let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Melo is going to ScumBag Steve ya'll man.  Think about it like this.  What if he comes in and plays like he normally does (which is what he rather do) what's the worst that can happen?  Media backlash? I mean thats about it.  He's still gonna be #1 option, he's still gonna be a knick, he's still gonna be filthy rich.  From what I know about Melo that dude ain't changing for Jeremy Lin.  He wants the ball and thats that.

Media backlash? Dude will get run out of town. *%%$ outta here speaking on what you're clueless about. Go practice your j or something
I'm speaking on what I don't know? ok.....and exactly how is he gonna get run outta town?  Angry mob with torches?  Man please stop.  NYC is brutal but Melo isn't going to change man.  Dude is who he is.  He might "buy in" a lil bit the first game but my dude needs to be the center of attention.  Then way the Knicks been playing has been basically Jeremy Lin come off the high screen and roll 100 times a game.  Melo isn't about to wait for the ball like he's Novak or Bill Walker.

Melo ain't a bad dude but he has a huge ego like every other great scorer in the NBA.  Time will tell.  Glad you quoted me. 

P.S I worked out 6 am -10 am.  So my practice is done for today

Originally Posted by d5

If I see Melo bring up the ball once then hes not going to change...


teams will start to pick up Lin full court. Melo will have to bring the ball up once in a while.

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Melo is going to ScumBag Steve ya'll man.  Think about it like this.  What if he comes in and plays like he normally does (which is what he rather do) what's the worst that can happen?  Media backlash? I mean thats about it.  He's still gonna be #1 option, he's still gonna be a knick, he's still gonna be filthy rich.  From what I know about Melo that dude ain't changing for Jeremy Lin.  He wants the ball and thats that.

Media backlash? Dude will get run out of town. *%%$ outta here speaking on what you're clueless about. Go practice your j or something
MonStar1 wrote:

I'm speaking on what I don't know? ok.....and exactly how is he gonna get run outta town?  Angry mob with torches?  Man please stop.  NYC is brutal but Melo isn't going to change man.  Dude is who he is.  He might "buy in" a lil bit the first game but my dude needs to be the center of attention.  Then way the Knicks been playing has been basically Jeremy Lin come off the high screen and roll 100 times a game.  Melo isn't about to wait for the ball like he's Novak or Bill Walker.

Melo ain't a bad dude but he has a huge ego like every other great scorer in the NBA.  Time will tell.  Glad you quoted me. 

P.S I worked out 6 am -10 am.  So my practice is done for today

For the past five games Melo has brought the team together at center court for a 1-2-3 Kicks chant. He is on the bench cheering on his teammates. I think Melo is foaming at the mouth to get on the court. He sees the looks Walker/Novak get and knows he'll feast. Melo is on board.

The knicks can also run a double high post set with melo and stat. Lin can alternate which player to run the PnR with.
The problem was that Melo was forced to be a point forward earlier this season. With Lin, he won't have to do that.

I was worried about Melo before, but after thinking about it, it isn't like Melo hasnt. Web able to be successful with a good PG. I think we'll be fine. Looking forward to seeing the team fully healthy.
Originally Posted by d5

If I see Melo bring up the ball once then hes not going to change...
Unless he's going 2 for 1 at the end of the quarter or it's the last possession of the quarter.

@ this fool Truth talking about from what I know about Melo. Clown. It's kinda clear some ppl making these posts just want to see the Knicks do bad indirectly by hating on Melo or Melo do bad cuz they don't like him.

As if we need non-Knick fans to make pessimistic posts in here
You dudes Seriously think that Melo, at like 28 or whatever he is, is just going to magically become a different player after sitting out for a week. No. Melo is going to do Melo and that's all there is to it. God help that team if they were to sign JR Smith. He's the last person that Melo needs back around him in the locker room. That would be like a team pairing up Gilbert and Nick Young again. Its just not worth the gamble. I mean who would have thought that Mike D'Antoni's system of ball movement, unselfishness, good point guard play and 3 point shooting would be better off without two ball stopping players......there's no helping you sheep in here realize the truth about Melo. I do think Amare will fit in great though if he's healthy. If I was GM I'd see about that Chandler/amare for Dwight trade and shop Melo to the Lakers for Pau, World Peace and a 1st rounder. Then work my $** off trying to sign JR Smith. Lin-JR-Shump-Gasol-Dwight.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by Proshares

I really don't see what you guys see in Lin, dude doesn't deserve minutes over TD he's that bad to me and I've been watching that kid for years.

Lin got penetration and dished off to the open man 4 times in a NBA game in garbage time that alone makes him better than Douglas.

 smh@ Proshares

Damn had to go dig up dirt on me like that?  Thought you were better than that
Congrats to Lin on player of the week honors.

• The Knicks have taken advantage of Linsanity, raising average ticket prices by 27 percent since Lin scored 25 points off the bench against New Jersey.
Jesus Christ nobody is hating on the Knicks or Melo. We all like your team when you guys play wide open and fun and unselfish. People like me WANT to like the Knicks, but can't do it if the team is going to be sabotaged by the most selfish player in the league.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Jesus Christ nobody is hating on the Knicks or Melo. We all like your team when you guys play wide open and fun and unselfish. People like me WANT to like the Knicks, but can't do it if the team is going to be sabotaged by the most selfish player in the league.

How quickly we forget the 2008 Olympics. On a team with Bron, Wade, Kobe, Paul, D-Will it was Melo touted as the best player during the tournament.

Also, per twitter, Melo went to Pringles and told him to play Lin. We may stumble a little, but it will all click eventually.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Jesus Christ nobody is hating on the Knicks or Melo. We all like your team when you guys play wide open and fun and unselfish. People like me WANT to like the Knicks, but can't do it if the team is going to be sabotaged by the most selfish player in the league.

RoOk, go away.
How many teams do you need?
I hope Melo takes 40 shots a night if it means you won't like the Knicks.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

You dudes Seriously think that Melo, at like 28 or whatever he is, is just going to magically become a different player after sitting out for a week. No. Melo is going to do Melo and that's all there is to it. God help that team if they were to sign JR Smith. He's the last person that Melo needs back around him in the locker room. That would be like a team pairing up Gilbert and Nick Young again. Its just not worth the gamble. I mean who would have thought that Mike D'Antoni's system of ball movement, unselfishness, good point guard play and 3 point shooting would be better off without two ball stopping players......there's no helping you sheep in here realize the truth about Melo. I do think Amare will fit in great though if he's healthy. If I was GM I'd see about that Chandler/amare for Dwight trade and shop Melo to the Lakers for Pau, World Peace and a 1st rounder. Then work my $** off trying to sign JR Smith. Lin-JR-Shump-Gasol-Dwight.
this ain't a damn videogame
If it wasnt for the TWC problem then I would say it is what it is. cheap seats are going for 70 bucks in the secondary market. He was bound to jack up prices

he's a scumbag to do it with what's going on. to the 10th degree. people cant even watch from their homes and u start jacking up prices? thats some *%!%@% up $#%%

i hope the linsanity causes TWC to cave tho I just want games back. If/when we ever win a championship I bet eveyryone boos the crap out of Dolan as he accepts a trophy
People unnecessarily criticize Carmelo..He was actually one of the biggest supporters of Lin when he was on the bench..He kept telling D'Antoni to give dude a shot because he thought he'd fit well into the offense. Now that he's thriving, Melo has publicly said having Lin is a "dream come true" and that now he can "go back to what he does best." 2 weeks of rest for Melo? Dude is gonna come back rested and ready to do some work. His first game back from his 2 game absence, his jumper was money.
You guys crack me up.  Also how come I have to be a Knicks Hater or Melo Hater? Why can't I be a basketball fan with an opinion?

You guy in here sayin "melo is cheering and clapping...he's excited. he's gonna be different!".  Man he HAS to do that stuff on the bench.  So the only thing to prove how he really feels is his on court actions.  Do you really think he's going to act like he's not excited for the teams success or Lin to the media?  I don't care if he rocks a Jeremy Lin authentic to the next game.  I do believe he's happy for Lin and the team is winning BUT I don't buy him changing his game.

Also you guys are saying he was forced to be a "point forward".  When has Melo ever played different? Dont talk about him playing on Team USA that's completely different.  He wasn't looking at Jared Jefferies and Bill Walker on Team USA when he was thinking "pass or shoot".  Team USA isn't a good comparison.  Look at Kobe

Anyways, like I said we will see.  I just think its funny you guys think a guy is going to change after 9 years in the league and playing the same way his whole life.  Look at LeBron.  He is who he is.  LeBron used to pass up shots in Cleveland and people kept saying "he's gonna be clutch soon he's young".  Man LeBron is a pass first guy who has a tendency to shrink in "clutch" moments.  Thats who he is and it ain't changing.  Melo is a scorer that likes to be in Iso situations because he's a skilled scorer.  Melo likes to jab step and pumpfake.  Melo likes to hold the ball.  That ain't changing even if he tried. 

I can't wait to see his body language when he's waiting in the corner and Lin commits a couple turnovers
.  Son ain't having it. 

At least Amare will benefit and look good again.  His FG % should go up alot.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Jesus Christ nobody is hating on the Knicks or Melo. We all like your team when you guys play wide open and fun and unselfish. People like me WANT to like the Knicks, but can't do it if the team is going to be sabotaged by the most selfish player in the league.

I agree except for me wanting to like the Knicks 
.. They were actually fun to watch before he came, and these past few games tho 
This thread may catch up to the Lakers after all with all the Melo hate. The Knicks are only 8th in the East and people still prayin for a downfall.

Dudes prolly got the paragraphs already typed up hoping they lose 2morrow. And god forbid they happen to lose the game Melo comes back. Thread might jump 20 pages in an hour if that happens off str8 "I told you so's"
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