let this thread die (NYK)

Melo with 5 turnovers. SMDH
Im done with the FT attempts, but I cant complain about too much other than us letting them back in the game. Well they are the celtics so I can't be too mad at them making a run, that's what they will do.

But thank god for Novak.

And Vezon.... Stop dat.
Pierce shooting 18 free throws was pathetic. I don't see Miami losing a 7 game series in the first round, they should've never stacked to start the year so they have nobody to blameBut themselves for it. Wish first round was 5 games
Pierce probably got 4 of the free throws driving the ball the refs are a joke. I'm convinced someone hacked Allen's account , probably dub.
Like someone said before, I'd rather the Knicks get the Heat in the first round.  They'd probably eventually have to go through the Heat anyway, and if they lose, it's whatever--Heat are a better team.  But if they knock the Heat out in the first round, NT and RealGM would explode
Originally Posted by goldenchild9


So who do we need to win in that Boston/Orlando game us to have a better chance of moving up?
We need Boston to win and ORL to lose every game left for the rest of the season so we can take 6th and face Indy in the 1st round. We also basically need to win the next 5 games to end the season to assure the 6th seed since we're 4 games behind ORL.
It is our own fault we had a ridiculously easy first 20 games. But in the long term, getting rid of dantoni is FAR more important than winning a first round series and giving dantoni an extension

It had to happen like this for the good of the franchise
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