let this thread die (NYK)

You hate Dolan 'cause Tyson put up 20? There's a million better reasons to hate thy douche.
We can't risk playing TD when we play the better teams in the league.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Has Amare hit a 3 after those two on Christmas?
Actually yes.
How the hell do we leave their best shooter wide open like that??? Mad lucky he missed but that sh can't be allowed.

Carmelo gotta stop with some of these foolish shots he's forcing, losing too many possessions.
The trey DJ made from the corner was as tough a shot there is..the second one couldnt be more open, it balanced out

We need to trade for Diaw (srs) He plays like a bonafide all star at MSG
shot selection in the 4th was awful, not having a PG taking control of things when it gets out of hand really shows.

why they did not foul the Bobcats twice after they had no timeouts is beyond me

either the coach said nothing or the players are idiots...probably both
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