let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Someone please tell me why the Knicks INSIST on bringing back Jared Jeffries like he actually makes a difference?!

I'm dumfounded by this as well. He's the ****tiest player on that roster. SMH
And the better question is why do they INSIST on going after old/worn out players??? Grant Hill?? Really? {
How is Grant Hill worn out? Damn are yall just expecting him to break down if he comes here?

I know yall might not want Jeffries back so far I'm not hearing about anybody his height wanting to come here and we're pursuing all the available big men.
MrONegative wrote:
Walker played like complete %%+ in the playoffs...still better than LeBron. Appreciated.

that's not all of the schedule, right?

I don't think so. I counted 41games on that schedule. I was planning to go to at least 1 Miami @ MSG game.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Someone please tell me why the Knicks INSIST on bringing back Jared Jeffries like he actually makes a difference?!

I'm dumfounded by this as well. He's the ****tiest player on that roster. SMH
And the better question is why do they INSIST on going after old/worn out players??? Grant Hill?? Really? {

Dont be foolish.

YES it was extremely dumb to give jeffries that $30 mil deal/5 years. I dont think anyone on the universe let alone this forum would deny that, @$@+ jeffries himself probably knows. But ****tiest player on the roster?? @$@+ outta here with that, thats like saying allan houston was a scrub back in the day just because he got paid like KG

Jeffries has been a vital role player on a winning team before in washington and i have no doubt he can do it again here in NY. Sure that may be all he is: a long, defensive minded role player not the 1st team all defense player isiah hyped him as but do not hate on jeffries for isiah being isiah, i mean would you pass on $30 mil. Keeping jeffries is good for this team, he is versatile and one of our better defenders even if he isnt an all ream defense kind of guy. Besides dropping that pass he played well vs boston also and if we can pick up some talent to put around him he wont be in positions to make those plays.

You wont find better role players for this team for the right price than jeffries. This is assuming he takes dirt compared to his previous contract, but bringing him back as a low paid role player? I got no problem with that at all. He should earn a little of that cash he was paid.

And grant hill is not washed out? Get off the computer and go watch some basketball its obviously been too long. If we can get a 6'8 forward with pg like intangibles, while he is agin he still plays d, can hit the 3 (major need btw), and add all that with him being a great lockerroom presence/leader as well... All for (hopefully) near a minimum contract. You jump on that kinda oppurtunity, i hope its true.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Someone please tell me why the Knicks INSIST on bringing back Jared Jeffries like he actually makes a difference?!

I'm dumfounded by this as well. He's the ****tiest player on that roster. SMH
And the better question is why do they INSIST on going after old/worn out players??? Grant Hill?? Really? 

agreed.. hes garbage and if your thinking otherwise you are fronting... obviously we don't have money to sign a superstar center but other serviceable centers are better like aaron gray or kwame...anyways anyone down for a NT meetup at one of the better home games
? what i mean is one of the better teams like the lakers and not the bobcats... im down even if it means the nosebleeds
Melo better call Grant and tell him how Tamia could revitalize her career if he signs with NY 
bobcats-knicks on my bday
but at least we'll get to see kemba come back home....

and playing toronto 4 times again, that means 4 Ws....
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

why did melo want josh selby again? just because they are friends?

Really good question. I mean, did he think, ok...we need a point guard we can give NO...he'd do his boy like that?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

why did melo want josh selby again? just because they are friends?
Really good question. I mean, did he think, ok...we need a point guard we can give NO...he'd do his boy like that?
I guess, especially seeing as Iman is mainly a defensive player.

If Selby looks like he has potential to be an all star in his rookie year he'd be a great trade piece.

W/e happened to Pryzbilla
SMH @ reading a short essay on Jared Jeffries... The "role player".

Here's the thing though, in order to be a role player you have to be skilled & at one or more aspects of the game, CONSISTENTLY.

Jared does not fall under this category because he is not good at any one particular thing... But he TRIES to be... CONSISTENTLY.


The same way he TRIED to run after Melo after he rocked him in his jaw. Now this dude is running after a 1 year deal just to be his reserve?...

I will never forgive Jeffries for dropping Melo's pass in the playoffs..If he makes that shot, we get our first playoff win in years

And I also remember that game where Melo was open for a 3 with the Knicks down by 2, and he made some ******ed pass to someone else instead and we lost the game..He's fine if you don't put the ball anywhere in his vicinity on offense
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I will never forgive Jeffries for dropping Melo's pass in the playoffs..If he makes that shot, we get our first playoff win in years

And I also remember that game where Melo was open for a 3 with the Knicks down by 2, and he made some ******ed pass to someone else instead and we lost the game..He's fine if you don't put the ball anywhere in his vicinity on offense

It wasn't Melo's fault. A couple plays before Jeffries did a STAT move for the bucket, actually looked like a real baller. Melo got fooled.
Na I'm not blaming Melo..That's all on Jared
Dude was wide open on that play and Melo figured rather than shoot over a double team and risk missing it, he'd have faith in his teammate and give him the rock so he could have the glory..But of course the ball hit Jared's hands like a piece of burning charcoal and he dropped it on the floor immediately.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

A couple plays before Jeffries did a STAT move for the bucket, actually looked like a real baller. Melo got fooled.

im sure we all got fooled. how can you drive in for a layup, but not catch the ball and just lay it in? 

but i remember posting in this thread something like 'yessss jeffries!' after he made that drive. then after he missed the layup, i quoted myself saying 'nvm, you still suck'...

That Christmas day game might be the biggest opening day for the Knicks in the past decade. Melo n Amare's first opening day as teammates against the same team that swept them in the playoffs, and is aging, in MSG.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

SMH @ reading a short essay on Jared Jeffries... The "role player".

Here's the thing though, in order to be a role player you have to be skilled & at one or more aspects of the game, CONSISTENTLY.

Jared does not fall under this category because he is not good at any one particular thing... But he TRIES to be... CONSISTENTLY.


The same way he TRIED to run after Melo after he rocked him in his jaw. Now this dude is running after a 1 year deal just to be his reserve?...


Thank you. I just can't with some people crowing him as a decent role player
especially after what he did last season in the playoffs. Not to mention he's offensively challenged in ever sense of the word.
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