let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by MrDozo

Lins from queens huh? Interesting. What high school did he attend?

Im anxious for tonights game.

I thought Lin was from the Bay
actually Lin is from the bay but his grandmother lives in queens. His parents are sleeping over in queens. The story is in todays paper
so is Toney gonna be chained up in the dog house forever? Because I rather have him playing than Bibby's corpse.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Just wanted to stop by and ask some of you that hoop at at LaGaurdia..
..any chance we can put together some pick-up games with us #NT family in April possibly?

PM me if needed!
I'm down.

*Looks at Los, Fresh, Mez, Penny, "#NT" *

It's been a while.

Originally Posted by NobleKane

i think you guys are going to win but lin will be shut down. if that makes sense.

they will probably throw kobe on lin and do the rondo defense.

Lol, you have zero faith in your team? Who do we have that's guarding Kobe? You do realize he loves playing us IN MSG.

its a back to back and we just played OT. players gonna be tired and every team plays the lakers tough
our big 3 all played over 40 minutes yesterday. kobe played 43... you see how putrid our bench is? lol dead last in ppg

gonna just quote myself
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