let this thread die (NYK)

Beautiful effort on both ends.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Bros Coach D gotta be hurting right now....lol
Hes prolly on vacation enjoying the millions he was paid for a half %!% job. After having virtually the easiest job in the entire NBA his first 2 years when win's didn't matter so much so Kobe and LBJ were getting constant MVP chants.
It was him the entire time. Idc how much Melo hated him. Dude made NO adjustments and I don't think I ever saw him speak to/coach a player after being subbed (beside the point guard) the way Woody has the past 4 games.

I am loving this team right now. I said it to myself during the Portland game and it has continued to this point, this team is playing FOR each other. 
Loved the assists tonight. Everyone looks like they're having such a better time with Pringles gone

If this defensive intensity is the norm from here on out we're a PROBLEM
Didn't bring the defense intensity the entire game but it came when we needed it in the 4th

I wish Lin would keep that balance of taking jumpers as opposed to forcing penetration. Once they fear his jumper he'll have easier lanes to the basket. Hopefully he learns that and takes more advantage of it.

Not much else to comment on. Great team win.
Spoiler [+]
@ Toney Douglas turning the ball over immediately after entering the game, giving up a basket with his back pedal defense and going 0/1. DISGUSTING. Hope he never plays again.
Sharing & caring, swishin & dishin, everyone helping on D, no Swiss cheese defense = great team win.

I haven't watched Toney Douglas enough, but no way should Mike Bibby get playing time over him while Baron is out.  Is Toney that terrible? I remember he dropped 30 on Chicago a year ago, streaky shooter.
Great play from everybody.

Tomorrow is so crucial, focus needs to be more so on the division at this point given how close we are to getting there.

Meanwhile, Go Blazers.
LOL all these idiots who thought Lin would suffer with Melo on the floor. he's actually been playing the best he ever has imo since Woodson has taken over and changed the offense.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

whoa...where'd those last 3 pages come from
This is what im thinkin. I thought the game thread was dead as hell and then I come back here and theres 3 or 4 pages of game talk. YUKU sucks son. We gotta get off this *$%%. Or someone needs to fix this *$%% ASAP. I always enjoy choppin it up with dudes in here while the games on. But today I was just at the house shoutin to myself lookin @ the thread like 
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