law enforcement and prevention becomes costless, prohibitions on drugs and othertypes of vices do not pass a cost benefit muster, for the person involved in the vice or for society as a whole.

Between the only way to effectively "save" someone from themselves is to destroy that person through incarceration, because its illegality hascreated a huge class of criminals and because it is costly to wage this war on drugs, we cannot afford not to legalize it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

That's *!!+%%+$. Where do you sheep generate this nonsense? Go ahead, post a link, news story, anything. Please prove me wrong, I'd bet mylungs that more parents neglect their children annually due to Warcraft than marijuana.
Legalize it so we can actually see things like the smoke a thon go down.
I wouldn't mind jumping in the ring on that one
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

That's *!!+%%+$. Where do you sheep generate this nonsense? Go ahead, post a link, news story, anything. Please prove me wrong, I'd bet my lungs that more parents neglect their children annually due to Warcraft than marijuana.
Tell my girl that. Her mama refuse to give up weed for a job but she getting back on the right track now. One of my friends parents both refusedto give it up. I don't know where you come from but there are plenty of people from here who live like that. I've seen it with my own eyes for yearsnow. So I'm a sheep for what I've seen and heard?

For medical use? Cool. That covers alot of ground. But recreational use? Oh no no no.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by siemprefresco14

(Bob Marley Voice) Leeeegaliiizze It!!

that was peter tosh not bob marley, back when they were still together as the wailers................
glad i'm not the only one who caught this.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

That's *!!+%%+$. Where do you sheep generate this nonsense? Go ahead, post a link, news story, anything. Please prove me wrong, I'd bet my lungs that more parents neglect their children annually due to Warcraft than marijuana.
Tell my girl that. Her mama refuse to give up weed for a job but she getting back on the right track now. One of my friends parents both refused to give it up. I don't know where you come from but there are plenty of people from here who live like that. I've seen it with my own eyes for years now. So I'm a sheep for what I've seen and heard?

For medical use? Cool. That covers alot of ground. But recreational use? Oh no no no.
Certain cases dude

I mean not everyone shoots their own fam cause they lose their jobs but SOME still do.

And those are the people that have no right to have kids. They also fall victims to unfair laws that regulate mj like if it was meth and reject good peoplefrom jobs etc. Messed up priorities because I can asure you those parents you mentioned were not addicted to the point where they could NOT quit.
What do you mean they refuse to give it up? If they're able to get another job and handle their responsibilities as parents it doesn't matter. If youmean these individuals refuse to give up marijuana as in they would rather smoke pot than take care of their kids than that's the fault of the individual,not the marijuana.

btw, Marijuana 3, WoW 100+
(Jokes but still)
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

I'm all for decriminalizing marijuana the state of washington spends 7 million a year on marijuana cases that are under 40 grams! We could use that money on these busted up roads and sub-par schools.
You honestly think they'd use the money towards something useful? They spend over $800 billion just on national defense... $7 million is nothing and would probably then be focused on the next most popular illegal drug of choice...

The spend our money on crap because we don't say anything when our government does it. And the last time I checked $7,000,000 was a lot of money.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

That's *!!+%%+$. Where do you sheep generate this nonsense? Go ahead, post a link, news story, anything. Please prove me wrong, I'd bet my lungs that more parents neglect their children annually due to Warcraft than marijuana.
Tell my girl that. Her mama refuse to give up weed for a job but she getting back on the right track now. One of my friends parents both refused to give it up. I don't know where you come from but there are plenty of people from here who live like that. I've seen it with my own eyes for years now. So I'm a sheep for what I've seen and heard?

For medical use? Cool. That covers alot of ground. But recreational use? Oh no no no.
So the people who smoke for recreational purposes, yet have their priorities in order, have to suffer because of irresponsible smokers? Is that aproblem that falls on the individual or marijuana?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Is there a limit put on it because we have enough problems now while its illegal. Parents already quit life to smoke it.

That's *!!+%%+$. Where do you sheep generate this nonsense? Go ahead, post a link, news story, anything. Please prove me wrong, I'd bet my lungs that more parents neglect their children annually due to Warcraft than marijuana.
Tell my girl that. Her mama refuse to give up weed for a job but she getting back on the right track now. One of my friends parents both refused to give it up. I don't know where you come from but there are plenty of people from here who live like that. I've seen it with my own eyes for years now. So I'm a sheep for what I've seen and heard?

For medical use? Cool. That covers alot of ground. But recreational use? Oh no no no.

Because a few people are irresponsible with weed, it shouldn't be legal recreationally? That's like saying because some people are alcoholics then weshould ban alcohol.
OK fine. Go ahead and legalize it.
The national weed association came out strong. But doesn't it cause memory loss?
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by siemprefresco14

(Bob Marley Voice) Leeeegaliiizze It!!

that was peter tosh not bob marley, back when they were still together as the wailers................
glad i'm not the only one who caught this.
@ siemprefresco

and HighRep87, wuotin siemprefresco as if dude is on, when he aint even know!
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