let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Why did Douglas take more shots than Amare?





Get this %#@!$ outta here man
Seen Eddie House mentioned as possibly being on the Knicks list. Another guy I forgot about. I always felt he was the less athletic shorter J.R. Smith though. It's funny cuz he was a Knick and barely got any play from Pringles. Not sure if that'd change.

I don't know why Cle would take that trade. TD might poison Kyrie.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Wow, 1 game and here come the trade proposals

It's not even about 1 game. Ive been saying since last year Douglas is not a PG and should be moved for one and Landry Fields is not a starting two. $#@! has nothing to do with 1 game this season they are what they are.
I'll say it again TD needs to go. Yall willing for a couple games of him making 9 3s to pass by so yall can forget what a terrible defender and pg he is while resorting back to claiming he puts a lot of effort in to his defense and he's a good defender.

That is no longer the case. Rajon Rondo dropped 31 on him. Rajon Rodon. RAJON RONDO.

It is a necessity that Toney Douglas is no longer on this team at the end of the season. When I talk about one of the holes this teams have, he's one of them. We'll automatically improve when TD isn't on the team anymore.
Originally Posted by DMV is RNB

every single clown that wants to continue frontin like Melo ain't a monster is gonna have to eat every last word this season.  every last one 

"One Stop...One Stop!" 

That thread was terrible.
Marc Berman: 'Antoni says Knicks will try to sign pg. Did not rule out Nate but source sez don't count on it. Being nice.
Jared Zwerling: Shumpert has a brace on his right knee
Jared Zwerling: Shumpert shooting short shots with a weighted medicine ball ... Looking to strengthen his supporting leg muscles.
Jared Zwerling: Amare is practicing popping out to the baseline 3-point line and also running into the wing three ... Here we go, folks ... Gallo who?
TD has always been trash...The only reason some fans like him is because he has those glimpses throughout the season where he plays well and drops 20+ points..However, those games are few n far between. If he's here for mainly defensive purposes, dude needs to be gone..There's a good chance the Knicks play the Celtics in the playoffs..TD can't defend Rondo if his life depended on it so that makes him virtually worthless..And Rondo's annoying !$! always frustrates TD when he's bringing the ball up the court which usually leads to turnovers
TD is what he is, a backup guard who can hit the 3 and provide some spark....he has no business starting on any team.

But bashing him at this point doesn't help anything, NYK knows what they need so until next season comes or B Diddy's herniated disc all of a sudden pops back into his spine, they will get burned by PG's who can break down the defense.
Rondo is not a middle tier point guard he is a top 5 point guard.

You can't praise Shrump for that game he played horrible. His shot selection wasn't that great. I'm not say he is not gonna be missed

Toney belongs on the bench but he is the best option. We just need someone right now to bring up the ball. Nate is more a 2 guard than TD is.
That Chandler pass was horrible. But at least he is not a turnover machine
Shump already working out?

Jeffries injury could be a blessing. Give Jorts opportunity and experience. We need him to be a solid 6-8 rebound guy of the bench that is physical with the bangers on the other teams. Beat some guys up.

We knew the backcourt was a problem for us already tho guise...
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Don't care, you just mentioned TD and Fields for Sessions and Parker. !%#% outta here, and chill out.

SO #@$%@! WHAT. Another Knicks fan overrating our players what else is new. Ramon Sessions is a better PG than Toney Douglas period. For this team to reach it's full potential it needs a PG who can run the offense until Baron gets healthy and when he's on the bench . Landry Fields is not the player he was pre Melo and damn sure isn't and will never be a SG. I love Landry but he is not a starting 2 in the league he is a backup small forward at best . Anthony Parker can hit the open three which he has showed throughout his career dude is old as $#@! but he will still have an immediate impact on this team because he can knock down open shots. Tired of dudes acting like a undersized 2 forced to play the 1 and 3 forced to play the two is untouchable
Amare need a personal defensive assistant, like how Hakeem work wit Howard for offense.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Amare need a personal defensive assistant, like how Hakeem work wit Howard for offense.

Dan Dantoni? 

Amare has to adjust the most so we gotta wait and see. I mean having a 3 in good long term ut he should e focusing on other things
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