Legalizing Mary Jane????

Can someone explain to me why marijuana is illegal? It doesn't even have any negative effects and it's definitely healthier than cigarettes...
does anyone else think that legalizing would make it harder for kids to get it?

IMO, its A LOT easier to get it from a dealer than it is to get it from a store, if you're underaged.
I am all for it! Legalize it and just give it the same restrictions as alcohol. Lord knows this country needs the money and I'm sick of seeing those stupidanti weed campaign ads on tv.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

See this is how I feel when someone knocks my beliefs. As for weed I had to bring up what ifs to see y'all reasoning for it. Question is, if its truly harmless, what does it do that the government has a huge problem with? I've been wondering that one for a while.
That's the million dollar question my friend. As I've come to frustratingly find out, our government rarely reflects research. Lets just say the government has a lot of special interests and lobbyists. Cigarettes, alcohol, cotton, diesel and other people who have FAR more of an influence political than you and me.

While others tenaciously hold on to the fallacies that marijuana is some awful society killer. Making marijuana legal means the government has been wrong for so long. It means every congressman who's won a campaign by promising to be tougher on weed has been wrong. Do you know how many politians have made their career on drugs? Lets just say politicans don't like to be wrong.

If I was so convinced that marijauna was the devil and I got moral satisfaction that I was doing good for people by making it illegal, it would be hard for me to change my tone.

Plus there are still alot of religious extremists in office who believe "drugs" are immoral while alcohol is ok. Ironic that alcohol is the much more dangerous drug.

Great points. You know it is odd how cigs are just fine and so is beer but they bring the pain on weed
. Now I will say, other than drug deals gone wrong, beer and cigs have killedmillions. I mean drunk driving is an assassin alone. I don't see myself doing it but I'm starting to wonder what the heck is going on with weed beingbad but everything else is sold in stores and advertised.

does anyone else think that legalizing would make it harder for kids to get it?

IMO, its A LOT easier to get it from a dealer than it is to get it from a store, if you're underaged.
It would be harder. Alot harder.

I would get
if I saw a weed section in stores. I don't know if I want a world of itbeing legal mane
. EVERYWHERE you go it would be hacky sack, weedclouds, roaches and cheetos. I'm joking
Originally Posted by Qualmes

Ducktales to people who say they drive better high...overtime weed just makes u do loaded stupid moves...I watch people do this everyday

depends on what you smoke, a nice equatorial sativa will make most people drive better ( stay away from those trippy paranoid sativa's though.......indica's make some people drive worse others better... depends on person / stain...
Originally Posted by kobe82410

does anyone else think that legalizing would make it harder for kids to get it?

IMO, its A LOT easier to get it from a dealer than it is to get it from a store, if you're underaged.

Middle school through high school, weed was WAY easier to get than alcohol.
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by Qualmes

Ducktales to people who say they drive better high...overtime weed just makes u do loaded stupid moves...I watch people do this everyday

depends on what you smoke, a nice equatorial sativa will make most people drive better ( stay away from those trippy paranoid sativa's though....... indica's make some people drive worse others better... depends on person / stain...

couldnt agree more. if im puffin on a nice indica, first off... i dont want to get in the car and go nowhere anyways... but if i did, it definitely does slowdown my motor skills a bit.
im sure this has been touched on but i havent got the chance to read through this entire thread yet but i believe the govnt makes way to much money on it beingillegal. Between the fines, and the illegal stuff that goes on behind the scenes (dont be naive) i would guess it to be a billion dollar plus business for themto just keep everything exactly the way it is. Now, with some states legalizing it for medical purposes and so many "clubs" popping up the feds justsit back and raid them whenever they want, many times relieving the clubs of over a million dollars cash per raid. Seems like they are happy with the waythings are and i dont see it changing any time soon.
When the day comes there will be sessions across america...I can see myself now in a weed bar hitting some of the best exotic
I think it comes down to this:

If alcohol is legal, why isn't weed?

Alcohol is more addictive, far more dangerous, and more damaging with no benefits.

Marijuana is not addictive, has never killed anyone, cannot be overdosed and has medicinal benefits.

It makes no sense.
People saying Weed is legal In Europe, its not its tolerated....You can still get arrested, but in Little Moderately.....If Marijuana was fully legalized Inthe USA it was be a Disaster....Just like Beer, I think that if it WERE be Legalize, it should Only be sold to people of age 18 and 21 ETC.....

Government is soo +$+@+* dumb...Imagine the Profit they would make...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

See this is how I feel when someone knocks my beliefs. As for weed I had to bring up what ifs to see y'all reasoning for it. Question is, if its truly harmless, what does it do that the government has a huge problem with? I've been wondering that one for a while.
That's the million dollar question my friend. As I've come to frustratingly find out, our government rarely reflects research. Lets just say the government has a lot of special interests and lobbyists. Cigarettes, alcohol, cotton, diesel and other people who have FAR more of an influence political than you and me.

While others tenaciously hold on to the fallacies that marijuana is some awful society killer. Making marijuana legal means the government has been wrong for so long. It means every congressman who's won a campaign by promising to be tougher on weed has been wrong. Do you know how many politians have made their career on drugs? Lets just say politicans don't like to be wrong.

If I was so convinced that marijauna was the devil and I got moral satisfaction that I was doing good for people by making it illegal, it would be hard for me to change my tone.

Plus there are still alot of religious extremists in office who believe "drugs" are immoral while alcohol is ok. Ironic that alcohol is the much more dangerous drug.

Great points. You know it is odd how cigs are just fine and so is beer but they bring the pain on weed
. Now I will say, other than drug deals gone wrong, beer and cigs have killed millions. I mean drunk driving is an assassin alone. I don't see myself doing it but I'm starting to wonder what the heck is going on with weed being bad but everything else is sold in stores and advertised.

does anyone else think that legalizing would make it harder for kids to get it?

IMO, its A LOT easier to get it from a dealer than it is to get it from a store, if you're underaged.
It would be harder. Alot harder.

I would get
if I saw a weed section in stores. I don't know if I want a world of it being legal mane
. EVERYWHERE you go it would be hacky sack, weed clouds, roaches and cheetos. I'm joking

RKO, if you ever do decide to smoke in the future, I'mma be mad as hell if you don't shoot me a pm first...unless of course you do it withan experience best friend

RE: "i just don't see a benefit inlegalization, only the downfall and i dare someone to give me a legitimate benefit of legalizing weed without bringing up the economy."

How often are violent crimes committed as aresult of illegal drug deals gone bad? Do you not see the benefit of the government regulating marijuana in the same way it regulates alcohol to avoid suchincidences? When was the last time someone was killed buying a fifth of liquor?

How often do non-violent offenders turn intoviolent offenders after serving time for drug related charges? What sort of burden does society pay every time the government ruins a young person's lifein order to enforce anti-drug laws?

How much of the $11.4 billion that theOffice of National Drug Control Policy recieves annually could otherwise be spent on building new, state of the art schools in low poverty areas (areas wherechildren tend to be the most at-risk for drug use)?

Do you honestly think that there would be a substantial influx in the number of stoned drivers if this were to happen? Is it somethingyou genuinely fear?

I have never really cared for weed, and in my experience, individuals who smoke it are rarely amongst America's "best andbrightest." But to suggest that no legitimate benefits would come from legalizing a relatively harmless substance is simplyoutrageous.
why won't they legalize marijuana?

because if they do, they won't be able to control ALL of it, and that bothers them. check it out.

i wrote my final paper on this for my freshmen english composition class 3 years ago and it makes even more sense to me now than then. the united statesgovernment would save/make roughly between 10 to 30 BILLION dollars a year if they legalized marijuana. This comes from the monies they would make cultivating,producing, distributing, taxing, etc... as well as the amount that would be saved on prosecution, incarceration, etc. of marijuana related crimes.

let's face it, people typically don't get high and then decide they want to go and kill that guy who bumped into them at the mall that afternoon.marijuana is used to recreational purposes, in most cases to relax, similar to "having a beer after a long day". i don't remember the exactstatistics, but it's something absurd like 75% of all marijuana related crime is petty/misdemeanor possession charges.

sure, people get killed in drug deals over marijuana, but the ratio of that happening to the amount of times someone gets pulled over for speeding and has ablunt in the ashtray is not even comparable. the amount of time and money that goes into arresting, incarcerating, providing a public defendant, trying, andconvicting (which hardly ever happens, 99% of possession charges get plead down) a marijuana related violater is absurd. and for what? to stick a guy whowanted to smoke a joint in jail for 30 days, where taxpayer money is paying for his room and board as well as meals.

as far as controlling it, think of it in term of making your own wine/beer or rolling your own cigarettes. i have more than a few friends who brew their ownbeer, and while it's "decent", it's not like going to 711 and grabbing a 6 pack of Corona's. It's just not the same. However, with$500, a few months to kill, time, and some seeds, you can grow some of the best piffery ever in your closet. And that's what concerns the government.

Trust, if they were to legalize marijuana, it wouldn't be the most potent stuff being sold. imagine the most potent weed out there being a 10 on a 1-10scale. well the stuff you would buy in packs like cigarettes in gas stations would be like a 4 on that scale, with 7 level stuff being sold, but being moreexpensive, sort of like liquor to beer. They wouldn't put any level 10 stuff out (moonshine) because they don't want people being that impaired.

But, like moonshine, you can get it illegally, and the people who truly want the best weed out there would continue to go to their homegrown dealers who cangive them exactly what they want. So while the government would make most of the money, they won't stop people from growing it on their own... and thatpisses them off.

This is why marijuana is still "illegal".
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