let this thread die (NYK)

Wow. Never knew the hate was that strong. Us Nets fans just here and there (if you can find us lol). Shuges you know because youve visited the Nets thread a few times with us. Never wishing any ill will on any team.
I don't think anybody hates the Nets here. I didn't feel anyway about the team when they were losing horribly even when their fans would try to be boastful when they were playing good or about their potential in BK. Only time I rooted for them to lose was when they were in finals and I didn't want them winning a chip before the Knicks did

I gotta say Knicks fans just have that battered women's syndrome among other problems but one thing I'm not seeing is insecurity.
I welcome the competition from the Nets. If we're gonna have a rivalry I'd like both teams to be good, the games would be more entertaining that way. But you can miss me with all that rooting for all NY teams that make it to a Finals though. Unless they play a team I happen to dislike strongly, I'm neutral at best.
Yeah, no way am I gonna root for the Nets if they happen to go to the Finals. How can you root for a team that from this point forward is going to try to steal all our free agents, have us up our bids and essentially raise our tickets prices even more? Hell, they even put up a damn billboard in front of our house trying to *@@+ on us. I don't see how you're "loyalty" as a NY'er kicks in. If anyone think that's insecure, then idk what to tell you. It's just me feeling a certain way about the Nets, because they've done and started doing the things I mentioned to purposely ruin us as a team.

That's like a diehard Yankee fan rooting for the Mets if they make it to the World Series. It just doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Yeah, no way am I gonna root for the Nets if they happen to go to the Finals. How can you root for a team that from this point forward is going to try to steal all our free agents, have us up our bids and essentially raise our tickets prices even more? Hell, they even put up a damn billboard in front of our house trying to *@@+ on us. I don't see how you're "loyalty" as a NY'er kicks in. If anyone think that's insecure, then idk what to tell you. It's just me feeling a certain way about the Nets, because they've done and started doing the things I mentioned to purposely ruin us as a team.

That's like a diehard Yankee fan rooting for the Mets if they make it to the World Series. It just doesn't make sense.

Well said.
Random and I haven't given it much thought but...

If the players union wins the Bird Rights arbitration case...and Ron Ron gets amnestied...how would y'all feel about scooping him up using a portion of our MLE?

Ron's been one of my guys for a while now and even though he wouldn't exactly fit our biggest needs...I'd be ecstatic to have him here in a bench role.
I'd like to see this team add a small forward that could do what Ron does but eh, I don't know. It would come down to how much he's looking to get.
I wouldnt mind Ron I guess. It would give us the Goon aspect we have been lacking in recent seasons. But again, im not doing any possible scenarios in my head until we hear about the bird rights hearing. That obviously shapes our entire offseason. Then I will start playing the What If game with you guys.
i dunno. i think the entire year will be the final test to see if amare, chandler, and melo can function on the court at the same time. If not someone needs to be leader of the 2nd unit.

Just watching the spurs and thunder makes me realize how messed up our ball movement is. NOBODY MOVES
Ray Allen over Ron Artest FOR SURE. Ron is a distraction and a shell of himself at this point. Combine that with him being back home plus the heavy media scrutiny (where I guarantee the NY media will be using a stick to prod the sleeping bear in hopes of getting some crazy quotables from Ron), and that would be the absolute worst situation ever.
Ray would be a good fit. I'd take him on a one year deal with an option. Dude is getting old though so I still would like to see us sign someone else in addition to him just in case he catches the injury bug (could be Landry at that point).
Watch the New York Knicks long enough and you come to see Carmelo Anthony as one of the most talent -- and frustrating -- players in the NBA. George Karl, his former coach with the Denver Nuggets, has criticized Anthony's commitment in the past, and did so again Monday morning on the 'Mike & Mike Show' on ESPN Radio.

"I definitely think Carmelo Anthony is talented enough to win a championship," he said. "I've always said that once he gets that being the goal, winning a championship being the only goal on his plate, he will figure out how to get it done. I think he's one of the most talented offensive players playing in the game of basketball, and he can do every aspect of the game. It's just that when is he going to commit to doing them every night."

Anthony admitted during the season that he did not give former coach Mike D'Antoni his best effort. His effort on defense is consistently questioned, as is his willingness to share the ball -- and the spotlight -- with Amare Stoudemire, Jeremy Lin and other teammates.
http://newyork.sbnation.com/new-york-kn ... jeremy-lin

I really dislike George Karl , yall remember this K-Mart quote ?

"Man, listen, George needs to keep his mouth shut, first and foremost," Martin said. "Melo don't play there no more. So Karl shouldn't be commenting on Melo. If George was such a great coach, then Melo would want to stay. He wouldn't want to leave.

"If the organization was ran right, he wouldn't want to leave, so it ain't Melo. With Melo, not one time when he was there did he bring that in the locker room when all that stuff was going on. Not one day."


"They didn't offer me an extension, they traded [Anthony], J.R. [Smith] is gone [to New York]. They've got the team they want. So why doesn't [Karl] worry about coaching them and leaving Melo alone -- bottom line? It bothers me for them to keep harping at that."
George Karl isn't a good enough coach or smart enough to win a championship though.
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