let this thread die (NYK)

i want this team to succeed more than anything but.... Pringles, damn.

too angry to read back these pages from the game but to my homie DubA
How long we been saying Pringles gotta go? since last year, before the year started? sheeeeeesh. i see Pringles getting a lot of flack on twitter and other sites, hopefully people are realizing how bad he is.

the last point about Pringles that I'll ever make, we gotta get rid of him before it's too late. granted, PHX doesn't have defense oriented players but Pringles leaves damage when he leaves. PHX looks like they'll be giving up +120 for the next 10 years until they get a real coach who can completely change a philosophy, no disrespect to Alvin G. we been giving up +110 for YEARS now, since the Isiah days. Luckily we've been able to turn over the team to get guys here who do know the game, but still, I pray to god these N's been tuning Pringles out. Only thing I'm concerned about Woodson is that is he the guy to implement a new philosophy, especially on the offensive end. I really don't know the answer to this question, I'd like to think yes, but my head is telling me no. Either way, we won't ever find out until Pringles gets fired.
I know I said it before but I'll say it again. TD is a bench sharpshooter at best. Till our PG situation is sorted out we will struggle. And I'm confused by Balkman not getting play time. He's shown more hustle than most of our team.
I do think there are several holes that would not ever make this a good offensive team (as the rotation currently is)

but Mike has to at least TRY to adjust, stop trying to put square pegs in round holes.

When Baron/Iman are both available with a healthy Amare and want to try to get back to doing what you do...go for it...for now, find something else. I do not know what that is, but it certainly was not what we watched tonight.

I don't think the guy turned out to be an offensive fraud sans Nash considering last year's Knick team had the 5th most efficient offense in the league. But he is stuck right now. I'd say it's a product of 1/3 crappy personnel, 1/3 clashing of styles, 1/3 stubbornness. At least get that last third out.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Ima just say this...we got a couple players on the squad that should be at best in the D-league

Me and my pops were just saying this.
Our defense looked great at times, so Woodson is getting through to them....but our offense...Pringles has got to go. There is 0 chance of us being a contender with him. 0.

We look like a college team with the constant perimeter passing BUT NO CUTTING. Melo is trying to be unselfish but this garbage offense is forcing him to constantly isolate and shoot.

To be fair Shump is one of the few players capable of dribble penetration but Antoni draws up no clever plays. No little slips for Tyson to open up the lane (like Kobe and McBob run in LA), no triangle which would be mad effective with Melo/Tyson/Fields, besides Melo we don't even attempt to run post up plays, _ is ridiculous.

Melo is gonna burn himself trying to carry this team on his back.
How does TD bring the ball up court, one pass it, get it right back, clank a 3 with 18 seconds left on the clock...and get patted on the a_ by Pringles, like "Keep doing what you're doing...."?

We have a legit front court and our offense is all 3 pointers and perimeter play.

Makes no sense.
I mean it's not like I'm happy ruffryda. I would like nuthing more than dantoni proving me wrong and getting us to win.

But I mean it should be obvious o everyone by now that the guy isn't a good coach. He can't get the most out of a roster. he doesn't seem to grasp simple NBA concepts. I mean I'm not saying I have some gratuitous basketball mind but shooting over 30 threes a nite is not a winning recipe. Especially whn we don't have great jump shooters. He doesn't seem to care about who is on the court. His coaching stays the same.

He refuses to change up his philosophy because that would be admitting hes wrong and he probably feels that it would hurt him in his job hunt

He isn't gonna change. It's over.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Ima just say this...we got a couple players on the squad that should be at best in the D-league

Me and my pops were just saying this.
Our defense looked great at times, so Woodson is getting through to them....but our offense...Pringles has got to go. There is 0 chance of us being a contender with him. 0.

We look like a college team with the constant perimeter passing BUT NO CUTTING. Melo is trying to be unselfish but this garbage offense is forcing him to constantly isolate and shoot.

To be fair Shump is one of the few players capable of dribble penetration but Antoni draws up no clever plays. No little slips for Tyson to open up the lane (like Kobe and McBob run in LA), no triangle which would be mad effective with Melo/Tyson/Fields, besides Melo we don't even attempt to run post up plays, _ is ridiculous.

Melo is gonna burn himself trying to carry this team on his back.
this team is no doubt constructed to run sets that are triangle and princeton variations. (it would very likely turn Amare in the most overpaid player in the league but that eventually might be the price you have to pay.) I don't see the spread pick and roll working even when Baron returns. There's no corner shooter and it turns Melo into..? I'm not really sure. Also makes Tyson irrelevant on offense. It helps Amare, that's pretty much it. 
but the aforementioned stuff is just so far away from what Mike's career and coaching existence is based upon that I agree with dub at this point, not going to adapt. His success in Phoenix, the small sample here last year, coaching Team USA..all centered around what he knows with the pick and roll. 

I think if Dolan is smart, he tries to woo Phil out of retirement. Not just because he's Phil Jackson, but because it's actually somewhat of a fit. Also why this past summer if a change was going to be made, I wanted Adelman over anyone else. 
I wanted adleman badly but we bought into the whole "dantoni deserves a chance" stuff I guess

Or it's just a financial decision to keep dantoni. I could see Dolan not thnking that a coach is very important. Probably saw the star power and figured the coach don't matter
As much as I wanna be proved right w Pringles dub I just feel like its something that isn't possible. I would have taken adelman but as much as I hate Pringles it would have been jumping the gun to can him in the summer. I just feel that it's run it's course w him. Dude hit the lottery w the teams he had in Phoenix as far as having a team catered to his style of play. I believe that he's a good guy and all but this mentality of my system triumphs everything just isn't gonna fly here. Dude makes zero attempt to come halfway and even tinker with his system. Literally have run out of things to say.

Feel even worse for little Pringles tho
. Apparently he goes to Rye HS and he hears a lot in school. Got a cousin that played JV w the kid and apparently Pringles was a good dude, even showed up to some of their practices and helped out. Seems appropriate because that is the level of basketball he should be coaching.
There were so many reasons why Pringles wasn't getting fired this summer.

the lockout
signing his boy Amar'e
our win streak after the bad start
the Melo trade and blowing up his team
'firing' Donnie
upcoming free agency
Dolan is full ******

I mean Amar'e and Novak are the only D'antoni players left.
This dude is gonna have a seizure at halftime one of these days.
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

As much as I wanna be proved right w Pringles dub I just feel like its something that isn't possible. I would have taken adelman but as much as I hate Pringles it would have been jumping the gun to can him in the summer. I just feel that it's run it's course w him. Dude hit the lottery w the teams he had in Phoenix as far as having a team catered to his style of play. I believe that he's a good guy and all but this mentality of my system triumphs everything just isn't gonna fly here. Dude makes zero attempt to come halfway and even tinker with his system. Literally have run out of things to say.

Feel even worse for little Pringles tho
. Apparently he goes to Rye HS and he hears a lot in school. Got a cousin that played JV w the kid and apparently Pringles was a good dude, even showed up to some of their practices and helped out. Seems appropriate because that is the level of basketball he should be coaching.

I know he gets that Anakin in high school treatment.

last night:











On the up...sounding like Shump and STAT could play tomorrow night.
The team is not clicking on offense and is far from a defensive powerhouse...But people (especially the media) are overlooking that after 5 games, the Knicks are in the top half of the league in opponents PPG (16 of 30) which is better than the Celtics, and their opponents FG % is the same as the Heat, which people consider one of the best defensive teams in the East...The defense is improving which I am happy about, despite the poor start offensively..But I'd rather the Knicks start the season poor on offense than poor on defense because with Melo/Stat/Baron the Knicks will eventually hit their stride offensively
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

The team is not clicking on offense and is far from a defensive powerhouse...But people (especially the media) are overlooking that after 5 games, the Knicks are in the top half of the league in opponents PPG (16 of 30) which is better than the Celtics, and their opponents FG % is the same as the Heat, which people consider one of the best defensive teams in the East...The defense is improving which I am happy about, despite the poor start offensively..But I'd rather the Knicks start the season poor on offense than poor on defense because with Melo/Stat/Baron the Knicks will eventually hit their stride offensively

Good post bro.
Oh yeah, I officially want Bill Walker off this team too.

Balkman should get all of his minutes.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

@TomHaberstroh: Still feeling the aftershocks of this stat: Heat were -40 in the playoffs with Mike Bibby on the floor and +96 when he sat on the bench.

@TomHaberstroh: And yes, Mike Bibby is still doing his torpedo act: Knicks are -40 with him on the court this season and +28 when he's sitting on the bench.

soooooo, there's room for improvement?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

The team is not clicking on offense and is far from a defensive powerhouse...But people (especially the media) are overlooking that after 5 games, the Knicks are in the top half of the league in opponents PPG (16 of 30) which is better than the Celtics, and their opponents FG % is the same as the Heat, which people consider one of the best defensive teams in the East...The defense is improving which I am happy about, despite the poor start offensively..But I'd rather the Knicks start the season poor on offense than poor on defense because with Melo/Stat/Baron the Knicks will eventually hit their stride offensively

Iono what's there to really see. We just play slower now and the Heat have played 4 good teams, where we've only played 2. I mean the Kings couldn't score 100 from jumpers in 20 minutes open gym. And then Tyson decided to smack everyone in sight in Golden State, so finally they went in on us without a center.

But we can't get respect on defense, with D'antoni making decisions. He chose to play Bibby and Novak at the same time, and didn't bother playing Balkman, when they were steamrolling us. That one quarter and the Lakers bending us over with no Bynum or Odom set the perception of us back about a year.
Originally Posted by ill steelo

@TomHaberstroh: Still feeling the aftershocks of this stat: Heat were -40 in the playoffs with Mike Bibby on the floor and +96 when he sat on the bench.

@TomHaberstroh: And yes, Mike Bibby is still doing his torpedo act: Knicks are -40 with him on the court this season and +28 when he's sitting on the bench.

Can't wait til Baron Davis gets back so Bibby's bum a** can just cheerlead from the sideline. 
Damn, I knew Bibby played horribly with the Heat and had no impact but I did not know his effect was that bad. Never was a huge fan of that signing.

Alan Hahn: Also watched Baron Davis do some light running and shooting. Looks like focus is conditioning. Still no target return date tho. #Knicks

Alan Hahn: Watched Amar'e and Iman play a cross-court 3-on-3 pickup game after practice. Both looked strong and are game-time decisions. #Knicks

Howard Beck: Also: "You’re playing Novak and Josh Harrellson, you’re gonna get a lot of 3s. You play Amar'e and Jared, you’re gonna get a lot of 2s."http://twitter.com/HowardBeckNYT/statuses/154286936805216257

Howard Beck: 'Antoni: "It’s hard to tell a player, `Don’t take that shot, just drive it into the 7-footer.' "http://twitter.com/HowardBeckNYT/statuses/154286826528575488

Howard Beck: 'Antoni: "Bargnani was standing right at the rim. And Melo was kicking it out to wide open shooters."

Howard Beck: 'Antoni said Knicks probably forced a few 3s last night, but that in context, most of them were the right shots...

Pringles wylin and again our roster is terrible if he can't even tell them to drive in the paint.

As far as defense goes I'm no longer blaming Pringles. Everything will go on Mike Woodson and Tyson. I've watched the huddles the last few games and all Pringles is talking about now is offense. I've seen Mike and Tyson shout out more things about defense in the past 5 games than Pringles. So one guy got hired for defense and the other got signed to bring a defense culture to the team, so it's on them. We all know Pringles aint about that life.
I SWEAR Woodson's trolling for Pringles' job.
What defensive assistant recommends Mike Bibby in 2011-12??
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