let this thread die (NYK)

knicks need to spend the off season upping their game real talk. they've got enough resources to be competitive.

Good to see Shump finish strong at the rim. Dude is way too athletic to be so timid at the rim. Especially on layups.
Freethrows and rebounds killed us in the first half. But we more than close enough once the Cavs start missing their shots like they started to to close out the half. Still think we go this game. But we cant be playing from behind like this all the time
Yeah but like I was saying earlier...I need to know who is responsible for working on our shooting. That person needs to be fired. And I need D'Antoni to put Novak in with Lin. Kthxbye.
...there must be a curse or something that has opposing teams and star players have crazy games when playing at the garden. hell kobe avgs well over 30 when at the garden...i mean deron williams comes and starts hitting 3s like theres no 2mrrow. idk what it is, but im tired of seeing low end teams come out of nowhere with high scoring when at the garden. its some ole @+$**++% son. really the cavs shouldn't be mopping us like this, esp when we beat teams like dallas.
i am not a fan of the new logo but i just hate change

it does seem like lin and melo get whacked and no calls for us
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