let this thread die (NYK)

We really needed a full training camp and more games to develop good chemistry. Our big man, defense, and rebounding issues need to be addressed
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

We really needed a full training camp and more games to develop good chemistry. Our big man, defense, and rebounding issues need to be addressed

C'mon fambs you know we not playing a single lick of defense. 
What's up, my fellow Knicks fans? Props to everybody for being part of 1,374 posts from our latest Knicks thread.
I nearly fainted when I saw ESPN giving Knick some loves last night.




Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Is it too early for a Team Fire Pringles?

i'm ready 

even on the highlight of amare yamming on the celts, you see doc rivers call a perfect timeout.

++#$ dantoni. snake oil salesman, no defense coaching, shawne williams guarding Dwight having, favoritism showing *%!


stubborn *%!
For what it's worth Kwame is a good defensive/rebounding big man him and Dally are probably the only realistic options we have . I would be glad if we had either one/jordan/harrellson as our big man rotation . Also you guys have to remember Mike Woodson is our defensive coach now he was the one who built that 2004 defense in Detroit so obviously he knows defense whether we decide to turn it up or not remains to be seen
Updated: November 26, 2011, 3:10 PM ET

[h2]Jeff Van Gundy: Knicks are close[/h2]

By Ian O'Connor

Whenever he returns to New York City, Jeff Van Gundy is stopped by fans who inquire about the Knicks. The last coach to lead the Knicks to the Finals often delivers an encouraging scouting report before breaking a bit of bad news:

He still believes the Knicks are one elite player short if they want to contend for their first championship since 1973.

"I do, I do," Van Gundy said Saturday by phone, "and only because of how good Miami is. Miami is so good that New York will have to add one more really good piece, and then keep building around those pieces with winning supplemental players, too."

Speaking after the announcement that NBA owners and players had reached a tentative labor deal and planned to play a 66-game season starting Christmas Day, Van Gundy -- who weathered a turbulent 50-game season after the 1998-99 lockout to drive the eighth-seeded Knicks to a Finals matchup with San Antonio, which they lost in five games -- said Mike D'Antoni's Knicks are talented enough to make significant progress in the Eastern Conference.

"I think they can move up into the top four or five in the East," Van Gundy, now an ESPN analyst, said, "and then become a championship-level team, depending on the moves they make going forward. [Then-team president] Donnie Walsh did an unbelievable job in his time of giving the Knicks an opportunity to get back in the championship mix.

"What he accomplished in getting (Carmelo) Anthony and (Amare) Stoudemire and in getting the Knicks under the salary cap has been undersold. The building blocks are there for a team that's got a real chance."

Van Gundy even had charitable things to say about his former boss, team owner Jim Dolan, who is forever cast as a major hurdle in the Knicks' quest to end their title drought.

"Jim Dolan's always been willing to spend his money; he's always willing to try," Van Gundy said. "He's done his part by putting his money out there. But it still comes down to who is executing the personnel decisions, and Donnie Walsh made all the right moves."

The Knicks will be under immense pressure this season to honor last year's big, noisy moves, and Van Gundy understands what D'Antoni will face better than most.

During his own frenetic post-lockout season, after the Knicks acquired Latrell Sprewell and Marcus Camby, Van Gundy was nearly fired amid a power struggle with general manager Ernie Grunfeld, who lost his job, and earned a contract extension by upsetting Miami, Atlanta and Indiana in the playoffs.

"I think Mike's in a different position than I was in," Van Gundy said. "I think Mike will be the coach in New York for a long, long time. Heaven forbid if both parties decided to part ways after the season, Mike will have 10 teams trying to hire him because he's really good at what he does."

dantoni will not have elite teams going after him. I think him with the clippers is a possibility.
I'm hyped for this upcoming season. It sucks being a Knicks fan that roots for the Eagles though because it's all love during the NBA season but while the NFL season is in progress, I get shots fired at me left n right
The New York Times and Sports Illustrated.com subsequently reported Saturday that the owners and players have reached tentative agreement on an amnesty provision that will allow teams to release one player -- with pay -- at any point during the life of the next collective bargaining agreement.

http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/71478 ... candidates

Goodbye Ronaldo
Can't wait to see what Billups X Amare X Melo can do. Excited about Shumpert too.

Def need to bring back Shawne, get Jerome Jordan from Serbia and sign another center. Should be a good year
Mad excited about this upcoming season, still hurting about how we ended sh last season. Still need a C and a new coach, not a fan of Mikey D
Shortened season works better for us when it comes to older players like Billups. He'll be fresher late in the season which we need after him getting hurt right before the playoffs last year.Also, Amare's knees were blessed with 16 less games which is great for the Knicks.

 I'm expecting good things from Shumpert. If Melo is truly planning to put some passion into his defensive abilities, when the team has a lead we can just throw Jeffries, Shumpert, and Fields on the floor with Melo to get some defensive stops and maintain the lead, which is something the team has had trouble doing in the past. Expecting big things out of Carmelo this year though. All of that "NYC's Hero" pressure he had on his back last year has mostly faded by now and I think he'll be able to focus more on playing his game and less on pleasing the media/fans.
i hope we get kwame...i mean theres no better option for a 1 year contract... the center position needs to be addressed but lets be realistic we cant sign a big free agent center this year.... not only do we not have enough salary cap space but even if we did it would effect us in the 2012 sweepstakes with chris paul, deron and dwight if we signed someone long term... i really don't see us signing anybody in general this free agency longer than 1 year and if it does happen that would just be dumb...and i hope we can resign shawne williams and derrick brown... and how does the amnesty clause work? is it a 1 time deal or you can use it once a year? i would definitely get rid of balkman if that was the case... 
[h1]Deal details could point Paul to MSG[/h1]
Knicks Blog

Berman on Twitter


As soon as commissioner David Stern uttered the words “tentative agreement’’ at 3:30 a.m. yesterday in the GM Building, and ended the nearly five-month-old NBA lockout, Chris Paul got a little closer to wearing a Knicks jersey.

Several elements in the tentative collective bargaining agreement impact the Knicks, relating to their ability to land Paul as a free agent in the summer of 2012 and mix him with Carmelo Anthony and Amar’e Stoudemire.

If approved by the owners, players and lawyers in the next week, training camp and free agency will begin Dec. 9, with the Knicks opening Stern’s 66-game season at the Garden on Christmas against the Celtics at noon. The reworked schedules will soon be announced, with most of the 16 games missed likely inter-conference games.

The Knicks’ 2011 free-agency will set the stage for 2012, with their strategy offering one-year contracts to protect 2012 cap space, armed with a $5 million mid-level exception.

As The Post reported earlier this month, the salary cap will be $58 million this season, with a chance to grow to $61 million in 2012. Early in the process, the owners sought a $45 million cap.

The only three Knicks players that will be signed for 2012 are Anthony, Stoudemire and rookie Iman Shumpert, which could leave the Knicks $20 million under the cap. That alone won’t give the Knicks maximum cap space to sign Paul, because they have to fit in a number of minimum-level players, but if the Knicks can get creative they may find enough to lure Paul, especially considering his desire to play here.

One helper in surrounding Paul with a better cast is a new $2.5 million exception given to under-the-cap teams to exceed the cap. For example, if they close to within $500,000 of the cap, they suddenly would have $2.5 million to spend without penalty.

Two parts of the new CBA, however, probably hurt the Knicks’ bid for Paul, including the continuance of the extend-and-trade. In a prior proposal, all extend-and-trade deals were abolished, meaning New Orleans would have only been allowed to deal Paul as a rental and he’d be assured of becoming a free agent.

The Knicks, short on trade pawns after the Anthony deal, would be in competition if there’s a Paul Sweepstakes this season. Also, taxpaying teams still will be allowed to do sign-and-trades next summer, giving them competition.

A CBA element good for the Knicks is the amnesty clause in which one player is designated to be waived and won’t count on the salary cap. The Knicks are expected to use Renaldo Balkman, as his contract extends into 2012, and that will open $1.7 million in space.

The lockout only increased Paul’s interest in New York. Paul, a member of the union’s executive committee, hung out frequently with Anthony in New York and in Manhattan board rooms with Knicks owner James Dolan. Dolan came across as the owner most willing to compromise.

Paul and Anthony were part of the group that was to stage a charity game at the Izod Center Dec. 10, but that will be postponed because Knicks camp opens the day before in Westchester.
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