let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Hank Scorpio

It'll certainly be an interesting 24-72 hours. Btw, I think this free agency is way more exciting than the Summer of 2010 free agency.
I understand this is your opinion but you seriously might be the only person who feels this way.

The 2010 NBA free agency period was unlike ANYTHING else the sports world had seen. The large number of big names/good talent available, the numerous teams that had built up (or broken down) their roster just for a chance at hitting the jackpot, the endless amount of rumors and speculation regarding players and teams...even dudes like Melo and CP3, who weren't FA's yet, were being talked about at that point because of how the league was shaping up. ESPN and social media micro-analyzing every little detail. Forget the day-to-day +#!#...there was literally something new to read about every hour. I remember mentioning at the time that if ESPN still did 30 for 30 Doc's way later in the future, they should dedicate an entire episode to LBJ's Decision and that entire summer. The best talent in the league voluntarily left his home team in the middle of his prime...+#!# like that NEVER happens, anywhere.

Plus we're only a day and some change into this year's FA.

How soon we forget...
i agree...This year doesn't come close to 2010. LOL hell, I remember updating the thread every few hours that summer. Too much was going on twitter, realgm, etc...
even during the 4th of july, i was checking up on the news every few minutes on my phone 
Knicks need to doooooooo somethingggggggggggggggg. Nets made a move for JJ and Dwight wants to go there ....The #++* are we doing in regards to Lin n Nash ?
JJ will go to the nets but they are not getting dwight... JJ is a max contract and so is deron and also crash 10 million contract... and the nets will probably sign lopez to a decent sized contract too... only way dwight goes there is if he takes a pay cut
Lol going a little overboard with " the Knicks need to do something"

Relax, the Nets didn't exactly become the second coming of the heatles lol
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Lol going a little overboard with " the Knicks need to do something"

Relax, the Nets didn't exactly become the second coming of the heatles lol

knick fans are just so use to the "sky is falling" mentality
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Word like Joe Johnson on the Nets is something to be fearful of.


THIS. The Nets just resigned a 30 year old Gerald Wallace for 10 mill a year, gave away a potential lottery pick, and just traded for a 31 year old Johnson with 90 mill left on his contract.

Dudes should've been smart and spread that money around towards OJ, Humph, and Green.

The Nets are STILL well...the Nets. Jersey or Brooklyn...
Nate & JR

Always liked Nate but wasn't mad when he was gone, although he was done dirty before he left. I just hope he has better control of his game and has become a better decision maker.
watching the 2009 dunk contest with nate on nbatv and wilson chandler helps him and seeing wilson in a knick uniform made me miss.him
its on now for anyone that wanna see.
The Houston Rockets are pessimistic about their chances of re-signing point guard Goran Dragic with the sides far apart in negotiations, according to sources close to the process. 

The Rockets met with Dragic on Monday in Houston and were hopeful of reaching terms quickly with the Slovenian, who averaged 16.3 points and 7.3 assists in 32 games after the All-Star break following an injury to Kyle Lowry

But Dragic left town without a deal, sources said, leading one source close to the process to say that the lefty's expected return to the Rockets is "not going to happen." 
Dragic still wants 10 mil per and to start. Even if we could give him the money which we can't I'm not sure Dolan would okay Lin coming off the bench unless it's Nash. If anything we'd have to wait until a team offered Lin a back loaded contract, convince Dolan that Lin isn't that good and we can get Dragic, a better player for cheaper instead.
Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist

If only, if only
No, Please Stop. I can't take this anymore.
Recent news btw, Sources say Nets still trying to trade for Dwight Howard as we speak.
Man you can go to Brooklyn with that bring Nate back

Remember when Ramon Sessions was the answer to the Knicks prayers?
Even though the Knicks team doesn't make tremendous sense as currently constituted, what they desperately need is some TIME to play together and develop chemistry. Management needs to stop making crazy moves and relax. It takes time for a team to grow together.
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