let this thread die (NYK)

 lets bring Shump in to guard Rose now with 21 seconds left.

lets have Landry in during crunch time.

lets have the two star players combine for like 7 shot attempts in the entire 4th quarter

Get this scum coach out of here. This dude is trolling at this point.
Amar'e scores 13 in the 3rd and barely sniffed the ball in the 4th. In a close game on the road , no less.
You kno Novak shoulda been in

It's true we need to get melo and amare the ball in the 4th more. Nit when the game is over and u just giving it to melo to toss up a prayer when the game is basically over

The offense rebounds are why we lost. But Lin was terrible in the 4th. Amare was stupid hot he needed to feed them more

Melo is obviously mad. U can see it
well should've drove that in and tried to get foul. Ball just didn't drop. Shump should've been in more than fields
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Has Amare touched the ball since he scored 20? Inexcusable.

We play team ball man. Communist style. Everybody gets a turn to shoot!
No Deng, no Watson, no Hamilton...no worries. Bulls win.

Both teams played hard.

Good game NY.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Low Key...He was RIGHT about that... He SHOULD'VE gotten the ball there.
This is the system D'Antoni has created. You've got Landy fn Fields looking off Carmelo Anthony, and its acceptable. Give the ball up you schmuck

All y'all mad at Lin for no reason, Landry field is the one that didn't pass to Melo

Man... I felt his pain on that possession. He had a rookie pinned down on the block and you look him off ?!?!?

Let Ronnie Brewer look Pooh off with Brandon Knight guarding him see if he don't sit his %#@ right down until the next qtr.
I need D'Antoni fired today. I can't take anymore. Don't let dude on the plane. Let him catch a Jet Blue flight to wherever the f he came from.
I can't believe some of you NY fans are telling Lin to @+%! off. Ya'll really hate him now? Really!? This is basically the equivalent of a rookie season for him...and he's been the best pure PG you guys have had in years.
He is the least of your worries. Ya'll really ungrateful if you really mad at Lin. We know he has turnover and defense problems but the dudes giving his all. How can you be mad at him...

You really expecting him to be John Stockton right out of the +%%%+%* gate?
:/ Good game, Bulls fans... You guys deserve the win. Our defensive rebound is pathetic!
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Has Amare touched the ball since he scored 20? Inexcusable.

We play team ball man. Communist style. Everybody gets a turn to shoot!

kobe could be on this team and if he shoots too much its frowned upon 
I can't even be upset at the effort this game.... The piss poor effort we see vs the bucks, hornets etc what
upset me more than anything..... This was the best team in the L right now

They put on a clinic on how to play hard and rebound all game long
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