let this thread die (NYK)

Deron head fakes Douglas, he jumps, Derons stidesteps and hits jumper.

Deron head fakes Shumpert, he stays on the floor, Deron forced into a turnover.

The little things make a big difference.
Douglas and Fields could be the worst starting backcourt in the league. One of them needs to come off the bench
Bench TD, have Melo be point forward and have Shump back him up anything less would be uncivilized.
Sure it's the first preseason game, but anyone who was doubting our need for a scorer off the bench... I think this game shows our struggles.

I like Douglas as a player, but he cannot see the passes he needs to make.
Jared Jeffries is suck a @!#@ up.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Sure it's the first preseason game, but anyone who was doubting our need for a scorer off the bench... I think this game shows our struggles.

I like Douglas as a player, but he cannot see the passes he needs to make.
Craw or Reggie Williams would've done wonders for us. Starting or off the bench douglas and fields are weak links
Condolences for those with TWC but for ppl with Verizon they finally got MSG HD
but is it just me or when any time a Knicks game is hosted on NBAtv they just black it out so you have to watch it on MSG?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Deron head fakes Douglas, he jumps, Derons stidesteps and hits jumper.

Deron head fakes Shumpert, he stays on the floor, Deron forced into a turnover.

The little things make a big difference.

i know its really early, but start Shump and have TD be our 6th man....
Did Bill Walker even play? Like it or not Pringles is gonna need a 10 man rotation this season.

I don't care if it's one preseason game but TD needs to go. Some ppl may forget when he does have a good game and makes 9 3s or something but dude will never be a pg and he can't command the floor like one. All that talk of his defense may have to go out the window soon too. It's great to have that effort and try hard but don't mean much if you aint got shh to show for it. At least Jeffries gets results on that side of the ball.
I knew Shump was gonna be a difference maker immediately. He looks confident and has great athleticism. His decision making will improve over time. Rookies don't come into the league playing like Chris Paul from the jump..It's most likely gonna be Shump starting (eventually, not at the moment) and Bibby as backup PG..Then Douglas as a backup shooting guard whenever the Knicks play an undersized team
Bill Walker has a groin injury. TD does need to go im tired of his non penetration and not dribbling past the 3 point line
its hilarious how many weren't even trying to hear TD's name involved in any trades in the beginning.

people done forgot his level of boneheadedness (not an actual word) is almost on par with Malik Rose.

I mean the games he did light it up were appreciated, but how long would we have to wait for the next one?

shumpert is confident in himself and i could tell that from his body language. I just hope he isn't too cocky.

I was dying when I saw the training camp and Stat gave him his medal and he just looked at it... did the
and walked away.
I like Shump's attitude though. Dude is borderline d-bag but you need someone like that besides just the stars.. Obviously STAT and Melo are cocky but they don't talk trash..Shump gets into the minds of the opponents ala Reggie Miller..There are a select few guys in the league that get amped up when someone talks trash to them but it's pretty rare. More often than not, someone making fun of another players game or saying things like "You can't hold me!!" makes the opponent frustrated and negatively affects their game.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I like Shump's attitude though. Dude is borderline d-bag but you need someone like that besides just the stars.. Obviously STAT and Melo are cocky but they don't talk trash..Shump gets into the minds of the opponents ala Reggie Miller..There are a select few guys in the league that get amped up when someone talks trash to them but it's pretty rare. More often than not, someone making fun of another players game or saying things like "You can't hold me!!" makes the opponent frustrated and negatively affects their game.

Something makes me think that Fields is one of those players.
If you would rather have Toney Douglas over this man then your crazy.. I would rather take a 70% Baron Davis' playmaking ability over Douglas anyday.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I like Shump's attitude though. Dude is borderline d-bag but you need someone like that besides just the stars.. Obviously STAT and Melo are cocky but they don't talk trash..Shump gets into the minds of the opponents ala Reggie Miller..There are a select few guys in the league that get amped up when someone talks trash to them but it's pretty rare. More often than not, someone making fun of another players game or saying things like "You can't hold me!!" makes the opponent frustrated and negatively affects their game.

Something makes me think that Fields is one of those players.

Sadly, I have to agree
Dudes don't talk that kinda trash in the Ivy Leagues..They're saying things like "Bro, you ain't #$*%..Your GPA is only 3.7!"
At first, I wasn't a big fan of Baron Davis on the Knicks but over the past few days, I've definitely opened up to the idea. Bill Simmons said it best on Twitter..He said the thing Davis needs is a big city with a team that can contend so that he can feel that fire in his heart and play with passion. When put in a situation where he has to prove himself, he always steps up.

It wasn't too long ago that B Davis was on that Warriors team that had one of the best offenses in the league and knocked out the 1 seed Mavericks in the 1st round of the playoffs. If he even has 70% of what he had that season, he can make a huge impact on this upcoming season.
I've always been a B Diddy fan since his days on the Hornets with Mash and Ray but lets not all jump on the bandwagon after TD's horrible pg play. He's definitely better than what we got when healthy but I've noticed how he's kinda faded out of being an impact guy over the years. So we gotta be prepared for w/e cons he brings to the table as well as pros.

Would be an upgrade here though and I am for us acquiring him.
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