let this thread die (NYK)

[table][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].Point Guards[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gilbert Arenas Last team: Orlando[/font]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nate Robinson Last team: Oklahoma City[/font]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Earl Boykins Last team: Milwaukee[/font]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Antonio Daniels Last team: Philadelphia[/font]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Zabian Dowdell Last team: Phoenix[/font]
[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].Shooting Guards[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Michael Redd Last team: Milwaukee[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Gerald Green Last team: Houston[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kelenna Azubuike[/font] Last team: New York[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stephen Graham Last team: New Jersey[/font][/td] [/tr][tr][td][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Eddie House Last team: Miami[/font][/td][/tr][/table]
Word, STAT needs to step it up defensively. Don't brag about being 6'11" and then stand around and watch 6'9" guy make you look invisible on defense and the boards.

He wasn't even trying at times yesterday and that has been his MO throughout his career. We let it slide when he had the team on his back last season but now there's no excuse.

We're not paying $100 mill for a spot up jump shooter who only plays one side of the ball. He has ALL the potential and more than enough athleticism to be a rebounding beast and an intimidating (or at least competent) defender but he doesn't have the mindset.

If he really cares about winning a championship like he says he does...he at least has to pretend that he cares about the other side of the ball, like Melo has.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Don't care, you just mentioned TD and Fields for Sessions and Parker. !%#% outta here, and chill out.

SO #@$%@! WHAT. Another Knicks fan overrating our players what else is new. Ramon Sessions is a better PG than Toney Douglas period. For this team to reach it's full potential it needs a PG who can run the offense until Baron gets healthy and when he's on the bench . Landry Fields is not the player he was pre Melo and damn sure isn't and will never be a SG. I love Landry but he is not a starting 2 in the league he is a backup small forward at best . Anthony Parker can hit the open three which he has showed throughout his career dude is old as $#@! but he will still have an immediate impact on this team because he can knock down open shots. Tired of dudes acting like a undersized 2 forced to play the 1 and 3 forced to play the two is untouchable

I'll wait for you to point out where I'm overrating our players. Please, point it out for all to see.  All I'm really saying is relax, you're quick to want to make roster moves instead of letting things play out. Sessions fell off after leaving Milwaukee first of all, if anyone has been overrated by our fanbase it's DEFINITELY him. And Anthony Parker, I'm not ready to pull the trigger on him over Fields just yet, it's Fields' 2nd year
the impatience is uncanny.

Amare (and Chandler, partly) got abused on the boards by Bass. Like really, Amare is flat footed around the rim on defense more than anything. You'd think if there were any game where he'd get up for the opponent on BOTH sides of the ball it'd be this game. Bass was out there looking like Dennis Rodman in '96, unbelievable. Not sure if he'll ever be held accountable for his shortcomings in that 3rd Q but it needs to be addressed quickly.
If we do sign someone, I don't see why we would sign anyone outside of a NBDL type.

If you were going to sign a vet, Not a fan of signing Eddie House. Isn't that what we got Bibby for?

I could live with signing Bogans. He'd compete on the defensive end.
Our fan base might overrate Sessions but he's still a better pg than TD. I'd do a trade straight up for those 2, I just don't see Cle doing it so there's no point discussing it.

There's nothing left to play out with TD though. We know what he is and what he can do. Quite frankly, we can do better and deserve better. No way this team has a new defensive mentality with him on this team.

I've come to terms with STAT just not being the guy on defense. I am shocked he hasn't got the spotlight on him yet with the media but quite frankly, I don't think calling him out about it would help at all. I could see him shrinking on offense with his overall game if the fans and media got on him for his lack of defense. It aint like he's perfect on offense. The best thing he does is block shots, so I just hope he does that enough and he had a key block last game so I'll take it.
Jared Zwerling: 'Antoni on needs: "Especially w/ a pg. We have 3 pgs & two are questionable. You start thinking, Maybe we have to do something there."
Billy Walker said Monday he bumped into Celtics combatant Kevin Garnett by the team bus to clear the air.

“When I was leaving the arena , I talked to him," Walker said. “We’re both competitors; we wanted to win. Emotions run high when you play at that level. We shook hands.’’

Walker and Garnett went at it after the final buzzer Sunday when Garnett’s potential game-tying shot missed at the buzzer.

Walker defended Garnett on the last shot and replays showed Garnett pushed him by his throat. Walker said after the game Garnett also grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

Walker tried to get at Garnett for a full 30 seconds but was restrained and all but dragged off the court. After the game, Walker said Garnett’s actions were “disrespectful.’’

The NBA could fine or suspend Garnett for the physical contact.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/knick...robinson_F9Kd108c8CoVCIBGfwkrpL#ixzz1hfzyEdCI
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Don't care, you just mentioned TD and Fields for Sessions and Parker. !%#% outta here, and chill out.

SO #@$%@! WHAT. Another Knicks fan overrating our players what else is new. Ramon Sessions is a better PG than Toney Douglas period. For this team to reach it's full potential it needs a PG who can run the offense until Baron gets healthy and when he's on the bench . Landry Fields is not the player he was pre Melo and damn sure isn't and will never be a SG. I love Landry but he is not a starting 2 in the league he is a backup small forward at best . Anthony Parker can hit the open three which he has showed throughout his career dude is old as $#@! but he will still have an immediate impact on this team because he can knock down open shots. Tired of dudes acting like a undersized 2 forced to play the 1 and 3 forced to play the two is untouchable

I'll wait for you to point out where I'm overrating our players. Please, point it out for all to see.  All I'm really saying is relax, you're quick to want to make roster moves instead of letting things play out. Sessions fell off after leaving Milwaukee first of all, if anyone has been overrated by our fanbase it's DEFINITELY him. And Anthony Parker, I'm not ready to pull the trigger on him over Fields just yet, it's Fields' 2nd year
the impatience is uncanny.

Amare (and Chandler, partly) got abused on the boards by Bass. Like really, Amare is flat footed around the rim on defense more than anything. You'd think if there were any game where he'd get up for the opponent on BOTH sides of the ball it'd be this game. Bass was out there looking like Dennis Rodman in '96, unbelievable. Not sure if he'll ever be held accountable for his shortcomings in that 3rd Q but it needs to be addressed quickly.

Sessions is not the same player he was in Milwaukee but still he will be better for this team running the point than Toney is. Also like I said before me saying I want Fields moved for a real two and Douglas moved for a real PG is nothing new I've been feeling this way since last season even while Fields was playing well it was obvious he wasn't a long term option at the two because of his lack of ball handling and speed on the defensive and offensive end. Thanks to Dantoni's uptempo offense and us having a real PG Fields overachieved the first half of the season and with Melo being here our whole dynamic on offense has changed and he will never be the player he was in the first half on this team again. I honestly don't even want to get into Toney at the point cause at the end of the day we both know he's awful, yea he will give you a spectacular game from 3 like he did in Chicago last year but that's once every 30 games . He's not a PG and if we have the chance to get one for him we should take it , I agree with you 100% about Stat I seen him do that move out the way of someone driving $#@! he does numerous times yesterday and it pissed me off. Dude doesn't understand Chandler can't do everything because while Tyson is challenging shots he needs to be on the weak side boxing out and getting the rebound.
A lot more posts about STAT and Pringles. Probably like a dozen pages of TD hate.

And if we had lost on a buzzer beater, that altercation at the end would've been an outright brawl.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Jesus. I'd hate to see what condition this thread would be in if we lost that game.
Folks would be calling for HEADS if we lost. GUARANTEED!

Our fanbase has turned into the Yankees overnight.
Sessions is garbage too though, how does that even benefit the Knicks.

Dude can't run a team either.
I think we gotta live w/ Toney for now, and he's simply gonna be a scorer off the bench once Baron gets healthy. I've said it like 5x in this thread, but Toney is Not a PG, and saying he's a combo guard doesn't even seem appropriate. He's an undersized 2, a Poor man's Ben Gordon. We're good with that if he's getting 10-25 min depending on how he's shooting that day when Melo or Amare is resting. That's why i couldn't understand why we wouldn't move him for Jamal, who would've filled that role perfectly, while also being able to play 2 with starters if we needed him to. We just need to hopefully play above .500 till we can get Baron. Losing Shumpert this early really hurts bc he could've used this time to develop. Hopefully Bibby can earn his vet min the next month or two, and Baron can manage a game and make good decisions when he's back.

The person I'm more worried about than TD is Fields. For whatever reason, I just don't see him fitting in with this team that well. It seems like they need outside shooters and quick hustle defenders, and Fields is neither. Not blaming him or saying he's inadequate, but he just doesn't seem to be comfortable when Melo's on the floor. I'd hate to give up on him because he seems like a good guy, but not sure Fields fits in here.
Toney is an overrated defender that's for sure. I would like him to stay and be a two guard. We all know he isn't a pg.

Can anyone defend dantoni not falling a time out on that 16-2 run. I was so !@+$@%# mad. He's a stubborn guy. Doc rivers called a time out after 4 points. I've seen him do it on the first points of a game

I mean that's some novice stuff. Very frustrating. Win or lose we wont get a chip with him
During that run he had the 2nd unit out there for some time. I don't see a timeout stopping the Celts from having the momentum when it was lets say a 8-2 run. Rondo was going off and he would continue to do so and Ray started heating up. Call a timeout, say some shh just to watch the same porous defense go out there and continue the run.

Not really defending Pringles but I like when coaches in general (Phil comes tomind) let players work it out during a run when they're on the losing side at least when it comes to scoring. I think he was just focused on resting Melo, STAT, and Tyson since they were already in foul trouble.
Marc Berman: Hearing Kevin Garnett will not be suspended or disciplined for his after-buzzer tango with Bill Walker. #Knicks
I think all Amare needs to do right now is learn to box out! Watching this game again this guy doesn't know how to box out to save his life.  I see him being a perimeter player now since he's going to fall in love with that 3.  I think Baron can really help his game out though because when Melo is on the bench Stat and Baron should be on the floor just running plays together.  Melo is completely fine by himself but Stat needs a legit PG now.
Just watched the first few 24/7 on the rangers. I can't even imagine having a coach like that anymore. Mad intense lol. Cursing up a storm. Calling the team out

We need someone like that. This is the second game against us doc rivers was calling his team soft. Seemed to work.
Stat to watch: STAT’s role in New York

It is remarkable how quickly the Knicks have become Carmelo Anthony’s team, considering how Amar’e Stoudemire looked like a realistic candidate to lead the league in scoring over the first half of last season. Some of this transition was inevitable given New York’s personnel and the two stars’ respective skill sets.

Stoudemire is a demon in isolation plays, but he has always been more of a pick-and-roll finisher, not someone who initiates offense 25 feet from the rim. Anthony has never played a true “point forward
i rather have stat on our team for the next 3 years living on the perimeter instead of him boxing out and banging on folks then blowing out his knee in the first half of this season.

everyone knows his knees will eventually give up on him playing 70+ games per season. Taking more jumpshots and adding a 3pt shot is more of a precautionary thing for the future, imo.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

i rather have stat on our team for the next 3 years living on the perimeter instead of him boxing out and banging on folks then blowing out his knee in the first half of this season.

everyone knows his knees will eventually give up on him playing 70+ games per season. Taking more jumpshots and adding a 3pt shot is more of a precautionary thing for the future, imo.

I'd rather win one chip then have amare for 3 years tho. We have no realistic shot if he doesn't box out. Or are you saying he just needs to turn it up in the playoffs?
I think we played well in the game besides the 3rd quarter and I don't think it was a coincidence the bad one we played was the quarter Melo was on the bench for the majority of. The 4th quarter was a complete opposite for us compared to the 3rd. Our defense only allowed 17 points compared to the 35 we gave up in the 3rd and overall the intensity on the defensive end picked up . Obviously no one is gonna give Melo props for the block he had on KG after they got that offensive rebound but I think that play made us believe that we were gonna win and that was just him taking the gave over on both sides of the ball. If he wasn't in foul trouble i think we win the game by 7+ plus points and yes this thread would be different but win or lose you cannot ignore the problems on this team that's preventing us to become a full fledged contender.
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