let this thread die (NYK)

Just to satisfy my curiosity, how many of you Knicks fan will be rooting for Lin?
Seems like a huge majority are against him for leaving (on his fb fanpage).

I hope he does well. If you listen to the radio up here, fans are 50/50.
He's not on the team anymore so I'm indifferent to how he does. I hope he plays bad against us though(tired of former Knicks lighting us up :lol:). As just a player I'm not a fan in particular so he's not gonna really be on my radar like players I am a fan of.
Just to satisfy my curiosity, how many of you Knicks fan will be rooting for Lin?
Seems like a huge majority are against him for leaving (on his fb fanpage).

I honestly don't even know. If he does badly I can delude myself into thinking the knicks made a basketball decision. But I don't ultimately blame him for what happened, so I don't see why I woukd want him to fail.
The hell happened to NT in like 3 days...why's it say i joined in 07...
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off topic but guys, method man actually wants us to go to war with Sanjay and sneakertalk.com :nerd:

Trust me, guys, we're not going to let them get away with this.  We're also not just going to run in there, guns blazing, without a very clear strategy.  The people who did this to us are greedy, unethical individuals and they're ACTING like greedy, unethical individuals.  That's who they are and that's their weakness.  We, however, are a COMMUNITY.  We have strength in numbers.  We have character, we have values, and we have pride.  Our community response should resemble our community. 

We're going to act.  We're going to act TOGETHER.  And we're going to act in a way that we can all be proud of. 

If you think they're having trouble defending themselves against the disorganized handful of individual spam and flame attempts that have been posted there thus far, there is no way they can hope to defend against the full force of a united NikeTalk. 

I added this to another post, but it applies here:

You see this nonsense they're pulling with the old niketalk.yuku.com address?  They threatened to do that to us this winter.  

Getting NikeTalk off of Yuku was only half the battle.  The other half will be fought by ALL of us. 

I'm sure we'll get into a lot more depth later on - but, for now, don't get your Yuku accounts banned just yet.  We will most certainly have use for them soon.
Im ready for war when Meth gives the go ahead. Thats some grimy &(*@ Yuku did. Knew we was right for hatin that board.

As for if I will root for Lin.........I dont wish him failure. But with that said, I think he will be exposed for the mediocre player that he is now that he will be surrounded by no1 worth guarding closely and teams have tape and a gameplan for him now.
I did the same thing in the Knicks thread there and didn't get banned....... yet.

I'd love Adam Morrison on this team. I'm a fan of his awkward style and temperament. Hope he actually excels with w/e team he gets on.
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Morrison, you say? Might as well :lol:

And nah, I won't be rooting for Lin. That's just one less thing the Knicks got wrong if he stinks it up.
That Felton video got me excited (paws). It's great having a player that actually wants to be here. Kidd/Felton combo doesn't sound bad at all, fellas. Let's get Lin's name out of the title so we can move on. That 2 guard spot needs help though. Perhaps just a spot up shooter and defender.
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