let this thread die (NYK)

Carton – have you always felt u were good enough to play at this level?

Lin – I knew I could play at this level, but didn’t know it would happen this fast. Friends and family helped

Boomer – did you ever think it would be your last day with the knicks

Lin – Absolutley. Was cut twice. I didn’t know if I was insurance for shump. Didn’t know if I would be cut by mike james

Carton – a few urban legends. One u would be cut before the Nets game….did u hear that?

Lin –no…I didn’t hear that one

Urban legend #2 – Melo told D’Antoni to put him in

Lin – that’s true. I hear a lot of reports that Melo wont buy into team and is selfish. But he’s the one who wanted me in. Reports are tough on Melo and unfair. It’ll be a lot of fun when everyone gets back. We'll build chemistry

Boomer – minutes tough
Lin – it’ll just get easier when everyone gets back. Landry taking a lot of pressure off on pick n roll too.

Carton – on taking a lot of shots.

Lin- I don’t want to take 20 shots a game. Pgs job is to get everyone involved and that’s what I want to do.

Boomer askied about the systemL

Lin – so much freedom. So much freelancing to run pick n rolls, back doors, drive, etc.

Lin on how much fun its been – how much fun the team is having off the court. Just hanging out on the road, having fun, coming together. I’m not talking about going to the clubs, just building chemistry off the court.

Lin – other guys make the pg look good just as much as the pg makes them look good. Can throw it anywhere to Chandler. The way Fields moves and cuts…

Lin on Teebow - our stories are very different. Just because we both have faith people want to compare us. Need a chance to get together and catch up with him. Someone i admire

This on boomer and carton. Confirms melo story
and its for the first time, you can vote via Twitter.

im going to be on that for sure to get Shump Shump winning it...
Originally Posted by blakep267

nothign wrong with that. I think every man, given the chance should at least tap Kim. Its like a right of passage

This team will need a scorer off the bench and a shooter on the wing when fully healthy.

Just depends on how crazy he decides to be.
we need as much depth as possible

our shooters cant shoot. Having JR is a good thing. just cut him if he becomes a headache
JR Smith is better than Bill Walker.

This team can still use more scoring, that's what JR does. Him being insane is a concern, but we don't have the luxury of finding veteran, high character guys in the middle of the season... so you take what you can get.
Not a fan of the JR Smith move.

He's a known headcase. Tyson will have to keep him in line....he's probably good for the price we're getting him at....but Melo isnt even playing yet for us to gauge chemistry and they're chasing JR?

He'll have an automatic green light, but i dunno.

I always thought Byron Scott was the best thing to happen to him. He needs a no nonsense coach.
I think with a guy like Chandler on the squad JR will stay in line. All of a sudden our bench is looking amazing (when 100%) JR, BDiddy, Jorts, Shump, Jeffries. Id consider moving JR in the starting lineup and bringing Fields off the bench in time because hes probably a better perimeter defender. I think against teams like Heat the coaching staff should look at starting Shump to look Wade or LBJ
Fields should start. He's been playing noticeably better...

A trio of Baron, Shump and JR is interesting. Cant front....JR is just a nut.
Not only fields but maybe novak as well. Smith isnt needed on this squad. A more defensive minded threat would be better like Posey did with the celtics or MWP
just wanted to comment on a few things from last couple of pages:

-I dont agree with that Melo punch being a "sucker punch." They were face to face and in almost every fight ESPECIALLY with alot of people surrounding you, you back peddle after you swing. If he didnt back peddle he would have gotten the beating of his lifetime and it would have been chaos x100.

-Cant wait to see what shump brings to the dunk contest, dude is one of the best athletes in the league.

-I still have my doubts on Melo fitting in and the offense being this efficient with him. Ofcourse hoping for the best though.

-ABSOLUTELY LOVE our potential signing of JR. Tyson and JJ will keep him in check, will be 2nd best shooter on the team, and makes our depth so much better.

A healthy bench of Baron, Smith, Shumpert, Novak/Jorts, Jeffries is pretty good.
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

Not only fields but maybe novak as well. Smith isnt needed on this squad. A more defensive minded threat would be better like Posey did with the celtics or MWP

You're right but the 2nd unit doesn't score consistantly especially when Lin is not in the game with them.
Hopefully we aren't cutting Toney instead of Bibby. Still think TD could be good for 10 minutes a night, and he can play D. Bibby is a fuggin corpse
^ Yea I like this move a lot as much a sharpshooter Novak is he's still a liability in defense. Smith can bring you the same shooting while playing better defense..
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just wanted to comment on a few things from last couple of pages:

-I dont agree with that Melo punch being a "sucker punch." They were face to face and in almost every fight ESPECIALLY with alot of people surrounding you, you back peddle after you swing. If he didnt back peddle he would have gotten the beating of his lifetime and it would have been chaos x100.

He back peddled the whole court, though.
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