let this thread die (NYK)

FOH with that trade Melo talk. Lin is on his hot streak but who else would you want closing your games besides Melo?

Can't wait to see this offense with Melo and Stat back in with Lin playing a good point guard. 
Did anyone see Mike D'Antoni's press conference? Some troll reporter asks him "When Amar'e and Melo are ready to play, will you let them enter the lineup?" and he just sits there and starts laughing
Not gonna get cocky regardless of win streak, but I feel the Knicks match up fairly well against the T-Wolves..They're obviously not the same old post KG-2011 T-Wolves, but the NBA is all about matchups..Their bench isn't great either..Only player on that bench that can give the Knicks issues defensively is JJ Barea but he's not a good defender so it balances out
Was at work and didnt catch the game. Saw the boxscore though. 3 points on 12% shooting for Bynum? Tyson just lock him up or what?
^it was a mix of Tyson and _effries doing a really good job
Pringles doubling him every time in the post +
Bynum bringing weak @++$ on the back end of a back-back.

And I agree about Minny.
They're on a back to back too....
Their outside shooting is real suspect..........
Eughk...why you got me optimistic?

No Darko, but Pekovic is a beast.
And Love & Rubio are still Love & Rubio....

[table][tr][td] Sat 11[/td][td] @ Minnesota  [/td][td] 8:00pm[/td][td] MSG[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] Tue 14[/td][td] @ Toronto  (STAT BACK)
[/td][td] 7:00pm[/td][td] MSG[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] Wed 15[/td][td] vs Sacramento [/td][td] 7:30pm[/td][td] MSG[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] Fri 17[/td][td] vs New Orleans [/td][td] 8:00pm[/td][td] MSG[/td][td] 
[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] Sun 19[/td][td] vs Dallas [/td][td] 1:00pm[/td][td] [/td][td] 
[/td][td] [/td][/tr][tr][td] Mon 20[/td][td] vs NJ (~MELO BACK)
[/td][td] 7:30pm[/td][td] MSG[/td][td] [/td][td] [/td][/tr][/table]
I don't wanna seem like a JLin D-rider, but with the way he's playing...Why not start him? Even when BD is back...

If it aint broke, don't fix it right?
If he continues to put up stats like this, I would be shocked if he wasn't the starter, MSG will go nuts if that happens. At this point, Jeremy Lin playing like this is better than BD even 100% healthy.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Start Lin instead of that bum Davis!!!

Son prob thought hes gonna shut the thread down with this one right before he hit reply.Ayo proph throw duke on top of the fan list with a gold star next to his name for this brilliant suggestion
Watched the 4th, exciting stuff. As mentioned the Knicks have this new found confidence with Lin out there.

Anybody else notice how the promo team was weak for the game against LAL but once Lin did his thing again broke out this legend of Lin like promo for Minny?

I also notice Clyde is more carefree and laid back commentating with Bernard.

After Lin made that corner 3 I'm pretty sure a ref patted him on his back
What the hell is going on here? Unless my sarcasm meter is broken, why do I see pleas to make jl the starting over bd?? There is no way bd will start for the knicks ever.
Last night's game was amazing. It's simply astounding what he's doing. I'm all for Linsanity! Anyone have any leads on any shirts or anything of that nature? Would love to rep him down here in the MIA where I spin around those god forsaken Heat Fans.
We still need Baron, don't get it twisted. Lin is young and still getting his legs underneath him for the pacing of an NBA game. Son's huffing and puffing at the end of games. Letting Baron ease his way back as the back-up PG is perfect for the both of them.

The only worry we should truly have when Melo and Amare get back is defense. Jared and Tyson has turned into a good defensive combo. I know they'll both make the effort though. And when Jorts comes back, we can even slide Amare to the Center spot from time to time and create even more spacing for him and Melo, and give Lin another guy at the arc to drive and dish too.

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Kobe: Melo won't need to adjust to Lin

By Christopher Hunt

NEW YORK -- As the legend of Jeremy Lin grows, the looming questions about Carmelo Anthony's return are also gaining momentum.

What's going to happen when Anthony returns to the lineup? Will he bring the Knicks' new and exciting ball movement to a screeching halt, or will Mike D'Antoni have to adjust is system to adapt to one of the league's best scorers?


Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE via Getty ImagesWorried about the Knicks' offense when Melo returns? Kobe says it's much ado about nothing.
"I think Melo having the ball in his hands in this town is overrated," said Lakers star Kobe Bryant, a teammate of Anthony's on Team USA. "I mean, I've played with him. The ball is in his hands and then it's gone."

The bulk of Anthony's scoring this season has come off isolation plays, which, at times, made the Knicks' offense stagnant. Players have admitted to being lulled into watching Anthony instead of keeping the offense moving. The fear is that the increased tempo New York has seen with Lin at the point will be slowed by Anthony's need to pound the ball into the post.

Bryant did not accept the idea that Anthony might need to make a big adjustment when he returns to the lineup from a strained right groin injury.

"He's not a player that's going to dribble the ball a whole bunch, so I think that is a little overrated," said Bryant, who also thrives in isolation plays. "They need to get the ball to Melo in the post and in the mid-post because that's where he operates, and its frees him up to do what he does best.

"He's not going to be a facilitator, so people need to stop expecting that from him. That can be Jeremy Lin's job. Melo can put the ball in the basket and let [Lin] do what he does best."

The Knicks are on a four-game winning streak without Anthony or Amare Stoudemire. One reporter jokingly asked D’Antoni if he would let his two biggest stars (if you don't count Jeremy Lin) back into the lineup.

"I'm excited about getting those two guys back and I’m excited about the possibilities and where we can go, and even Josh Harrellson, who adds another element to it," D'Antoni said. "We should only get better from here. That's obviously the objective. And guys will have to bend a little bit, but also we'll bend toward them and they know that. They’re good guys.
What do you mean?
We hated our coach more than our bench, because he'd only play the worst guys (Toney, Bibby, Walker and Balkman) and make our starters play 40+ min......You didn't see that jailed up photoshop?

We got lucky.
If Baron's arm didn't get infected, Lin would probably be cut by now.
I really didn't think he'd keep this up, but this is unbelievable. I couldn't be more happy for him, and this is a guy who definitely deserves all the media hype. He's worked hard and played well when it mattered. Besides Lin playing at a very high level at PG, everyone on the Knicks is playing D and playing with confidence. Jared Jefferies, Fields, Shump, Tyson have all been playing much better with Lin in there. I guess it shows how much a difference playing with a PG who shares the ball makes.

I think Melo will make the team better bc with Lin running things it'll be easier on him and he won't have to go 1 on 5, what I'm worried about is Amare playing defense and rebounding. I know Lin gets a lot of credit, as he should, but Jared Jefferies is playing incredibly well with his defense and hustling after every board or loose ball. Amare's a great finisher on that pick and roll but he's never been a good defender.
Everyone was absolutely justified in hating the bench.

Bill Walker is still shooting like garbage. The corpse of Mike Bibby is still playing crappy. Jeffries is contributing, but we've seen that before. Novak shot the 3 outrageously well for a few games. And Jeremy Lin wasn't our bench.. he was the 4th string PG. It's amazing that things worked out the way they did and he got a shot, and he's been outstanding when he's been given his chance.
I'm hype as Hell and all for Linsanity.. but what I'm most excited about are the W's. If we can get Stat and Melo back and play some good team ball, the sky is the limit.
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