let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

I honestly think shumpert is gonna be our starting SG by February if not opening day
Only way that happens is if he does what Landry beginning of last season. Lets not forget how Pringles juggled the line up at the start. Fields was all intangibles. Iman is gonna have to show great decision making, rebounding, and defense to start.
Amare post-microfracture surgery..

82 games

and the 53 was due to his EYE injury.

Micro-fracture surgery has proved to be a completely irrelevant topic when discussing Amare.

If he has back issues, that's a concern. Otherwise? Amare appears to keep himself in awesome condition.
Sup ya'll.

Really amped for the season. 16 games missing isnt AS bad as what I thought it was gonna be.

My biggest worries are in the front court. Mike D doesnt rest Amare enough and even if Melo or Shawne plays stretch 4, they need that presence down low who'll have their back and grab boards. Turiaf isnt making me a believer. As far as Iman, I'm intrigued and he'll have a champion in Billups as well as a great defender in A. Carter to show him the ropes. Landry seemed like he ran out of gas but he's a glue guy and you need that. Hopefully Toney Douglas isnt as boneheaded this year either.

I'm curious to see how they manuever regarding the FC and the center issue as it relates to the cap.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

We honestly should've sent dude overseas or to the d-league.

At this point we do not need T-Mac.
@ thinking of using the amnesty on Stat because of back issues. Amnesty a 100 mil contract, really?
You remember Brandon Roy right ? Nasty injuries that end careers happen in the NBA take off your blinders b. As a Knicks fan you should understand , Allan Houston held us hostage for years because of his knee I bet you wish we could have used an amnesty clause then
Nobody is saying Stat is not gonna be able to play through his contract relatively injury free but at the end of the day he is a caution because of the microfracture surgery , also the back spasms he had this past postseason can happen again stop being oblivious to his health concerns because he's in blue and orange . Let's also not act like Mike Dantoni' is not his coach.
What blinders? Stat just got that injury in the playoffs? What kinda idiot would think of cutting him when you don't know his current condition? When was the last time his knee injury was a problem? How you trying to compare Brandon Roy to STAT when it comes to injuries? Anybody who is smart in NBA management does not consider cutting STAT unless injuries become a constant. Yeah it should be on his mind but dude is not Mr. Glass. You reference Brandon Roy I can just bring up Grant Hill. And no, I wanted Allan Houston to retire a Knick. The problem surrounding him was we had a dumb GM that offered him superstar money when he clearly wasn't one but even if we did cut him given who was in charge at the time we would've squandered that money on Clarence Weatherspoon and Vin Baker anyway. So you can save it with the what if bull %+@#

Anything can happen, stop being pessimistic and speculative. Melo could tear his ACL. Chauncey could pull a muscle in both legs. Landry Fields could suffer from explosive diarrhea all season.

What does Pringles have to do with this? He worked STAT last season because he HAD to. Now with Melo, I highly doubt dude will be logging minutes like he did last season.

Bottom line, considering to use the amnesty clause on STAT now is stupid STOOPID, especially when we should be getting rid of Balkman. Pulling that move now would be all bad for the Knicks. Unnecessarily rock the boat. Have any of the FA superstars look at the Knicks sideways cuz now they only got 1 go to guy. Concern for Stat and his health when it comes to moving him should come around when there's 2 years left on his contract at the earliest. Yall sound like dumbasses talking about move STAT or cut him after the season we just had, just because we just got Melo.
If your gonna sit here and act like I said let's use our clause on Stat right now I refuse to continue this coversation with you . What I WAS saying is that maybe just maybe this clause is a little too valuable to use it on Ronaldo Balkman knowing that we can use it at anytime on anybody during this 10 year CBA (6 if the players or NBA opt-out) . Stoudemire has been basically reliable and injury free since the surgery minus his eye but at the end of the day this clause is great insurance and can be used on anyone no matter what they make. All i'm saying is that in Sports anything can happen injury wise to anybody (see Allan Houston , Brandon Roy , Grant Hill , Penny, Etc.) it would be smart for us to hold on to it instead of wasting it on a garbage player likke Balkman or Rautins just to get a third max. Nobody is saying Stat is gonna cripple our franchise with a career ending back or knee injury but when you invest 100 million in a player (goes for Melo too) them getting a sprain or rolling over a ankle worries me and when you have insurance like the amnesty clause you should consider just putting it aside just to be on the safe side.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Amare post-microfracture surgery..

82 games

and the 53 was due to his EYE injury.

Micro-fracture surgery has proved to be a completely irrelevant topic when discussing Amare.

If he has back issues, that's a concern. Otherwise? Amare appears to keep himself in awesome condition.

All of this dudes acting like he didnt get the surgery 5 years ago at a young age
Kwame wouldn't be horrible, dude was a solid big off the bench last year...I'd be cool with T-Mac back as well, dude played well consiering how horrible the group he had to play with last year was...
Also as the Summer has developed I'm more and more disgruntled with the Shumpert pick, there were so many better options at that point.
Add me to the Knicks Fan list.............

I go back to the days of Starks, Harper, Ewing, Oakley, Mason, Anthony..............

Let's go!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Also as the Summer has developed I'm more and more disgruntled with the Shumpert pick, there were so many better options at that point.

Let's watch the kid play before we say that . He has all the tools to be a stud I think he will be the starting 2 sooner than later. Also what better options you think were out there ? Singleton ? If we drafted him he wouldn't have gotten any burn playing behind Melo and Stat
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

If your gonna sit here and act like I said let's use our clause on Stat right now I refuse to continue this coversation with you . What I WAS saying is that maybe just maybe this clause is a little too valuable to use it on Ronaldo Balkman knowing that we can use it at anytime on anybody during this 10 year CBA (6 if the players or NBA opt-out) . Stoudemire has been basically reliable and injury free since the surgery minus his eye but at the end of the day this clause is great insurance and can be used on anyone no matter what they make. All i'm saying is that in Sports anything can happen injury wise to anybody (see Allan Houston , Brandon Roy , Grant Hill , Penny, Etc.) it would be smart for us to hold on to it instead of wasting it on a garbage player likke Balkman or Rautins just to get a third max. Nobody is saying Stat is gonna cripple our franchise with a career ending back or knee injury but when you invest 100 million in a player (goes for Melo too) them getting a sprain or rolling over a ankle worries me and when you have insurance like the amnesty clause you should consider just putting it aside just to be on the safe side.
Nice back tracking. It's obvious you didn't read my post. Happy those facts about Stat's reliability and consistency after the surgery shut you up. Cuz before you were trying to compare STAT's surgery to Roy's "career ending" injury, calling him a "caution" because of his surgery all those years ago. Makes me wonder if you've even seen dude play and to think you were calling me oblivious to his health and like I said Pringles has nothing to do with this but go ahead and cross everything I said out and not read it

Use the amnesty on Balkman, get that 3rd star. Players are gonna get injured b. I understand what you're saying but managing scared on what ifs is not what this team needs. We need decisiveness. The choice to make the team better now and in to the future is the obvious one.
Landry's problem last year was the chemistry with Melo and Chauncey, IMO. Felton used to always hit him for open shots.

Hopefully this little camp can help that.
Leggggo man I only have one wish this Xmas is that we bust the cetlics ***, much needed after being swept by them last year. Hyped finally GO time
alotta my friends on FB are saying the knicks are close to getting cp3 , i can't find anything, am i missing something ?
Think they mean for next season. I don't even know how the league could explain trading CP3 before the season started or before the trade deadline. All the reports and rumors are just saying with the new CBA not having a hard cap coupled with our cap season for next year we will be able to get a star in free agency but even then it's not for the max.
Mike Wilbon has such an inferiority complex.

always find it funny when people claim the knicks franchise is overrated. BY WHO? the same losers in the media who have been bashing them for ten years?
Man, we need to get A Carter and Shawne back. Hope the FO doesn't pass over these guys (especially Shawne)


Article from Alan Hahn  of Newsday (@alanhahn)

Almost immediately after David Stern and Billy Hunter announced an agreement in principle on a deal to end the lockout, the free agency questions came pouring into my inbox, Twitter mentions column and the Fix Facebook page.

But before you all get back into your giddy froth of considering using all of the tools in the new agreement to sign every 7-footer with a beating heart to fill a need at center, let's get the reset on the Knicks' payroll situation for the impending 2011-12 season.

[Feels good to get back to talking about this stuff, doesn't it?]

From what I've been told, the NBA will maintain last season's salary cap setttings, with a $58.044 million cap and a $70.4 million luxury tax threshold.

The Knicks have seven players signed to guaranteed contracts (though they won't see all of this money as a result of the truncated schedule, the league will use their original totals to determine cap space).



Carmelo Anthony: $18,518,574

Amar'e Stoudemire: $18,217,705

Chauncey Billups: $14,200,000

Ronny Turiaf: $4,360,000 (NOTE: already picked up his player option)

Renaldo Balkman: $1,675,000

Toney Douglas: $1,145,640

Bill Walker: $916,000

TOTAL: $59,033019



*- (After CBA is finalized, Knicks will have window to waive either without penalty)

Landry Fields: $788,872

Andy Rautins: $788,872



Iman Shumpert (2011 first round pick)

Josh Harrellson (2011 second round pick)

Jerome Jordan (2010 second round pick)


Derrick Brown $1,059,293 (qualifying offer)



The Knicks will be slightly over the cap, but well under the luxury tax threshold, which means they will have the full Mid-Level Exception (four years, $5 million per) at their disposal if they want to use it. Smart thinking here says they will NOT use it because they will not want to do anything that cuts into their salary cap space for 2012. The Knicks have just over $42 million in guaranteed contracts for three players in 2012, which means they'll have just about $16 million to spend on an entire roster. And that doesn't include Shumpert's rookie salary. So they will need to preserve every single penny if they hope to be in the game for Chris Paul, Deron Williams or Dwight Howard.

Expect the Knicks to focus on recruiting veteran's minimum-type players this year, which means they probably won't come away with any true impact players. However, it will be interesting to watch what players may become available with the Amnesty provision, as those players may be looking to for big profile opportunities. The most intriguing name to watch here is Brandon Roy, whose knee issues have reduced him to a role player and may motivate the Trail Blazers to get cap relief for the $70 million left on his deal over the next four years. Would Roy, who will be paid his entire salary from the Blazers, consider a one-year, veterans minimum to come to New York and fill the two-guard position next to Billups and alongside Anthony and Stoudemire?

As for the Knicks, don't expect them to use the Amnesty right now. Though some might feel using it to dump Balkman would save small change on a relatively useless player, the Knicks are better served pocketing this as insurance. Teams can use the Amnesty provision once over the life of the new CBA, but it can only be used for contracts that were signed under the old CBA by the current team.

For those anticipating an extend-and-trade for Chris Paul, you first have to consider that the Knicks have very little to offer the New Orleans Hornets and, unlike the Carmelo trade, there is no urgency here for either side. The new CBA says a player will lose his Bird Rights as part of a sign-and-trade or an extend-and-trade, which means there is no financial benefit for Paul to push for this the way Carmelo did. Plus, the new CBA now limits extensions to a total of three years (two if there is an option year left in the current contract) when done as part of a trade. Paul can sign for a maximum of four years as a free agent.

And for the Knicks, they shouldn't give up the few assets you have -- especially Shumpert -- for a player you can sign in the summer. 

But that's assuming the Knicks have their entire focus on Paul. There is the option of wooing Patrick Ewing's star pupil, Dwight Howard, to New York to form what might be the greatest frontcourt trio since Bird, McHale and Parrish. Then the Knicks could fill the point guard position by either re-signing Billups to an affordable number or by using the Mid-Level Exception to sign Steve Nash to run the point.

So, yes, the new CBA provides the Knicks some options for 2012 if they are smart with their money in 2011. So, now that you have all the information, what would you do?

Roy would be nice, but like everyone has said, we need to focus on that FC badly.
Interesting, so yeah, why not hold onto that in your back pocket?

If Amare's knees did go out in 4 years, that'd sure be nice to have.

Long-term would seem better suited to hold it than just cut Balkman. But I don't know that works into luring Cp3.
Yeah, you def. hold onto that for the future.

And especially after seeing him play this summer we missed by not taking Kenny Faried.  Just not sold on Shumpert at all, guy did nothing in college at all.  Wish we'd had taken Reggie Jackson, Faried or Selby.
i have a good feeling about shumpert and i was very against him at first. guess we will see
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