let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Y'all gotta chill. The sky isn't falling yet.

Youre the voice of reason in this thread....Mark my words , dantoni will not be back, BD is gnna get this team firing on all cylinders once healthy any day now. 66 game season, NO TRAINING CAMP, ill take this season for a grain of salt. Amare will wake up, watch.
I don't think it's fair to continuously blame the 2 main stars on the team every time the team plays like crap...How many teams in this league have stars and a good supporting cast?

Let's stop pretending like last year when the Mavs won the title, Dirk didn't have a bunch of competent players around him..Jason Terry is one of the best 6th men in the league..J Kidd played pretty effectively for a guy his age..Shawn Marion is a great role player n has been his entire career..Tyson Chandler had a career year..Deshawn Stevenson was locking down perimeter players and hit the 3 off the bench..JJ was a huge offensive spark.

Mark Cuban's blueprint was "surround 1 star with multiple effective role players" rather than plan the Knicks seem to have had last off-season which was "surround our 2 stars with whoever we can find because they can carry the team themselves"
and that's Grunwald and Dolan's fault. The worst part about the Melo trade was that Eddy Curry wasn't really a part of it and that we traded for Chauncey Billups too.

Losing Fatboy Felton was losing the heart of this team. I mean we won bout every game he played good in and there was no reason past Denver hearing Dolan was on deck, seeing a chump and running his punk $@% for all he's got.

fyi, we still could've afforded Tyson with Felton and that S&T with Dallas and best yet, kept our amnesty.
That's two games in a row that we can't even compete in thanks to poor guard play.

I'll say this though...Shump's athleticism
...he was staying with Westbrook...we mighta found a monster.
What's on Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni's mind? Not only the return from injury of Carmelo Anthony, but also the looming Knicks debut of Baron Davis.

Davis is getting closer and closer to returning from a herniated disk and a person familiar with the situation said the guard will take a big leap in his rehab this week by starting full running drills and some contact basketball drills.

It’s not out of the question for him to be cleared for practice by next weekend and a late-January debut has become more likely than not.

Last night after the Knicks lost, 104-92, to the Thunder, D’Antoni said optimistically, “Melo will be back pretty soon and hopefully Baron’s around the corner and we’ll see what we got.’’

Davis doesn’t want to get his hopes up.

“Once I get that approval, I’ll be ready to go,’’ Davis told The Post. “I need to get the OK from the trainers. The approval will come when it’s the right time. I don’t want to be too optimistic. I want to take it day to day.’’

“But I can honestly say I’m making new strides and improvement. I want to focus in on that and that’s all I can control.’’

Meanwhile, Anthony, who missed last night’s game, said he was still uncertain about a return tomorrow at the Garden against the Magic because of his sprained ankle and wrist. The Martin Luther King Day contest is a 1 p.m. matinee, so that gives Anthony less time.

“It’s too far away to think about,’’ Melo said. “I got (today) to see if I can get ready by Monday. I’m just taking it day by day. The wrist is tolerable. I just need my foot to run. It feels a little tender.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

His body language and attitude sucks, dude doesn't even try on the defensive end at all. I honestly believe him not being the #1 guy anymore pisses him off so he just goes through the motions and decides not to play with the swagger and confidence he did in the beginning of last season. Dude just looks like he plays so he can get paid doesn't matter if we win or lose and real $#@! I don't want this clown on our team if his attitude is like that. You can actually tell Melo wants to win and gives two $@!#& about it Stoudemire not so much. Yea I know everyone likes to make fun of Pau Gasol but he puts up with playing with the biggest d-bag in NBA history and deals with being ridiculed and blamed for everything by that idiot fanbase. When Kobe chucks a game away, gets torched defensively, or bricks a game winning shot he gets blamed for the loss and still puts up stellar numbers offensively, rebounds, and plays very good defense with third of Stoudemire's talent and athleticism. I'm just so tired of this dude I want him off my team im done.
Co-sign 100%!!!!
Dude doesn't even run out to put up a hand up after he blows a defensive assignment. He's not even trying defensively. 

I can deal with him struggling offensively because he can still scrape together 25 points on a bad day but his defensive effort has nothing to do with us needing a PG.

That was a disgusting display from him yesterday and I was a huge Amar'e supporter.
If you're not willing, Pringles is the easiest dude to ignore. He's a +#*$*. Can of white noise.

That's why his go to, "are you listening??" move is just benching dudes.
Stat is really talented but like the saying goes hard work beat talent when talent does not work hard.

He knows he can put up 18 and 5 easily so he is comfortable with just that. In order to really be a beast and help this team he has to develop a damn post game.
If Baron's trying to come back late this month.... @Cleveland the 25th then @Miami the 27th ... he would make an entrance then
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Y'all gotta chill. The sky isn't falling yet.

Listen to this man! Bottom line for us fans is this: Pringles aint going anywhere this year unless we have no shot at the playoffs (not happening, even at this rate we're 8th seed worthy)That means we simply must wait for BD to run this system. It DOESNT WORK without a PG. We currently dont have one PG on the entire active roster (I dare you to mention Bibby). So in essence this team is going through the motions. %#%*, its been going through the motions since we got Melo. But lets give pringles his legit PG that can run his 'system' and maybe we'll get that magic we had with Felton.As far as Amare goes, I didnt watch the last game, but it comes down to discipline with him. Shooting wild jumpers, not boxing out, not even knowing where the ball is on defense..thats all discipline. Son is a grown man making $100 mil, if he doesnt know what he needs to work on (it aint corner 3's my man) no coach will save him. He just needs to want it.Thats it I'm just gonna make my peace with pringles being forced down our throats (no ayo) and if a healthy BD cant at least lead to a balanced offense the fire dantoni chants better be in full throttle
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Stat is really talented but like the saying goes hard work beat talent when talent does not work hard.

He knows he can put up 18 and 5 easily so he is comfortable with just that. In order to really be a beast and help this team he has to develop a damn post game.

Since he played center last year he was matched up against tomato cans and dudes who can't hang with him speed wise. Now he's going against more athletic bigs who are strong and can score the basketball and he can't do $#@! to combat that. And no he will never develop a post game so to prevent yourself from getting upset when he launches three pointers and bricks mid range jumpers just make believe being a 6 11' Power Forward with diminishing athleticism developing a post game is not necessary. Instead he should spend the whole summer working on his "ball handling" and 3 point shot.
I wish in the NBA dudes would get benched like in the NFL..In the NFL, even if you're a star WR or RB, if you're playing soft or acting like a diva, it's not out of the question to get benched..I remember when Reid benched McNabb in a game where the Eagles still had a chance to win, just to send him the message "If you're gonna play like a B----, then sit the hell down"...The rest of the year, dude played great..But in the NBA if a dude like STAT got benched as a way to send the message "You're playing like a woman," it becomes a big deal and more likely than not, that star player will cry about it...If I was Pringles, I wouldn't start STAT for a game or 2 just to show him he's not untouchable..Same goes for anyone else on the team that decides to go through those stretches of playing like they're not getting paid
... People on this board went crazy when Dantoni benched Nate Robinson for shooting on his own basket....
I mean yeah it'll send a message but it'll also assure losses. The reason NFL teams can do that is cuz there's like 60 players on each team. You can get by with benching a star player when guys have legit backups. Plus the NBA is more of an individual sport so if a face of the franchise gets benched for "playing like a woman" there'll be so much media scrutiny the pressure would be crazy.

Besides that Pringles is not strict enough and Dolan isn't hands off enough to just let that happen. Plus I only think Pop would be okay with going through that type of controversy and stick to it when it only has to do with the player's play on the court and not extra shh.
I watched the game last night, I honestly was so disappointed that I didn't watch the 4th quarter. No reason to be gettin smacked by 30 plus points when one main player is injured and there is another left.

Stat is my dude and I still vouch for him being here. But he really gotta stop , take a breath, and calm down. There have been TOO many turnovers, too much driving to the rim to get blocked. This man seriously faces up and tries to do dribble penetration and gets cut off and doesn't try to dish it off. He just tries to force a bad shot. I don't know what it is. Ray Felton really made a big difference.

Stat wasn't even getting all those foolish turnovers and getting muffed everytime he went to the rack while Felton was here.

So it wasn't only @ PG and picking and rolling and dishing to Stat properly, its something mental. Even the things Raymond Felton had nothing to do with, Stat is messing up on.

I really cant even agree with some of you guys when you say "Its because he's playing PF and he's meeting up with stronger and faster players" If that was the case, what was happening his last season in Phx? Was he playing PF or C? If im wrong correct me, because I really can't remember.

I am NOT blaming all the team's problem's on Amare Stoudemire. But he needs to get his head back in the game. I can't agree with the fact that he's not working hard... I think he's working hard but not using his brain. I wont question his work ethic on or off the court. But it seems like he's a deer in headlights when its game time.....

About Mike D'antoni, I won't be a broken record. Dude reallly needs to step his coaching game up for as long as he's here. We can't afford to waste these guy's PRIME years losing like this. I'm hoping Baron Davis can make him look like a genius when he comes to play because it seems like its the PG's that make Dantoni look good ( if we haven't figured that out already)

I hope tomorrow's matinee goes well because I am tired of being smacked around by any team when we have the talent that we do.
I will make sure I rob carmelo of his ring.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

I really cant even agree with some of you guys when you say "Its because he's playing PF and he's meeting up with stronger and faster players" If that was the case, what was happening his last season in Phx? Was he playing PF or C? If im wrong correct me, because I really can't remember.

He was way more athletic two years ago. I honestly believe the way Dantoni ran him into the ground last season and him injuring his back has sped up his decline and made him just say #@!$ it and turn to just being a perimeter player.
Originally Posted by you go boy

im not going to be fickle anymore with any loss the knicks get unless its a blowout... because i feel the knicks can compete with any team as long as they play with effort... that is one thing they lack.... but most importantly the knicks need a point guard... i am not placing the blame on anyone... its easy to say amare isnt playing to his potential, fields is a bum and toney has no court awareness but lets be honest the knicks need a good pg... thats thing the knicks lack the most and its obvious... melo is the only guy who can create his own shot and is the reason he has to take over almost every game and without him the knicks are hopeless...no good pg effects the team especially chandler and amare who need to get set up to score every time...
to much truth being spoken
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I mean yeah it'll send a message but it'll also assure losses. The reason NFL teams can do that is cuz there's like 60 players on each team. You can get by with benching a star player when guys have legit backups. Plus the NBA is more of an individual sport so if a face of the franchise gets benched for "playing like a woman" there'll be so much media scrutiny the pressure would be crazy.

Besides that Pringles is not strict enough and Dolan isn't hands off enough to just let that happen. Plus I only think Pop would be okay with going through that type of controversy and stick to it when it only has to do with the player's play on the court and not extra shh.

Well when I said don't start him I just meant don't put him in the starting line-up but he would come off the bench a few minutes into the game..It wouldn't really have an effect on the game because he would still get the same amount of minutes, just set up differently than usual. It would definitely effect his ego and have him realize he's here to win games, not to make $100mil
Man, seeing Rubio cookin' right now saddens me...

That 09' draft saddens me, period.

We couldn't trade up for Rubio, got robbed of Steph Curry, robbed OURSELVES of Jennings or Lawson...and have nothing to show for it...

Not even Jordan Hill.
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