let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Preach TIM!
Im saying man.... FIRE D'ANTONI!!!
Wonder how long til they start chanting that at the garden 
Originally Posted by ill steelo

@TomHaberstroh: Still feeling the aftershocks of this stat: Heat were -40 in the playoffs with Mike Bibby on the floor and +96 when he sat on the bench.

@TomHaberstroh: And yes, Mike Bibby is still doing his torpedo act: Knicks are -40 with him on the court this season and +28 when he's sitting on the bench.


However, yesterday it seemed like Bibby tried his best to keep the team from getting overly frustrated.. Idk how far leadership will help this team though 

A lot of bad things going on with this team right now. Number one priority though should be to fire D'Antoni. The guy's terrible with a one-dimensional game plan. It doesn't help that I'm infuriated with the MSG situation too.
Only thing Grunwald has done is be involved with the draft, get Tyson, amnesty Chompsy, resign Jeffries, sign Bibby, Davis, Novak, and Lin. Given the FA pool there weren't that many available players arguably better. Not signing Arenas or Redd was simply us going in a different direction because we have Shump.

I think the idea was to go in to this season with w/e team was put together before the season started to avoid the whole making trades mid-season which would mess with the team cohesively but the lockout messed that up since we didn't get enough time in training camp anyway. With Melo and Amar'e on the team the thought was we should be trying to make a serious push this season. A lot of ppl don't want this season to be a wash like last year. I assume that pressure comes from Dolan and it's amplified after signing Tyson.

Technically we still haven't formed that team we're ready to stick with for a full season from the beginning to end. We're still in the mode of looking to trade for another player or the next off season FA. Add in the fact of the coach most likely on his way out that just makes things more complicated when we bring in a new coaching staff. Same goes for us improving our roster with new players. So it's like we kkep starting over.

We definitely need an official new GM though. If only to take care of one of the things on the list that needs to be handled.
http://twitter.com/HowardBeckNYTHoward Beck: 'Antoni: "It’s hard to tell a player, `Don’t take that shot, just drive it into the 7-footer.' "http://twitter.com/HowardBeckNYT/statuses/154286826528575488

Howard Beck: 'Antoni: "Bargnani was standing right at the rim. And Melo was kicking it out to wide open shooters."

Howard Beck: 'Antoni said Knicks probably forced a few 3s last night, but that in context, most of them were the right shots...

Don't know about y'all but these quotes did it for me...its hard to tell a player not to jack up threes and drive on softass, no defense having Bargnani?...

Is he for real?  

That type of quote should never come out of an NBA coaches mouth. Dude has got to go ASAP, there is no defending that type of mindset.
bibby is exactly what i thought he would be... straight bum status and a waste of a signing...call me crazy but i would have used that money on vince carter.... he could have been a spark off the bench along with iman or douglas depending on which 1 starts....
Vince Carter is playing hard in Dallas because of the coaching staff..They give Dirk and Terry the green light to shoot jumpers because they're both accurate long range shooters, but they keep Vince under control n keep him aggressive. If Vince was on the Knicks, D'Antoni would tell him to camp on the perimeter and shoot jumpers all day
maybe attacking the 7 footer would get him in foul trouble? get us shooting free throws? I mean seriously his mindset is ridiculous.

I didnt realize that Bargs is ben wallace in his prime either. "drive into the 7 footer" lol. this coach is sumthing else
Dantoni' needs to %#!@&* GO. All of a sudden Bargnani is KG in his prime "oh noez we can't attack him he'z 7 feetz" how the hell do we have a coach who doesn't hold his players accountable for ANYTHING ?
Amare's biggest issue is his shot selection...Nobody is saying he should NEVER shoot jumpers..Hell, K Love shoots multiple 3s some games and people consider him a great PF and he's barely been in the league..The difference is, K Love takes that jumper when his shot is on or if he's wide open..Also, he rebounds way more than Amar'e..There are times where a player shoots a 3 and Amar'e just stares at it rather than run to the paint and box out for the rebound.

If he shot 60% of his shots in the paint and 40% from mid-range, nobody would complain..But there's no need for him to be shooting 80% of his shots from 12+ feet away.. Especially with his explosiveness. I'm all for conserving his knees in this compact season, but not at the risk of this team playing soft as hell. A winning mentality carries over from the season to the postseason..You can't just "turn it up"..Celtics tried that last year and despite sweeping us, they couldn't do a damn thing after.
that vid lovesit posted really said it all. you can know your business as much as you want to, even know defense which I really think D'antoni does, but he's completely incapable of dealing with personalities. It's how you always hear players say the right things but then go back to being who they are. He can't or is afraid of talking anyone into doing something they don't already want or are capable of doing, so his system is the most fun and free stuff to do on a basketball court. It'll never been good enough.

You all say he was lucky to get Steve Nash. I say he was lucky/did it on purpose to get personalities like Grant Hill, Shawn Marion, Raja Bell, Boris Diaw, Leandro Barbosa, Amar'e and Kurt Thomas. Just hardworking nice guys on the court. And every time he got someone who wasn't nice or was even a little difficult (Starbury, Joe Johnson, Shaq, he traded them. He's a b____. That's why he has to get his big brother to yell at his players for him. That's why no one listens to him. That's why he benches everyone instead of coaching them or figuring out where they can help. Somewhere in the back of my mind I kept saying...but damn, that Suns team practically won except for bs suspensions. Give him a defensive coach and he can do things.

No he can't. He doesn't have a backbone in general. The Bulls were down 15+ to start the 4th and guess what...Thibs sat Boozer's +%! down, not cuz he wasn't playing well, but because he knew they needed to lockdown on defense to win. D'antoni would've just tried to out shoot them. You think he'd ever sit Amar'e for defense? And how do the Bulls win, A fake screen give and go at the perimeter into a backdoor cut. D'antoni doesn't do backdoor cuts, he does isos and drive and kicks for open 3s.

He's a @$@@%. A New York coach can't be a @$@@%.
Mike Bibby in 4 games...19 minutes a game...
took 2.5 3s a game...made 10% from the 3
4 shots a game...made 18% from the field
-1.1 PER

how is that even possible?
I think it's too early to judge Grunwald. I like the moves he made to turn Caubcey to Chandler. Let's give the team some time. We're 5 games in, and in my opinion our main issue has been our coach.
Those quotes got me so pissed.

This is Andrea Bargnani and Amir Johnson. Neither of which are Tim Duncan or David Robinson. This team lives of dies by the three. I can understand players like Novak...they've made a career behind the arc.....Bill Walkers always a pump fake threat away from driving to the rim when he wants to be...but they shoot too many threes.

The shot itself isn't even high percentage to begin with. When you let your guys shoot that many threes, the refs don't respect their drives to the hoop because they've never put the onus on them to generate foul calls. Everyone who's watched or played basketball knows this. Thibbs let's the Bulls drive to the hoop, every smart coach does. Now when the Knicks are only down two and can't get a foul call to stop the game what then?
^ the coaching and guard play... 5 games in... we'll be aight when we get healthy

Dudes have already pointed out how much better the defense is, we can't possibly continue to play so poorly on offense.
This is as about as obvious as a coaching change ever could be. I already hate guys that don't focus on perfecting the team's defensive philosophy. Now he has shown that his offensive flexibility is limited by his knowledge, or as someone else said, his cojones.
I been calling for pringles head since last season, I remember certain ppl defending him too. SMH Glad we can all see this guy is built to coach at the rucker or Dyckman.
Originally Posted by diceloveme

I been calling for pringles head since last season, I remember certain ppl defending him too. SMH Glad we can all see this guy is built to coach at the rucker or Dyckman.

i been calling for his head since we first hired him 
 I wanted either Tom Thibs or Mark Jackson but i remember you dudes killed me on that
I mean dantoni was here for us to lure lebron. It doesn't happen. So you cut ties.

that's how i see it
I just find it funny that when the Knicks had a bunch of scrubs on the squad, they were firing coaches every season for the team not making the playoffs when talent wise, they had no business anywhere near the playoffs...Then they finally have a good roster (Amar'e+Gallo+Chandler+Felton) and the team hovers around .500 all season..Then 3 of those pieces are traded for one of the best scorers in the league, and the Knicks go 14-14 after he arrives..And this guy still has a job.
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