let this thread die (NYK)

I don't even want Paul anymore . We can't trade for him because of no assets or picks or sign him because we don't have enough cap room, the thought of having him is just unrealistic or any max player next year for that matter. Give Tyson Chandler a nice multiyear contract , still try to get Foster or Brown on a 1 year deal, give Grant Hill a 2 Year deal, and try to trade Billups' expiring at the deadline for a better PG if you can. We ready to ride out
All yall not caring about Paul no more are being affected by the Lakers rumors or are just flat out tired of this?

I'm calling it now though, Paul will be a Knickbocker eventually. MANIFEST DESTINY IN THIS +$%%#

Plus for the guy saying we don't have a pg, Chompsy is still here and when healthy is a very good vet pg in the league. I'll call him drawing the most fouls behind the 3-pt line this year
I'm tired of the Paul rumors. Although he would be a great addition we don't need him. We need a solid point guard not great. I think the center position is more a necessicity. Derek fisher wasn't an elite pg or Jason Williams but they won championships
One of the Knick's biggest moves is to find a new coach. Start with that. We all know D'antoni's style is good for the regular season, but not built to win jack. Chris Paul ain't coming, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else is either. I bet the Knicks wind up doing some stupidness like signing Vince Carter or if Gilbert Arenas gets cut by Orlando because of the amnesty clause, watch the Knicks sign him
. It's the Knicks, don't act like they don't do stupidness like that.
Originally Posted by DeeNyce

lol knicks are gonna continue being doo-doo without a point guard and a self-centered player such as melo. Flame on, but its the damn truth dunnies.

         beh235 wrote:
One of the Knick's biggest moves is to find a new coach. Start with that. We all know D'antoni's style is good for the regular season, but not built to win jack. Chris Paul ain't coming, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else is either. I bet the Knicks wind up doing some stupidness like signing Vince Carter or if Gilbert Arenas gets cut by Orlando because of the amnesty clause, watch the Knicks sign him 
. It's the Knicks, don't act like they don't do stupidness like that.

That's the thing about the center position, there's none out there for us whether it's them being too expensive or simply nobody being good enough.

I'm totally fine with us drafting college and foreigners for the c position and trying our hardest to obtain a nice rebounding backup pf like Reggie. I honestly don't see us making big moves before the season starts for all of our needs, so before next season starts I wouldn't mind if we gotta rape the roster again to get CP3 because every season after that is when our needs will be coming to us for a cheap price.
Originally Posted by beh235

One of the Knick's biggest moves is to find a new coach. Start with that. We all know D'antoni's style is good for the regular season, but not built to win jack. Chris Paul ain't coming, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else is either. I bet the Knicks wind up doing some stupidness like signing Vince Carter or if Gilbert Arenas gets cut by Orlando because of the amnesty clause, watch the Knicks sign him
. It's the Knicks, don't act like they don't do stupidness like that.
I forgot we rehired Scott Layden and Isaiah Thomas.

You sound like you're longing for the days when we sucked from ownership to FO to our roster. I'd like to believe we're on a new chapter now.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

lol knicks are gonna continue being doo-doo without a point guard and a self-centered player such as melo. Flame on, but its the damn truth dunnies.

         beh235 wrote:
One of the Knick's biggest moves is to find a new coach. Start with that. We all know D'antoni's style is good for the regular season, but not built to win jack. Chris Paul ain't coming, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else is either. I bet the Knicks wind up doing some stupidness like signing Vince Carter or if Gilbert Arenas gets cut by Orlando because of the amnesty clause, watch the Knicks sign him 
. It's the Knicks, don't act like they don't do stupidness like that.


. It's gonna be ok man, I hope. I'm just counting down for when things don't go right and Carmelo shows who he REALLY is. When the fans start booing, and he gets frustrated because the offense isn't working. And there is no more room to do anything else. Man, if only the Knicks could have Larry Brown coach this version of the Knicks. Oh well. I'm a former Knick fan. I don't know how you guys do it, I can't do it anymore man. Smh...
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

That's the thing about the center position, there's none out there for us whether it's them being too expensive or simply nobody being good enough.

I'm totally fine with us drafting college and foreigners for the c position and trying our hardest to obtain a nice rebounding backup pf like Reggie. I honestly don't see us making big moves before the season starts for all of our needs, so before next season starts I wouldn't mind if we gotta rape the roster again to get CP3 because every season after that is when our needs will be coming to us for a cheap price.
Originally Posted by beh235

One of the Knick's biggest moves is to find a new coach. Start with that. We all know D'antoni's style is good for the regular season, but not built to win jack. Chris Paul ain't coming, and quite frankly, I don't think anyone else is either. I bet the Knicks wind up doing some stupidness like signing Vince Carter or if Gilbert Arenas gets cut by Orlando because of the amnesty clause, watch the Knicks sign him
. It's the Knicks, don't act like they don't do stupidness like that.
I forgot we rehired Scott Layden and Isaiah Thomas.

You sound like you're longing for the days when we sucked from ownership to FO to our roster. I'd like to believe we're on a new chapter now.

^ You are very optimistic my friend. Remember, the magician that got the Knicks to this point is now gone
. You can only hope it will get better. Me, I highly doubt it. This franchise has to be re-vamped top to bottom. It sucks that you guys are stuck with Dolan as an owner and the team is tough to sell because of Cablevision and the whole package deal with the Rangers. Who wants all that? I just have a feeling Knick fans have seen the ceiling with the Knicks last spring. First round, then exit. They might win a few more games in the playoffs but I can't see them in the second round any time soon. If so, I will come back here and happily eat my words. I just can't get behind this team any more. I've had TOO much heartbreak over the years, then followed by mediocrity and stupidity (90's Bulls..94 Rockets....8 points, 16 seconds...missed finger roll...Allan Houston..bad contracts...Steve Francis...Zeke....well, y'all get the point
Originally Posted by beh235

^ You are very optimistic my friend. Remember, the magician that got the Knicks to this point is now gone
. You can only hope it will get better. Me, I highly doubt it. This franchise has to be re-vamped top to bottom. It sucks that you guys are stuck with Dolan as an owner and the team is tough to sell because of Cablevision and the whole package deal with the Rangers. Who wants all that? I just have a feeling Knick fans have seen the ceiling with the Knicks last spring. First round, then exit. They might win a few more games in the playoffs but I can't see them in the second round any time soon. If so, I will come back here and happily eat my words. I just can't get behind this team any more. I've had TOO much heartbreak over the years, then followed by mediocrity and stupidity (90's Bulls..94 Rockets....8 points, 16 seconds...missed finger roll...Allan Houston..bad contracts...Steve Francis...Zeke....well, y'all get the point
I gotta be optimistic. I'm like a slave after the Civil War, I'm not going back. Dolan aint even really on my mind like that, he's probably never going to sell unless he wins a few chips first. That idea is out of my mind.

As for the team and the FO, Donnie was and I think still is advising until the season starts but even if he's not like I said right now this free agency I'm not expecting much for reasons already mentioned. I expect after this season and however we do in the playoffs is when the big decisions will be made. Pringles is in the last year of his contract. So we'll potentially be looking at getting a new pres of operations and/or GM, a new coach, and signing players to improve our bench with focus on whether or not we should resign Chompsy for cheap or try to still form a package to get Paul, then there's wing players and if we're going to keep Fields for the long haul, deciding what we'll do with Jordan, trying to get more big men, vets in general, etc.


Now see if we did sign Jeffries to another 1 year deal this kinda what I expected given the FAs at the moment and what they're asking for. We'll probably just resign Purple Drank, bring Jordan over or another foreigner, and go from there. Oh and we got that rookie everybody is calling Jorts, probably have to end up depending on him a bit unless he turns out to be one of the shook ones like Rautins.

"Last February, Chauncey Billups was traded from his home city of Denver to the New YorkKnicks. Whereas most players would be happy to play in such a large market, Billups and his family weren't especially thrilled, although they didn't make too big a stink about it. He's a professional, after all, and getting traded is part of the NBA life.

That said, there comes a point at which being traded often becomes a sizable nuisance and not just a known occupational hazard. Now that the Knicks are regular patrons at the rumor mill for Chris Paul, Billups has been mentioned as part of pretty much any potential major trade. He's not very happy about it, as he told Howard Beck of The New York Times  (via EOB):"

Honestly Billups needs to shut the #@!% up and enjoy his 14 Million , we know u never wanted to come here but stop *%$#!*#
Knicks rookie Iman Shumpert has been writing a periodic diary for The Post during the lockout. With the lockout now drawing to a close, Shumpert checks in one last time before embarking on his first NBA season. His Twitter handle is @I_Am_Iman

Knicks fans just have been wanting to see basketball. They demand a lot. I may tweet, “I'm with my mom,
I like the Jeffries signing. The problem is he's constantly put in situations where too much is expected of him.

He's to be used very sparingly. For some reason, D'Antoni thinks he's a starter at times, or that he should be out there in crunch time. If he's used correctly as a spot guy, he can help. I loved him at the top of the 3-2 zone.

Maybe I'm crazy, though.
I agree, you can do worse.

he just can't be starting (or playing a lot) next to Amare paired 4/5.
If grant hill is coming here that would be amazing, add Foster I'd be thrilled. Hill would add such a flexibility in just allowing Melo to focus on D and Hill guarding the best perimiter player every night.
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