let this thread die (NYK)

This is ridiculous ....

Like they say... "Death comes in 3s" literally. Look at the amount of attempts. Disgusting
Fields barely touched him, he flopped right away. This team doesnt respond to Dantoni whatsoever.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

This is ridiculous ....

Like they say... "Death comes in 3s" literally. Look at the amount of attempts. Disgusting

35 %$%%$%% 3s SMFH
Pringles was looking really mad when he was drawing up that last play.

It's clear he doesn't prepare for games the right way. I really think he's mad with himself and then translates his failures to the players who in his mind aren't executing his simple $$$ offensive scheme properly.

Good thing it's a short season.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by DubA169

Good play drawn up out of that timeout

"Give it to Melo. Then Melo, you shoot a 3. Break!"

You forgot the let's go let's go. Anyone know how many 2 pointers to 3 pointers we took? Curious to know the actual numbers
Defense seems to be the issue again. Also, I noticed when Bibby and Walker are both on the floor our offense completely goes away. Bibby really doesn't help us out and Fields has been hot garbage this year. Here's to hoping that Shumpert will give us a boost when he comes back.
Of course Anthony Carter gets to ice the game.

That 2nd quarter was miserable, but the bounce back was nice.
I actually won't blame that on D'antoni. I'll blame the 3's and stubbornness, but not that quarter.
Jordan, Bibby and Novak were completely worthless tonight.
All of them played most of their minutes in that 2nd quarter and Pringles had to find that out.

Is there any shot at all on an NBA court that Landry Fields is comfortable with?
Can Bill Walker do anything but run in a straight line and try to dunk?
If he can't, then why didn't Balkman play?
Why would you put TD on their hottest player, a small forward?
As bad as Bibby was, why didn't Lin get another look? Calderon is terrible.

I can't be too mad at the result. We only had a 6-man rotation with our 2nd and 4th best players out.
Stubborn as Pringles is, I blame this more on our players sucking (Bill Walker, Mike Bibby, Steve Novak)
Fields at least played good defense.
You guys have a good team, but a sub-par point guard coupled with an offensively confused coach might be the downfall. If Amare stays healthy and Baron can come in and really make the offense flow, I think you guys can be a conference finals team. Good game though
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

You guys have a good team, but a sub-par point guard coupled with an offensively confused coach might be the downfall. If Amare stays healthy and Baron can come in and really make the offense flow, I think you guys can be a conference finals team. Good game though
Why'd you cross out the rest like it aint true? We could have Phil Jackson, Red Holzman, Larry Brown, Doc and Pop on our coaching staff and they wouldn't make any of our pgs better than what they are.
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