let this thread die (NYK)

just take stat out. I got a lil sick when I saw him drop on his sensitive back .

Idk what to say. But this loss would be ugly.
We are WOUNDED son... WOUNDED. Shump hurt, tyson not even 60%. Melo colder than dry ice. Stat... IDK but he aint whats craccin right now. I hope we can get it together next matchup.
Woodson needs to make the proper adjustments. He let our team be overwhelmed often and early. There should've been more timeouts in the 2nd quarter. Now the game is completely out of hand and ppl are already looking at game 2.

He'll get fired if the team continues to give this type of effort.
Before I rant: The Heat are a great team.

I need to hear the postgame with Woodson callin these refs out and someone needs to call out the blatant Heat favoritism.

If I was coachin the Knicks I'd accept the fine and go crazy on the refs. They are taking a competitive series and making NY look like a joke.
LeBron flops and gets treated like a baby. Heat defense is labeled as aggressive and effective but the minute the Knicks go aggressive we've got 6'8" 275lber floppin like a kid.

This is honestly sad to watch and I'm not even expecting an improvement in Game 2.
Maybe when we get back to NY is when I'll hold my breath.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Yall need to stop crying about wanting to play the Bulls already.
as opposed to crying in general?
Nah, just watch some golf. It's calming.
You know what I'm glad we got spanked in game 1. Cause honestly the Knicks are not this bad of a team. So I'm hoping this is a wake up call for them before it's too late.. They have to bring it for the rest of the series and really really come together as a team. Knowing the Heat because of the way they embarrassed us today.. they will only bring it 50% in game two.
Hope Shump's injury wasn't too bad (though it definitely looked bad). If it's season ending, hoping him a speedy recovery.
Originally Posted by Dimelo

Lmaooo @ shumps injury

REALLY son? U gonna laugh at a man's injury? And you come in here too? 
 My man. 
I hate the bulls but I would never laugh at Rose's injury. 

That's wassup though. 
Originally Posted by Dimelo

Lmaooo @ shumps injury

You're really laughing at someone being injured? You're scum of the Earth for this. I've never had to use the ignore button, but you just earned yourself that privilege. 
Knicks were not allowed to play defense.

Just get better Tyson... Only positive is that it's one game.

Shumpert though......
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