let this thread die (NYK)

Give Melo the 4th quarter to work on his jumper 
This game makes me even more mad that we let Diaw come to the Garden and look like Oscar Robertson twice. Also I hope we don't go back to iso ball in the 4th
What I'm most happy about, besides Tyson and Amare playing well, is all the starters playing less than 30 minutes.
I didnt watch the game, but Melo has one point ? Took 7 shots ?

I seriously think hes injured. But then we win by over 30.
Funny Melo has one point and Knicks blow out the Bobcats.  That should mean no more ISO!!!
Novak made 3 3s. I don't see how he doesn't play tomorrow and Friday. All his shots are all net. Mad wet.
Jerome Jordan is solid, he needs to get involved. Balkman is sloppy but he brings some energy. Lin is terrible, he runs around lost
did that stephen a smith rant make the guys move a little differently?

I hope these guys looked in the mirror and realized that they need to step it the eff up.
I wish I could go talk to amare stoudemire and beat the crap out of him into just relaxing himself and taking his time and not forcing things that dont need to be.

Melo with one point is crazy. But a good thing at the same time. I'll reserve judgement
well that was certainly a much needed win. I mean it was the Bobcats after all  
 but glad the team effort was there tonight.

Novak definitely needs more playing time. Dantoni is an idiot. He's exactly what they need off the bench.
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