let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

What is wrong with this team, b?

Win or lose, they look terrible.

Looks like they all hate each other and they all lost their love for the game.

Amar'e looks like he 54 years old. Something definitely wrong with him.

Team has been hard to watch even for a diehard.
Just going through the motions and @##!.

It's disheartening because you know they're capable of doing much better than this...
After the Miami game. We should sit Melo until hes healthy. The injury.is def messing with him

His fg% are hitting ben wallace numbers
I can do a year of this, no problem. But these guys being on the books through what, 2015? With no way out of it? Yeah, that part scares the crap out of me.
they really need to fire dantoni... the team should be way better with the team we got...the bench is garbage but this is still the best knicks team this whole decade... i know not saying much but still no reason to lose...this team lost 6 in a row 3 times last year and once this year... that is really bad... sometimes a new voice is needed and will change the team
How the Knicks get did in by a team full of scrubs though?
Especially when they had a breeze of a game last night against CHA, yet the Cavs played in a close game all the way down south @ the Heat and still came out with more energy/enthusiasm than NYC.

I'm just as irritated as you guys b/c I actually bet $$ in their favor tonight.

I thought ya'll were tripping about Coach MDT... but somebody has to pay for this piss poor start of a season, and it isn't going to be the players.
I would have beating the !#@# out of varajo if I was Chandler. He really deserved it. What a cheap player. Refs let him get away with wrapping tysons arms up over and over again

Can someone xplain why Novak doesn't play? If this coach insists on chuck and duck why don't you put him in? It %@!#%%@ boggles my mind. Terrible coach
I was watching the cavs stream and all their announcer was saying was "this is the wrong offense for this team."
Yeah. D'Antoni has to go. Even with our roster flaws he doesn't try to get the best out of what he has. It's maddening....
You know coaches get super hyped up when they get to go against dantoni. It isn't debatable at this point. He has a gimmick system and doesn't adjust.

Btw I'm watching melo very closely and it's impossible to blame him for not passing the ball. There is no movement whatsoever. No picks or cuts whatsoever
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

How the Knicks get did in by a team full of scrubs though?
Especially when they had a breeze of a game last night against CHA, yet the Cavs played in a close game all the way down south @ the Heat and still came out with more energy/enthusiasm than NYC.

I'm just as irritated as you guys b/c I actually bet $$ in their favor tonight.

I thought ya'll were tripping about Coach MDT... but somebody has to pay for this piss poor start of a season, and it isn't going to be the players.
FYI, you never bet on the Knicks. They always find a way to !*@+ you.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Btw I'm watching melo very closely and it's impossible to blame him for not passing the ball. There is no movement whatsoever. No picks or cuts whatsoever


I still wont be shocked if we do beat the Heat. We always suck against scrub teams and play up to good teams.
Melo needs to sit with the sprains wrist and thumb issues, sit till your healed, more harm than good at this point.
a mike d'antoni offense works well with a competent PG who can distribute the rock. our leading assist man is melo with a whopping 4 APG. im still patient, ill give a chance to see what this team is made of with a facilitator before I will say we're just disfunctional.

with that being said, i still hate the coach. probably one of the most stubborn mf'ers in the league. he will not make adjustments. he probably doesnt even know how to. his laxed style of coaching angers me. i hate that he just goes "lets go lets go lets go" in every time out. like cmon dude i understand your offense is free flowing and alot of it is based on looks and feels but goddamn when we're struggling can you at least draw up one play besides the elbow ISO? dudes be playing hot potato at the top of the key then when the shotclock wings down whoever has it just chucks it up.

really cant wait for baron. his impact will be evident. the offense will have a clear leader. i saw so many lazy passes, and missed looks from the guards that I know would end up as baron davis alleyoops. hopefully next week he can run maybe 10-20 min a game.

get well soon beard. steve nash, pick up your phone this summer.
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