let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Hey yall, got a question. I know I was slamming on Baron Davis pretty hard, and I haven't really gotten a chance to see him play very much. He still seems like he can't shoot for crap, but it seems like he's really damn good at picking up the assists.

You think it's ever possible that Baron dethrones the kid Lin? Ideally, you'd want some more punch off the bench offensively, would you not? Lin could play a glorified JJ Barea kind of role for the team. Baron seems so much more natural out there as a PG. He can't shoot for #%$@, but at least he can get the dimes, and you don't really want your PG taking too many shots anyways when you got Amar'e and Melo out there.

I just would like to see Woodson experiment with Baron in the starting five, because I think that could really provide an extra punch off the bench with Lin, Smith, and Novak. All three guys can really spread the floor. Lin can penetrate, and is a streaky shooter. Swish is capable of penetrating, but is a threat shooting anywhere on the court, and Novak is deadly from deep.

Maybe I'm just an idiot blabbing here, but it's worth a shot, ain't it? That's how Lin got his gig.

And just in general, what are your thoughts on Baron? Pretty happy? I knew I wasn't going to be wrong about him not being able to shoot, but from what little I've seen, he looks pretty natural out there.
Barons shot has recently started to pick back up again. And its been talked about him starting when he gets back to being fully healthy. I want to see it as well because then we would have a little more scoring coming off the bench (If JR stays hot we may not need it tho)

But Woodson has done a good job these first couple games of giving Baron and Lin equal time with both 1st and 2nd teams to see where people fit the best. The way things are going right now you gotta leave Lin in there. But if Baron can just stay healthy for an extended period of time then I wouldn't mind him starting being that he has a little more experience at the PG position.

But on the other hand. Things are working fine right now. So the old saying is if it aint broke dont fix it. We'll see tho. a good test of where the "new team" is, is going to be Philly. But we cant look past Toronto right now.
Only way I see Davis starting is if we draw Miami in the first round and Lin gets clamped like they did to him last meeting.

Baron focuses too much on making the cool and difficult play instead of the right one which is disappointing to see from a vet. I think the knicks want to commit to Lin long term, so gotta start him to let him develop his game and also chemistry with our "big 3."
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Hey yall, got a question. I know I was slamming on Baron Davis pretty hard, and I haven't really gotten a chance to see him play very much. He still seems like he can't shoot for crap, but it seems like he's really damn good at picking up the assists.

You think it's ever possible that Baron dethrones the kid Lin? Ideally, you'd want some more punch off the bench offensively, would you not? Lin could play a glorified JJ Barea kind of role for the team. Baron seems so much more natural out there as a PG. He can't shoot for #%$@, but at least he can get the dimes, and you don't really want your PG taking too many shots anyways when you got Amar'e and Melo out there.

I just would like to see Woodson experiment with Baron in the starting five, because I think that could really provide an extra punch off the bench with Lin, Smith, and Novak. All three guys can really spread the floor. Lin can penetrate, and is a streaky shooter. Swish is capable of penetrating, but is a threat shooting anywhere on the court, and Novak is deadly from deep.

Maybe I'm just an idiot blabbing here, but it's worth a shot, ain't it? That's how Lin got his gig.

And just in general, what are your thoughts on Baron? Pretty happy? I knew I wasn't going to be wrong about him not being able to shoot, but from what little I've seen, he looks pretty natural out there.
Barons shot has recently started to pick back up again. And its been talked about him starting when he gets back to being fully healthy. I want to see it as well because then we would have a little more scoring coming off the bench (If JR stays hot we may not need it tho)

But Woodson has done a good job these first couple games of giving Baron and Lin equal time with both 1st and 2nd teams to see where people fit the best. The way things are going right now you gotta leave Lin in there. But if Baron can just stay healthy for an extended period of time then I wouldn't mind him starting being that he has a little more experience at the PG position.

But on the other hand. Things are working fine right now. So the old saying is if it aint broke dont fix it. We'll see tho. a good test is going to be Philly. But we cant look past Toronto right now.
With Baron Davis i see him getting injured or doing extremely stupid things on the court to make you want lin out there. I think Lin will not try to do too much eventually, just takes time.
I don't see Miami doing that again. Only reason I say that is because during that stretch of games, Lin was so heavily involved on offense. He isn't such a huge, integral part of the system anymore. D'Antoni rode him until Pringles wheels fell off. I'd expect a more traditional defense approach if they played the Heat in the Playoffs.

Fair enough though, I understand Lin is the future plans for the Knicks starting PG, but I'd still just like to see what Baron can do with that starting five, and also see what Lin can do from a first-man off the bench type role.
Yea, I actually like how Lin is playing better with Woodson's offense where he isnt the focal point and doesnt have to force anything. His TOs are down. Like I said, I wouldnt mind trying Baron. But I dont see it happening unless Lin blows it. Hes played really good and under control these last 3 games.
In a recent interview Woodson said that Lin earned his starting spot and that he's not looking to change that unless something drastic happens. It should be much more difficult for teams (ie: Miami) to put the clamps like they did on Lin before because the team is moving the ball a lot better and the offense is starting to pick up so there might not be too much going on for Baron to take over.

Not even saying I would be mad if Baron was chose to start against a Miami or Chicago. Like someone said earlier, "Who should be our starting PG?" is a great question to have. Two dudes that are both capable of starting at the 1 on the same team. Mobb Deep 
The problem with Miami is he couldn't even bring the ball up court.

I think it was just nerve probably got ahead of his self worrying about Bron guarding him in the 4th and forgot about the other 2 pg
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Plus, the Raptors will want some revenge after Lin hit that game winning jumper in their grill..Hopefully Woodson puts Shump on Jose C early so he can shut that scrub down
If Calderon goes off...it's on you.
Calderon = scrub but Calderon > Lin so Lin = scrub?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Plus, the Raptors will want some revenge after Lin hit that game winning jumper in their grill..Hopefully Woodson puts Shump on Jose C early so he can shut that scrub down

If Calderon goes off...it's on you.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by MrONegative

If Calderon goes off...it's on you.
Calderon = scrub but Calderon > Lin so Lin = scrub?

If Lin was in the league as long as Calderon, he'd be the better player. I have no doubt in that. And Jose plays with who? Demar Derozan?
Obviously Jose has the freedom to shoot whenever he feels like with no guilt or criticism
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by MrONegative

If Calderon goes off...it's on you.
Calderon = scrub but Calderon > Lin so Lin = scrub?

If Lin was in the league as long as Calderon, he'd be the better player. I have no doubt in that. And Jose plays with who? Demar Derozan?
Obviously Jose has the freedom to shoot whenever he feels like with no guilt or criticism

What are this weeks lotto numbers?
Yo NYK fambs check it...

Knicks come to Cleveland to play on 4-20....I have opportunity to scoop up a few tickets that are literally the first row behind the bench of the Knicks for $250 a pop.

4-20 is my birthday and I'm probably going to go...if anyone is interested in coming down to Cleveland and watching the Knicks play - let me know so I can snatch up a few for my fellow NYers. Would go with my friends but I already know the flaking will start to happen a day or 2 before the game starts. My friends would rather hang out in the streets shooting dice. Just thought I'd look out for y'all...

If not, kiss my +#%.
If it wasn't in Cleveland I'd go.

250 for those tixx is a great price

So they unvieled Jeremy lins Volvo sponsorship. Not sure how much money he's get I've heard 2-4 million range

Would be huge if he allows us to spread the mle to jr smith and Novak. Just be patient because once we get his bird rights Dolan will give him crazy dough
Would be down if it wasn't %%+$

Lin better let us spread that MLE because without Smith and Novak, this team is nowhere near lethal.

Edit: 4 / 20 is censored? Wow
Can't beat that price, my guy is actually looking out because it's my birthday. Couple beers on me
. Just thought I'd ask team NYK because seats are awesome and I know those could cost a grip at the Garden. If anyone is interested hit me up via PM.

Thanks Proph.
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