let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

A healthy bench of Baron, Smith, Shumpert, Novak/Jorts, Jeffries is pretty good.


we'll have to cut either Bibby, Jordan or Balkman. i say we cut either Bibby or Balkman and keep Jordan.






and of course Shump/TD can play the 1-2, Novak the 3-4, Jorts/Jeffries the 4-5

but i wouldnt mind if we did get JR and i wouldnt mind if we didnt...
Originally Posted by Big J 33

JR Smith is better than Bill Walker.

This team can still use more scoring, that's what JR does. Him being insane is a concern, but we don't have the luxury of finding veteran, high character guys in the middle of the season... so you take what you can get.

a folding chair is better than Bill Walker
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just wanted to comment on a few things from last couple of pages:

-I dont agree with that Melo punch being a "sucker punch." They were face to face and in almost every fight ESPECIALLY with alot of people surrounding you, you back peddle after you swing. If he didnt back peddle he would have gotten the beating of his lifetime and it would have been chaos x100.

He back peddled the whole court, though.

My man Melo back peddled to the 300s sections of MSG
J.R. is exactly what we needed....and as much as ya'll talk about chemistry, he'll fit in fine. He'll feast off of the kickouts he'll be getting, he'll be a perfect guy to finish any alleys thrown his way and he can get to the rim. He's a decent defender also. He's never had any issues with teammates (aside from letting Melo lay unconscious while trying to get a bucket).
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just wanted to comment on a few things from last couple of pages:

-I dont agree with that Melo punch being a "sucker punch." They were face to face and in almost every fight ESPECIALLY with alot of people surrounding you, you back peddle after you swing. If he didnt back peddle he would have gotten the beating of his lifetime and it would have been chaos x100.

He back peddled the whole court, though.
anyone who's ever been in a vicious street fight knows to do this. Look at Brick. He killed a guy. With a trident!
If we add Swish, excluding, BD, we have 11 fully capable guys. Y'all know Pringles is allergic to playing more than 9 guys. Someone is gonna have to lose minutes and we'll lose that production. Jorts was great early on but I just can't see him contributing as much as he did before he went out. Not saying he's not capable of playing that way so don't get that twisted.

Let's just say it'll be ineresting how Pringles decides to spread out these minutes.
Man, I've been overseas for the past month and missed out on the Linsanity, but read about every game. I'm glad we're winning some games, just hope we can keep it up once everyones back and gather some chemistry. I remember when I left and we were on the skid.. everyone was off the wagon and now every night before/after games all these new fans are popping up..

Oh well, whatever.. hop on suckas!
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

If we add Swish, excluding, BD, we have 11 fully capable guys. Y'all know Pringles is allergic to playing more than 9 guys. Someone is gonna have to lose minutes and we'll lose that production. Jorts was great early on but I just can't see him contributing as much as he did before he went out. Not saying he's not capable of playing that way so don't get that twisted.

Let's just say it'll be ineresting how Pringles decides to spread out these minutes.

Pringles went 10 deep, pause, in the first game of the season.
JR Smith adds depth to the team, plain n simple. That's priority number 1 in a season where the schedule is cramped and you don't wanna burn your stars out. Instead of putting Bibby at PG where he does absolutely nothing, and Shump has to come in at SG, we can put Shump at PG and JR Smith at SG..Now the team has Shump for lockdown defense on the opposing team's best perimeter player, and JR can focus on carrying the scoring load offensively.
LMAO, Los.

He's gone on record saying he prefers to have a 9 man rotation. That was one of my biggest concerns going into the year, him sticking with that 9 man rotation with all the games in such a short window. Just saying that w/ all the depth we have, he should be able to find a way to play at least 10, I'd hope.
As long as JR is off the bench great signing.
Fields and Lin are playing too good to mess with that. Davis - Shump - JR - Jeffries - Jorts. Sound like a good bench on paper
Who are we gonna cut ? Bibby, Balkman, Jordan, or Walker ?

What does this means for us and JR next yr ?
I can see this working out well, especially when Baron Davis comes back.. it'll be just like the old Hornet days with JR and BDiddy
Lin getting some Kim K pum pum. Melo has been his guardian angel.

It's really funny after Lin confirms it though. All the detractors can't make sense of Melo asking Pringles to play a guy that he allegedly can't play with. I semi wish Melo said "If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have even gotten a chance!"

We need JR and he's a steal for what we're offering him. Yeah he crazy but 1 crazy guy on the team aint bad at all. Tyson can rein him in and Melo knows how to deal with him as well so he doesn't react negatively. Playing time will be interesting. I can see Shump out there with JR instead of Bibby in the 2nd unit. don't know how things workout when Josh returns though as far as Novak's time but I believe both deserve to be out there. Hopefully Walker being benched helps that. Wishful thinking for a 10 man rotation with Pringles as coach though.

I don't care what yall say we should cut Bill Walker and TD. %*%$ a picked up option. Trade them or something. Them %*!@!% aint +%*$. Do that and I'd be fine with every player on this team. I aint even mad at the corpse.

Oh yeah I don't know why the hell Shump is in the dunk contest. I'm pretty sure I've seen him miss more than he made this season
Hope yall prepared for that. Hope he does well but c'mon.
Jeremy Lin is a really religious dude. I don't see him trying to smash a jumpoff like Kim just for the hell of it. Also, he's always saying that he and his family like to be "low key" so I don't see why he'd go through the media attention he'd get if he dated Kim
Let's say hypothetically JR signs with the Knicks before this weekend, I don't see why he couldn't be playing by sometime next week. Kenyon was cleared by the CBA to play in the NBA and once he signed to the Clippers, he was on the court a few days later
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Why doesn't Melo sit with his team but stands right outside tunnel and just chats it up during home games?
He was on the bench for the whole game last night and he has been on the bench for not just home games either
You gotta excuse these kids who think you supposed to be jumping around on the bench making up dances to draw attention to yourself while you are out hurt. Plus like you said they showed him a dozen times laughing and joking around with Lin and Fields right in the middle of the bench last night. 
Dudes just reaching for things to hate on Melo now.
 Calm down
 I was at the game, I probably mistaken him for someone else that was with the team my bad
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

He was on the bench for the whole game last night and he has been on the bench for not just home games either
You gotta excuse these kids who think you supposed to be jumping around on the bench making up dances to draw attention to yourself while you are out hurt. Plus like you said they showed him a dozen times laughing and joking around with Lin and Fields right in the middle of the bench last night. 
Dudes just reaching for things to hate on Melo now.
 Calm down
 I was at the game, I probably mistaken him for someone else that was with the team my bad
Not gonna get in a arguement with you about it. But you "mistakenly" saw a guy who looked like Melo standing in the tunnel. But didnt see a guy in the middle of the bench in a suit that looked like Melo? OK. 

Still sounds like a little bit of a reach to hate. But maybe thats just me
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Let's say hypothetically JR signs with the Knicks before this weekend, I don't see why he couldn't be playing by sometime next week. Kenyon was cleared by the CBA to play in the NBA and once he signed to the Clippers, he was on the court a few days later
Hell, if he signed today I dont see why he couldnt play 2morrow. Hes in shape and the only reason Kmart had to wait a little was because he had to wait for his team in China to be out even after the buy out. JRs team is done so his season over there is over. Hes got nothing holding him back from playing right now other than not having a team at the moment. And with D'Antonis system im sure he could come in off the bench and chuck up a few shots in the 2nd quarter without any practice time with the team and give them more offense than most of the guys on the second team right now. 
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Let's say hypothetically JR signs with the Knicks before this weekend, I don't see why he couldn't be playing by sometime next week. Kenyon was cleared by the CBA to play in the NBA and once he signed to the Clippers, he was on the court a few days later
Hell, if he signed today I dont see why he couldnt play 2morrow. Hes in shape and the only reason Kmart had to wait a little was because he had to wait for his team in China to be out even after the buy out. JRs team is done so his season over there is over. Hes got nothing holding him back from playing right now other than not having a team at the moment. And with D'Antonis system im sure he could come in off the bench and chuck up a few shots in the 2nd quarter without any practice time with the team and give them more offense than most of the guys on the second team right now. 

I think he'd have to pass a physical regardless. I know he's in shape but I don't think they'd have him playing tomorrow with zero practice against the bum *@+ Hornets. I don't see why Sunday wouldn't be a possibility. Imagine Carmelo making his return to the starting lineup, Linsanity continuing (don't wanna count wins before they happen but I think the team can beat the Hornets with their continued ball movement) and JR Smith making his Knicks debut? Against the defending world champions? If Baron makes his debut, the Garden would implode
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