let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Luong1209

@ the title.

How's BDiddy doing?

Seems fine on the bench
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Landry Fields may be the worst basketball player I've ever seen, he is so awkward and pathetic, why didn't we trade him and keep Felton?

This is one of the worst posts I've ever seen

Prove it

Feltons definitely the better player but we would have had to amnesty felton to make cap space for chandler which means we wouldn't have fields or felton and our team would be even worse. If I remember correctly Felton's making about 8 mil a year and Fields doesn't even make 1 mil.And Fields doesnt suck he was arguably the best true rookie before the Melo trade and needs to find a way to fit in with the team the way it's currently constructed. We all know he was a ghost the second half of last season but he was just a rookie u gotta give him time. He doesn't need the ball, rebounds well for his position, and shot 40% for 3 last season so once he figures it out he should be a good fit with Melo and Stat.
Knicks fans will be disappoint when you see how fat and out of shape Baron is. It's only getting worse the longer he is injured.
I'm sitting here looking at Landry Fields sprint down the court like "What the hell is Kris Humphries doing in a Knicks uniform?"
Brooks with the nice defensive attempt. nearly got eaten by chandler, but i give him credit
Originally Posted by MrONegative

This whole Melo as point forward ...
Guess I'll just get used to the turnovers.
I actually like it. Probably the first Dantoni decision i can support. He's by far the best passer on the team.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Brooks with the nice defensive attempt. nearly got eaten by chandler, but i give him credit

yeah that was gutsy. tyson needs to slam it down next time tho
I was telling people at the Pru Center saturday, Harrellson will be a knick fan favorite. I like him. He can be your big baby. i like the matchup between Shumpert and Brooks as well. Some good rookies for both of our teams
I don't like Dantoni's idea to bench the starters when obviously chemistry is a problem and we have a game on Sunday.
Nets though did not do bad defensively against a team that scored over 100 a game last year. both games the knicks were kept to under 100. I wish both teams played fully to the end but what can you do in the pre-season. Good luck this year guys. Have a good squad on your hands.
I liked how Pringles gave the 2nd unit extended play. I figure he was seeing who was gonna get play down the line.

Balkman out here looking like a valuable 6th man
He's changing my opinion of him. Wouldn't even be mad if we kept him. Had no idea who this Green guy was but I was figuring whoever that nameless face I couldn't make during practice was gonna be the guy to get cut when we started improving are bench with signings.

I'd like to see Jordan out there. Josh looks pretty good. I feel he'll learn a lot from any of his mistakes. Shump has showed a lot of nice things throughout the game but I don't see how he takes the starting spot from Fields quickly this season. He needs to keep learning. He's high risk, high reward at this point as far as impact goes. Does a lot of good things but I have seen some slip ups that wouldn't fare well among the starting lineup.

Did not like the amount of 2nd chance points we gave the Nets. It just seemed if Tyson wasn't there we were not getting the rebound. He can't be altering/tipping a shot and be getting the rebound on the other side of the paint at the same time. Loved Melo @ the point with his passes, his teammates need to reach his level and be prepared. He was giving them gifts.

@ booing Humphries when he has the ball and then chanting for Humphries to come back on the court.

I can see DWill getting mad early and often on this Nets team.

-Iman was a beast on the defensive end
-Melo's passing and his defense
-Chandler with 12 boards 2 blocks and a steal
-Balkman with 8 boards 2 blocks and a steal
-Jorts 10 boards 2 blocks and 3 steals


-Everyone played terrible on offense besides Melo
-Douglas looks like he's getting worse at the Point every game
-Shumpert's shot selection
-I'm convinced Fields ceiling was the first half of his rookie season
-Stat's jumper is not there yet.
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