let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by d3simet

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Al Iannazzone: As expected, the Knicks have claimed Steve Novak. Their roster stands at 16. So someone will be cut in the next couple of days.
Who getting cut?
Who would you cut?
Easily, Jared Jeffries.

Wait weren't the nets supposed to change their Jerseys and team name to Brooklyn this season?I am also seconding cutting ared efferiesDon't worry the J on my keyboard doesn't work
Jorts has to get minutes.

Stat and Melo jumpers should be falling by January.

Landry might be better off the bench. He can spell Melo since he plays better with him off the floor.
Landry defense has improved greatly
[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
FisolaNYDN Frank Isola

Carmelo Anthony on his former Denver teammate Kenyon Martin getting a buyout from his Chinese team: "We still have money, right?"

Shumpert needs to start getting some more minutes at the 1, he played D-Will VERY good.

TD looks TERRIBLE. Deron was driving on him at will...like he wasn't even there. And he has NO vision out there, right now he by far the worst starting PG in the league. Might be the worst period. He has no floor general ability and thats something you can't teach. He jumps brings the ball up the court, stops his dribble and passes it off to the closest player. We can't continue like that for long, thats not our game.

Its gonna take some games for our frontline to click, they clearly aren't there yet....but when they do mesh, its gonna be a problem for the rest of the league.
not sure what to make of this team at this point.

if D'Antoni plays to his strength's as a coach/system it exploit's the team's weaknesses. Can't shoot from 3 at all -- every spot on the floor, really poor PG play. the top weapon on the team works best in the mid-range and in a perfect world, the post -- something his offense doesn't generally cater to. I think Amare in the PNR is really the only aspect offensively that meshes.

On the other hand, the staff's/system's weaknesses dating back to Phoenix are defense and size across the front-line. That's obviously here now. (by default it's going to be a better rebounding team, too.)

Going to have to evolve and adapt offensively, goal should be to never take 20+ three's in a game. It's not something I've had much of an issue with in the past, but this team just really, really does not have outside shooters.

Definitely Going to be interesting, Baron probably is the key to this whole thing if we're making any noise this year. Has to make things easier for everyone else on offense. I still like Toney but hard to say he's the solution to what's likely going to be this teams problems in the short-term.
We really need to fix our PG situation but that probably won't happen until the offseason.

Baron really is the key to our success this year. It sounds like he will be ready to go soon but the league would take some action if they felt he faked an injury to get out of Cleveland.

Mo Williams would do work in our system.
Dantoni will be gone. This team is terrible for his "system". The guy can't adapt.

Our season depends on baron. It is what it is. But we need him desperately and I think he will show out. We need his court vision badly
If he tries to run this team like past teams, he will get fired and deservedly so.

don't have shooters and damn sure don't have guys who can pass the ball. It does have size, length (and potential to be good on defense & boards) and 2 guys that can go get a bucket at any time.

Team is more built to win games 91-88 than 114-111. If he adapts to that, great. If not.. by all means, time to move on.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

We really need to fix our PG situation but that probably won't happen until the offseason.

Baron really is the key to our success this year. It sounds like he will be ready to go soon but the league would take some action if they felt he faked an injury to get out of Cleveland.

Mo Williams would do work in our system.
No they won't.

No he wouldn't.
I think he would, hes a capable shooter and an efficient passer into the post.

If Felton shined....don't see why Mo wouldn't.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I think he would, hes a capable shooter and an efficient passer into the post.

If Felton shined....don't see why Mo wouldn't.
Felton shined because last year's NYK team prior to the Melo trade had shooters and was well capable of running the D'Antoni system(outscoring people and playing 0 defense).
This current team is very different from the above mentioned
Speaking of Mo. Im watching the Clipper Lakers game. Clips looks very good.

We dont have anyone to trade for Mo.

I actually think B. davis can play like next week. I do think he over exaggerated his injury tho
Ill give him two weeks
Oh you mean like Felton. Probably, but I never felt Felton shined like that. He wasn't really all-star caliber, just benefiting off stars sorta like Mo in Cle.
Any competent PG can shine on this team we have right now.

Defenders running into picks from Melo, Amar'e and Chandler and then trying to chase them down on the roll to the basket or defend the jump shot?...Should be a PG's dream.

Any competent point guard in the league would look good in this current situation....from Steve Blake to Earl Boykins.

I don't think y'all realize how terrible Toney has been at the 1. He's not even really playing Point Guard, he's just bringing the ball up court and passing it off. Players are cutting and calling and he doesn't even have the confidence to deliver the pass.

He is not a 1 and will never be as long as he's starting at that position we are wasting millions of dollars by not getting the most out of our stars.
I can't see us getting k-mart. Dude wants a starting role and to get paid not win a title. There's really no other reason for him to have gone to play in China besides financial incentives. Even if he comes here for the 1 year 2.5 mil he won't get enough mins to shine and get another decent contract next year. I'd love him to add toughness, defense, depth, and goonery but I don't see him coming here. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[font='Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
FisolaNYDN Frank Isola

Carmelo Anthony on his former Denver teammate Kenyon Martin getting a buyout from his Chinese team: "We still have money, right?"

Hope we can snatch him up somehow later in the season.Unfortunately I haven't been able to catch any of the Knicks coverage the whole season. Most of my impression of the team so fat is of what I'm reading online. No cable provider at the moment and I'm hearing Time Warner may drop MSG? Any Fios reviews? I gotta get something ASAP. Missing these preseason games and all the NBAtv coverage is killing me.But some of what I thought would develop......Iman is going to be a problem....Jorts is going to work hard for us....Chandlers energy will rub off.I'm just a little worried about the PG position for the start of the season. How serious is the Bibby injury? Hoping Baron gets back sooner then later. He's going to be vital. And I think he's going to prove a lot of people wrong. TD is great off the bench for us. I think that suits him best as well. He can't control and offense or make an offense consistently flow. I still mess with him tho. When BD comes back he can do what we would have wanted Crawford to do. Score off the bench.I hope Novak proves to be a good signing right away because we need as much help off the bench as possible. Gonna be a lot of times when Iman is forcing the issue with no other real options in the second unit. Balkman sounding like he wanna have something to do with our success. I honestly liked him his first go round with us and would love his type of game to unleash in the Garden every other game. But I don't know how much stock Ima put in Balkman.Melo and Amare are a wash... I just hope to see a the defensive intensity from these 2.
Felton was good cause he got to run....
He is a fast playing PG, and that system fit him perfectly.
If you had tried to make a Felton deal right now I would favor you over my Bulls, that is how good a fit he was for the Pringles system.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by MrONegative

This whole Melo as point forward ...
Guess I'll just get used to the turnovers.
I actually like it. Probably the first Dantoni decision i can support. He's by far the best passer on the team.
ugh phone.
at Melo but
at the turnovers and learning curve that's gonna happen.

yea Kenyon...
+ Melo knows him, NYC for a few months, contender, #1 guy off the bench, starts when Amare's resting
- LA got 9 mil waiting for him, he'll be the biggest name available right now
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I think Chris Dudley is my most hated Knick of all time. Dude was beyond garbage. I'm positive I could take him one on one.
This man wonders why he was overlooked.

Spoiler [+]

When he's out, the Knicks have Toney Douglas running the point, which is less than ideal. While I like him as a player, he's a bad fit at the point in this system because he's blind as a bat.

Otherwise, the roster is a bit of a mess. Landry Fields and Iman Shumpert are nice prospects but aren't ready to be top-seven players on a contending team. Jared Jeffries and Renaldo Balkman are the top two frontcourt reserves. Really. And at some point the Knicks will have to play Mike Bibby in a real game.


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