let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Now they want to quit. Sigh.

Honestly it's hard to care when the refs have a complete choke hold on the momentum of the game, outside of the heat favoritism... Melo is getting slapped in every which way and then in turn gets treated like Rasheed Wallace, no foul calls and then gets a technical from a ref not even in his vision for virtually nothing. It's bad enough watchin, I can imagine how deflating it is being out there.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Now they want to quit. Sigh.

A true Knicks fan wont look at the realistic side of losing to a team like Miami Heat who is lightyears ahead of The Knivks and MIA aint even playing their best ball and they up 35. Lebron just embarrased these fools.
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