let this thread die (NYK)

I actually see that tweet as a positive, at least we know hes not in denial. I just hope he understands fully how badly we're gonna turn on him if he comes here playing like Kobe (in terms of shot selection)
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

When Melo had a healthy PG he was one game away from a trip to the NBA finals... this year he will have two (B Diddy and Leezy)
Important point ppl ignore cuz they never watched Melo in DEN or committed to the sky is falling attitude due to our start this season. I find it funny how dudes want to blame Melo for the team's play on offense.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Not a joking matter at all. The lights will be shining on him to see how he plays with this squad. Let's just say melo does mess up this teams sudden chemistry then what?
Obviously we trade Lin.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by viiheaven

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

sidenote: we have 113 team nyk members (pre-melo) and not including the bandwagoners that just arrived this week. How is this thread shorter than the Lakers?? lol
A lot of us stopped posting because it's become absurd in here at times. "Trade Melo", "Trade A'mare", etc. And that was all months before Jeremy Lin stepped up.
Pretty much.

Sky is falling when we lose, and we're on level 100 (infinite Rare Candies) when we do.
The Giants run was a big reason why I wasn't involved in the game to game posts as much.
Plus it's so damn hard to keep up!  Thread grows at least 5 pages a day...
Landry needs to work on those free throws. Like shumps aggressiveness on both sides,too bad Antoni is our coach so it will take him a while to mature
What in God's name.........................................................

I've never seen that clip before 
......what's good with Melo? (JR is just............being JR I guess)

Oh and if this hasn't been said already, there were some questions about Shump's shooting after he was drafted, albeit more so from 3 pt land but his mid-range jumper is $$$$.
Originally Posted by s1eepyboy

whats the status on bdiddy, hopefully hes not still trolling us
Actually, he's fine. His back definitely isn't 100% for sure. No worries about it. Remember Danilo in his rookie year. Knicks' medical staff is very good. It's just Baron's body isn't ready to play in an NBA game yet. He needs more practices/workouts. He hasn't played in a game since April 2011.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

What in God's name.........................................................

I've never seen that clip before 
......what's good with Melo? (JR is just............being JR I guess)

Oh and if this hasn't been said already, there were some questions about Shump's shooting after he was drafted, albeit more so from 3 pt land but his mid-range jumper is $$$$.
Melo's body collapse on the previous play or something like that
Melo holds the ball when he needs to create a shot off the dribble or post up in the paint. With Lin doing the pick n roll with Amar'e and Chandler, Melo no longer needs to operate in the post as much. Now he can focus on that deadly 1 dribble mid-range jumper. Lin/Tyson/Amare in the post with Melo (and Amar'e on certain plays) mid-range and Novak on the perimeter for 3s. That's the spacing the Knicks were looking for all season.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

What in God's name.........................................................

I've never seen that clip before 
......what's good with Melo? (JR is just............being JR I guess)

I assume he got a shock to his neck.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Melo holds the ball when he needs to create a shot off the dribble or post up in the paint. With Lin doing the pick n roll with Amar'e and Chandler, Melo no longer needs to operate in the post as much. Now he can focus on that deadly 1 dribble mid-range jumper. Lin/Tyson/Amare in the post with Melo (and Amar'e on certain plays) mid-range and Novak on the perimeter for 3s. That's the spacing the Knicks were looking for all season.
anticipating Stat/Melos comeback...

and this right now, is our 'spark' run like last year... 
The server is going to crash when the Knicks win streak ends the night Melo comes back.
From what I heard a couple days ago, wasn't bdiddy out because of an infection in his arm similar to what David Lee had? I know they were saying that his back was fine but the elbow was infected by a cut he had and he couldn't even raise it without pain...
Anyone else heard that report? Forgive me because I'm out of the country and i haven't been able to read through the thread.
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