let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I have opportunity to scoop up a few tickets that are literally the first row behind the bench of the Knicks for $250 a pop.

For a split second I thought you were talking about MSG..Then my "Are you +$%$%% crazy?!" part of my mind kicked in when I realized the price..In MSG there would be an extra 0 at the end of that price
Originally Posted by d3simet

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Plus, the Raptors will want some revenge after Lin hit that game winning jumper in their grill..Hopefully Woodson puts Shump on Jose C early so he can shut that scrub down

If Calderon goes off...it's on you.

Spoiler [+]

I would be down to do that man for real. But I can't guarantee I'll make it.

How much would it cost to get there on a bus and how long?
Al Iannazzone: Carmelo Anthony talks about what's been different about him the last three games: "I think in the last three games, my focus was to have an energy that I haven't had so far this season, especially on the defensive end," he said. "Everybody on this team knows, everybody in the world knows I can score the basketball. It's not that important to me."
Al Iannazzone: Mike Woodson said he "learned a lot" from Mike D'Antoni and knows he's auditioning for a job now: “He decided to step away and I was asked to come on board to be the head coach. It’s a great opportunity for me to be back in New York. I’m on the hot seat again I guess you could say. Hey, I’m cherishing the opportunity and I’m going to push these guys to compete each time they step out on the floor. And hopefully that can convert into wins.
Damn, gameday and theres only been 1 Knicks related post. The rest were about former players playing for Denver last night.

But Jeremy Lin senses the team putting forth a greater effort on the defensive end since D'Antoni and the Knicks agreed to 'mutually' part ways last Wednesday, though he didn't equate it to D'Antoni leaving.

"It's everything from defensive rebounding to rotations to blocked shots to talking," Lin said after Friday's win over Indiana. "I've known every screen that's been coming pretty much in the last two games. I've heard it from the big men. They're calling it out. They're active, so it's very collective right now and when that's going, it's scary."

It sounds like they didn't communicate. They didn't even do the bare essentials like calling out picks.

what was dantoni doing as a coach?

And if Mike Woodson was brought in as a defensive assistant why didn't he explain to players that they should be communicating?

could it be....

Well we better pull it together to go on a massive win streak... I feel more confident in this squad than the 7 game win streak
Knicks better get that W tonight since the Bucks are playing the Fail Blazers. Like I said previously, I wanna see if this Knicks team comes out with the same intensity against a bad team that they come out with against a playoff team. That's a true testament to Woodson's coaching impacting their approach to games
Did anyone else hear Woodson on 1050 yesterday afternoon?

I don't have any quotes but dude said (among other things) that if a player isn't playing hard that they're going to have to answer directly to him, and that he's going to hold players more accountable.
That they owe it to their teammates, to the fans, and to him.

This is all stuff that should go without saying, yet it was painfully absent under Pringles.

Such a breath of fresh air.
Well Woodson has said from the day he got the promotion after D'Antoni resigned that he isn't dealing with all that diva stuff and that he was holding every single player accountable for their actions..So if they looked like they weren't giving 100% on the defensive or offensive end, he was taking them out the game..He has already taken JR out of the game after he jacked up a forced 3, saw him bench Landry for leaving his guy wide open for a momentum shifting 3 pointer, and he has shown frustration towards players when they've done stupid things.

The thing I like most though is that he doesn't "ride his players till the wheels fall off" like D'Antoni...If he sees someone is tired, he takes them out..D'Antoni would play Tyson the majority of the first half unless he was in foul trouble..But Woodson took Tyson out often the other night because he'd see he was tired and didn't wanna have him on weak legs later in the game. He does the same with Melo n Amar'e...He benches players WHEN THEY'RE TIRED..Not on a set schedule like D'Antoni.

Mike would admittedly bench players at their predetermined time, just because "that's just the way they've always done it"..He did it with Carmelo that one night a few games before he resigned, where Melo was like 6 of 8 from the floor, then was benched for 6-7 minutes of game time, and came out cold and couldn't hit a jumper the rest of the night. That's just horrible coaching.
Crowd should be excited to see Bibby get some more minutes tonight 

Hopefully Davis is good by the end of the week.

Think we have an opportunity to put up a big win streak if we keep coming out and playing how we have these past few games.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

Well we better pull it together to go on a massive win streak... I feel more confident in this squad than the 7 game win Lin streak
Normally, I don't do this... 
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Knicks better get that W tonight since the Bucks are playing the Fail Blazers. Like I said previously, I wanna see if this Knicks team comes out with the same intensity against a bad team that they come out with against a playoff team. That's a true testament to Woodson's coaching impacting their approach to games

I couldn't agree more. Coming out strong tonight and not playing down to the level of your competition would be impressive.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Well Woodson has said from the day he got the promotion after D'Antoni resigned that he isn't dealing with all that diva stuff and that he was holding every single player accountable for their actions..So if they looked like they weren't giving 100% on the defensive or offensive end, he was taking them out the game..He has already taken JR out of the game after he jacked up a forced 3, saw him bench Landry for leaving his guy wide open for a momentum shifting 3 pointer, and he has shown frustration towards players when they've done stupid things.
that was Amar'e's fault tho. Stat should've rotated to Landry's man after Landry had to cover his man to stop him from driving. But yea, Black Ice don't play that.
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