let this thread die (NYK)

I know Kwame is easy to make fun of but at the end of the day he brings what we sorely lack defense and rebounding and for cheap. Dude is the epitome of the word bust because of his draft status but at the end of the day we need him for what he does best and also let's not act like he didn't give us fits (mainly Stat) when we played Charlotte last season. Also I would love for us to sign T-Mac for a 1 year deal or two if we amnesty Balkman. He could be our point forward coming off the bench backing up Billups. Also about the Amnesty clause you can only use it one time this whole CBA so it has me thinking what if Stat's back is really messed up or his knee just gives out next year ? should we just not use it this year or next to see if his health holds up throughout the contract ?
 no thanks on T-mac
even if it's for one year
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye, what do yall plan on doing with Rautins?
We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?
Do him dirty and get Dwight and cp3But seriously, I'd be very happy with cp3 but I prefer Dwight. I feel that it's easier to get a solid ring chaser to fill pg than center.
With Melo here from the get-go, Amare needs to log less minutes to have bodies fresh for the post season.

I always enjoyed those stretches of Carter, Melo, Williams etc playing defense and creating turnovers.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye, what do yall plan on doing with Rautins?
We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?

You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand , Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then
Nobody is saying Stat is not gonna be able to play through his contract relatively injury free but at the end of the day he is a caution because of the microfracture surgery , also the back spasms he had this past postseason can happen again stop being oblivious to his health concerns because he's in blue and orange . Let's also not act like Mike Dantoni' is not his coach.

Billups/Douglas/Shumpert (Toney will win this job eventually, people forget how well he played late last year)
Fields/Shumpert (As good as Landry was early, he was as bad late)

ANY moves that are made need to address the front-court. Turiaf? Jeffries? Jorts? Horrific.

It's still a mid-level EC team. Don't know how much can change that until next summer.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye, what do yall plan on doing with Rautins?
We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?

You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then

We did, we just used it on Jerome Williams.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?

You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then

We did, we just used it on Jerome Williams.

Damn , his contract was a joke... can't believe we gave him all that money because of one good series against the Spurs

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?

You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then

We did, we just used it on Jerome Williams.

Damn I remember that. And the funny thing is that they nicknamed it the Allan Houston rule. Lol smh
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye, what do yall plan on doing with Rautins?
Don't tell him the lockout ended.
I haven't looked, but any information on Jerome Jordan being ready to join the team? I'm not expecting much, but at this point we simply need bodies.

Regardless of who we get to fill out the rest of our roster, I'm happy with 4th in the East for the regular season. I'd like home court advantage for at least the first round, but in my mind I care less about playoff seed and more about the matchups in the playoffs.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Here we go with the CP3 articles all year.

and we all know how that will end.....

How? I honestly think there's a solid chance he comes here, if the cap works out as projected.
Who knows, though. I wish we didn't have to deal with the swirl of rumors AGAIN. First we had the LeBron articles for like 2 years, then Melo right after that. I just wanna enjoy the team we're putting on the floor this year. It seems we're always focused on what could be coming next.
im pretty sure we will get CP3 because of the way the new CBA works out, and Billups contract helps. Knicks will only be at 40 mil in salaries in the summer of 2012. We wont get him until then tho, so we need Billups/Shump/Douglass to all show up. Im also not opposed to taking a look at Kwame. our 5 spot is still as bad as last year so anybody is worth a look right now.
FORGET chris paul this year. lets grow and develop, make noise in playoffs and THEN we can have championship aspirations in 2012. not now. still excited for the season tho.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Aye, what do yall plan on doing with Rautins?
We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?
You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand , Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then
Nobody is saying Stat is not gonna be able to play through his contract relatively injury free but at the end of the day he is a caution because of the microfracture surgery , also the back spasms he had this past postseason can happen again stop being oblivious to his health concerns because he's in blue and orange . Let's also not act like Mike Dantoni' is not his coach.
What blinders? Stat just got that injury in the playoffs? What kinda idiot would think of cutting him when you don't know his current condition? When was the last time his knee injury was a problem? How you trying to compare Brandon Roy to STAT when it comes to injuries? Anybody who is smart in NBA management does not consider cutting STAT unless injuries become a constant. Yeah it should be on his mind but dude is not Mr. Glass. You reference Brandon Roy I can just bring up Grant Hill. And no, I wanted Allan Houston to retire a Knick. The problem surrounding him was we had a dumb GM that offered him superstar money when he clearly wasn't one but even if we did cut him given who was in charge at the time we would've squandered that money on Clarence Weatherspoon and Vin Baker anyway. So you can save it with the what if bull %+@#

Anything can happen, stop being pessimistic and speculative. Melo could tear his ACL. Chauncey could pull a muscle in both legs. Landry Fields could suffer from explosive diarrhea all season.

What does Pringles have to do with this? He worked STAT last season because he HAD to. Now with Melo, I highly doubt dude will be logging minutes like he did last season.

Bottom line, considering to use the amnesty clause on STAT now is stupid STOOPID, especially when we should be getting rid of Balkman. Pulling that move now would be all bad for the Knicks. Unnecessarily rock the boat. Have any of the FA superstars look at the Knicks sideways cuz now they only got 1 go to guy. Concern for Stat and his health when it comes to moving him should come around when there's 2 years left on his contract at the earliest. Yall sound like dumbasses talking about move STAT or cut him after the season we just had, just because we just got Melo.
So glad that the sides could come to an agreement and we will get NBA ball come Xmas.

Hope that this gives the Knicks more time to gel as a group and become a dangerous out in the Playoffs.
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