let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Al3xis

You let him stay - the promise of Steve Nash looms and then does he buy himself another year?  
Been saying it for months but that's the reason I don't see him getting fired at all until at least midseason of next year.  They'll chalk this year up as a failed experimental year with TD at the point, use the lockout/no training camp/no PG as an excuse, reunite the two and use the storyline that this is Nash's last chance to solidify his greatness and that'll be the end of that.  He's not gettting fired.  Why burn perfectly good Pringles? 
im sure you can check the other knicks thread from last year. But basically everyone I talked to was happy we got melo but upset we gave up so much. especially the picks.

I don't remember straight up 100 percent positive reaction.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

hahah thats funny

YO i had a question to all yall.

Before melo got traded who actually thought it was a BAD idea?


Yo Dean I was fine with Gallo, Chandler , and picks for Melo but when I heard we were ALSO giving up Felton and Mozgov I got pissed I mean at the end of the day dude was gonna be a free agent
Those Bordeaux Spizike's are absolutely disgusting. So glad I don't buy Jordan's for myself anymore. My daughter's Jordan's are made with better quality than the men's
Originally Posted by Al3xis

If you're going to let him go in the off-season - Why not just eat the rest of the contract year and put Woodson in an interim role now? What good does it do anyone to have him stay and then get let go?
Cuz Phil Jackson doesn't want any of those guys on his coaching staff when he takes over. Might as well wait to dump them all in one go. Why would the fans or anyone else want Woodson as the interim. I mean that's basically officially throwing away the season and possibly not making the playoffs.
Idk if Phil would wanna jump in mid-season, if he does, give him the job, if not, I'm cool with Woodson. Can't be any worse than what D'antoni is doing.
This franchise won't get anywhere with Dolan being our owner. His mentality is completely money driven. I honestly think he doesn't care whether the Knicks win or not. Anywho, this team is terrible. D'Antoni needs an elite PG/Above-Average PG to win. System isn't even working, imo. Offense looks extremely slow compared to prior D'Antoni teams. Most of our offense is streetball $*$% or iso's smh. Baron might help, but I'm not optimistic about his return. 
Honestly if dolans mentality is all bout money he should want a championship more than we do
I want uptempo back when Baron gets his conditioning where it needs to be and legs up under him . That's the only way our offense will improve because that's the only offense Dantoni knows how to coach and excel at. If Tim Thomas , Boris Diaw , Kurt Thomas , Jimmy Jackson can run thier ***#$ up and down the court Melo's lazy #$@ is gonna have to also . I hate the fact that we changed the whole demeanor of this team for him in the first place albeit we didn't have the to PG to run it . The slow pace half court iso ball offense ain't working with Dantoni here and now since we have a PG who can push the tempo we have to I can care less if Melo like's it or not.
I don't understand how a big man in Jerome Jordan, a 3 point shooter in Novak, and a decent PG in Lin get ZERO playing time on a team that has no depth AT ALL..These dudes aren't playing on the Blazers or a team that has a deep bench..They play on a team that is currently 4 games below .500. It just makes no sense

I'm still content with having Melo on this team, even if they're currently playing like garbage..But I still believe that adding depth around guys like Amar'e n Melo makes the team pretty good..You can't seriously expect the team to be great when they have 2 rookies that came into the season with the responsibility of being huge contributors from the jump..It's not like Shump n Jorts were lottery picks like LeBron or Durant that were expected to come into the season and do work..They were drafted in a stage of the 1st  n 2nd round where players are usually expected to just contribute minimal minutes off the bench their rookie season.

Regardless of how much I think Carmelo will help the team once they sign more players that can contribute as opposed to scrubs like Douglas, when I look back at what the Knicks traded, it shocks me. We really traded our starting PG, starting SG, starting SF, and backup Center for 1 player?
Idc if Billups was involved in the trade bc everyone knew dude was just a filler to make it work contract wise and he'd be gone once the season ended, but goddamn..That's like 45ppg traded for 25ppg.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Honestly if dolans mentality is all bout money he should want a championship more than we do

Son jacked up ticket prices 10 fold when 'Melo arrived.
Duke doesn't care.

Realistically speaking, we need to let go of 'Melo and pick up a PG A'mare can run with, unless Melo decides he wants to be a playmaker and run the pick & roll. Or get a new coach. (Jeff  Van Gundy 

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how a big man in Jerome Jordan, a 3 point shooter in Novak, and a decent PG in Lin get ZERO playing time on a team that has no depth AT ALL..These dudes aren't playing on the Blazers or a team that has a deep bench..They play on a team that is currently 4 games below .500. It just makes no sense

Yo I swear if we pushed the tempo every chance we got and Novak played 10-15 minutes a night our stars would play way better because the floor would be stretched. Novak is a knock down shooter. Dude comes off the bench cold not playing in like 10 games and knocks down 3 threes wet like it's nothing he's a shooter period that's something we desperately need. Fields excels in the uptempo game also with his rebounding and athleticism , Stoudemire definitely is a different player when the tempo is pushed with the dunks he gets from running the floor , Shumpert will be a better player in a faster paced offense . This half court offense IS NOT working with this coach and it never will as long as he's here he should coach to his strengths. When Melo was in Denver they led the league in scoring a few times because they also pushed the pace I don't understand why we play so slow and uninspired we look like a 40+ team at the Y.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how a big man in Jerome Jordan, a 3 point shooter in Novak, and a decent PG in Lin get ZERO playing time on a team that has no depth AT ALL..These dudes aren't playing on the Blazers or a team that has a deep bench..They play on a team that is currently 4 games below .500. It just makes no sense

I'm still content with having Melo on this team, even if they're currently playing like garbage..But I still believe that adding depth around guys like Amar'e n Melo makes the team pretty good..You can't seriously expect the team to be great when they have 2 rookies that came into the season with the responsibility of being huge contributors from the jump..It's not like Shump n Jorts were lottery picks like LeBron or Durant that were expected to come into the season and do work..They were drafted in a stage of the 1st  n 2nd round where players are usually expected to just contribute minimal minutes off the bench their rookie season.

Regardless of how much I think Carmelo will help the team once they sign more players that can contribute as opposed to scrubs like Douglas, when I look back at what the Knicks traded, it shocks me. We really traded our starting PG, starting SG, starting SF, and backup Center for 1 player?
Idc if Billups was involved in the trade bc everyone knew dude was just a filler to make it work contract wise and he'd be gone once the season ended, but goddamn..That's like 45ppg traded for 25ppg.

Ok guys lets all let it go on 3....I swear every page we keep dwelling on this issue. We have melo now lets all move forward
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how a big man in Jerome Jordan, a 3 point shooter in Novak, and a decent PG in Lin get ZERO playing time on a team that has no depth AT ALL..These dudes aren't playing on the Blazers or a team that has a deep bench..They play on a team that is currently 4 games below .500. It just makes no sense

Yo I swear if we pushed the tempo every chance we got and Novak played 10-15 minutes a night our stars would play way better because the floor would be stretched. Novak is a knock down shooter. Dude comes off the bench cold not playing in like 10 games and knocks down 3 threes wet like it's nothing he's a shooter period that's something we desperately need. Fields excels in the uptempo game also with his rebounding and athleticism , Stoudemire definitely is a different player when the tempo is pushed with the dunks he gets from running the floor , Shumpert will be a better player in a faster paced offense . This half court offense IS NOT working with this coach and it never will as long as he's here he should coach to his strengths. When Melo was in Denver they led the league in scoring a few times because they also pushed the pace I don't understand why we play so slow and uninspired we look like a 40+ team at the Y.
Yeah, we've taken a large volume of three's but our shooters are trash, this is D'Antoni's philosophies, why isn't he maximizing the potential of the Knicks? I don't understand.
I really don't see what you guys see in Lin, dude doesn't deserve minutes over TD he's that bad to me and I've been watching that kid for years.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I really don't see what you guys see in Lin, dude doesn't deserve minutes over TD he's that bad to me and I've been watching that kid for years.

Lin got penetration and dished off to the open man 4 times in a NBA game in garbage time that alone makes him better than Douglas.
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