let this thread die (NYK)

Yall need to understand that there is no culture of winning in NYC Knicks basketball. When our own players play bad, when the team plays bad, fans will react negatively even if there isn't some off the court issue going on with the player. I mean we just got to the level of being good enough to barely beat teams we're suppose to beat when everyone expected to cruise pass them and there's still problems with the offense.

Booing TD is akin to booing JSmith every time he takes a jumper. Plus you add that with Shump becoming a fan favorite, nobody is out there trying to encourage Toney until he actually does something (not to mention there's probably plenty of fans like myself who want him off the team). That's how our fans have ALWAYS been and we won't be giving players a chance until they show that they're leaving it all out on the floor every time they're on the court.... AND we start winning.

It's just the nature of the beast in NYC sports. We don't just expect better we assume that'll be the case especially now when the main thing being promoted is Melo, STAT, and Tyson. I mean yall think ppl overpay for tickets to see TD stink it up on the court?
I boo if the team is giving up wide open shots and not hustling hard. Don't see the point in booing TD. But I def see the point in booing the team as a whole. Melo and amare need the drive.

I don't see the coach criticizing them. I'm sure they surrounded by yes men. Fans booing them for not playing defense is a good thing. Gets them to be angry and embarrassed and hopefully try more

It's weird cuz the times we click we look scary. It just ain't anywhere near consistent.
i mean i know it doesn't matter anymore since they're no longer with us but 

Nate Robinson just posted this for THEGR8 and Johnnyredstorm

Are the knicks jerseys getting a new design for the next season? Thinking of buyin an authentic melo jersey
Are the knicks jerseys getting a new design for the next season? Thinking of buyin an authentic melo jersey
Originally Posted by bxbadboy90

Are the knicks jerseys getting a new design for the next season? Thinking of buyin an authentic melo jersey

I would definitely wait

Eddy Curry and Nate looking like damn fools
I agree with booing the team as a whole if they are not hustling and playing with no heart and drive out there.

But while I was in the Garden, hearing "trade Douglas" chants and boos every time TD touched the ball, I couldnt help but wonder "how the hell is that helping anything right now?"

I would really like to see Douglas come off the bench as a decent scorer and spread the floor a bit with his 3 point shooting but he just can't play the PG role while he's in.

Edit: And how long until they make a legit Shumpert jersey? 
I love the douglas boos. Keep em coming.

However Melo last night down the stretch of the 4th GOD AWFUL. We can't just keep iso'ing everytime for dude and expect to win games. He also has to stop thinking he has to win every game for us.

I'm loving Shumps swagger man, He's a great player but his confidence is what puts him over the top.

First 3 quaters were pretty good, Defense was still subpar but we are making strides and the ball movement and lobs on offense were exciting. WE just need to get everyone mainly melo and Stat to know that they dont have to do it by themselves.

I still want pringles gone, just glad things are starting to come together, SLOWLY.
I absolutely hated the end of the game seeing Melo get the ball like 6-7 times straight. Even when he scored, it was no relief. These guys played with good ball movement throughout the game; the reason (in addition to free throws) they were able to build those 10 point leads. That's just lazy game planning at the end of games. Sure, it's great to have a guy on your team you can do that with, but on a clearly off night you still hand him the ball to make very questionable decisions? I suppose this comes as a result of not having a well experienced play-making PG (note: I said play-making PG, thus disqualifying Bibby). For our sake, BD better come back soon & stay healthy.

Despite the shooting %, I liked the aggression I saw from STAT. I'd like to see him going after blocks like he was last season.
D'antoni has to stop listening to the fan and keeping out there for long. He is gonna get hurt again. He came back a little fast from that injury.

Landry should run point when bibby is hurt and when Shump is resting. /casm.

I can't believe drafting the work out warrior worked out great so far. Hopefully he continues to grow.
I mostly want him to get ROY. He has a pretty good shot

Shump might be the first jersey bought by me in a while
^Word. Shumps jersey might hafto be copped.

The players Shump lock up are the very same players mixing Douglas up. His confidence must be shattered now, he's playing like complete crap.

What happen to Billy's treyball?
Damn. Shumpert Jerseys for everyone...

I'll be trying to get a home Shumpy for Feb 2 when they play Chicago. I will be in the building acting up. Anybody else gonna be there for that game?
Originally Posted by petermans

What happen to Billy's treyball?

forget Walker, what happened to Fields?
I have no confidence in Landry Fields making a shot anywhere in the halfcourt at all.

21% 3fg
56% FT
Who scouts for NY? Whoever it is does a damn good job at finding diamonds in the rough. Nobody else would have taken Wilson Chandler in Rd. 1 back then...and nobody else would have taken Shumpert that high last summer either.

They do an excellent job identifying prospects who have games better suited for the NBA than college. Because Shumpert was AWFUL at the point at Tech.
Originally Posted by petermans

^Word. Shumps jersey might hafto be copped.

The players Shump lock up are the very same players mixing Douglas up. His confidence must be shattered now, he's playing like complete crap.

What happen to Billy's treyball?

Shump is stronger and more athletic than TD that's no question. So he will just overpowering most opposition guards.If I'm not mistaken he is one of the strongest guards in the NBA.With his freakish long arm. He make on-ball steals look easy TD problem is too reliant on team defense. He is trying to lead his man to a weakside block. He does it way too often
I agree, the scouting has been great. I've been satisfied with who we've drafted even though we traded all of them away.

Been very solid since the days of Maciej Lampe.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Who scouts for NY? Whoever it is does a damn good job at finding diamonds in the rough. Nobody else would have taken Wilson Chandler in Rd. 1 back then...and nobody else would have taken Shumpert that high last summer either.

They do an excellent job identifying prospects who have games better suited for the NBA than college. Because Shumpert was AWFUL at the point at Tech.

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