let this thread die (NYK)

if it goes to appeal.....
Originally Posted by DubA169

And some of you guys were rooting for the heat SMH. %%#@ those clowns. If we had anyone had balls on our team they would close line the first one that goes for a lay up. But they closer to hanging out and yucking it up.

Crazy. I saw supposed knick fans like Big J and Al3Xis....rooting for the Miami Heat in their threads and man crushing and being a Fan boy for Lebron James...

I really don't understand how a Knick Fan can seriously root for the heat or Bron. That'd be like Yankee rooting for the red sox, a Jet rooting for a Patriot, Dodger rooting for the Giants, and Eagle fan rooting for the NYG.

I though the Knicks and Heat hated each other....guess dudes forgot about the rivalry in the 90's and early part of this decade. The fights, mourning LJ and van gundy.

I guess Big J and Al3Xis might as well put Team Heat or Team Bron Bron fan boy in their sigs.

Where is the loyalty?

and here I thought that Oasis was the only one jumping ship.
But then again you had dudes in here talking about they were going to switch over to the Brooklyn Nets if Jay and the Russian could keep D. Will and get Howard.
Stern just wants to save face. He has been getting embarrassed and taking losses all year

Can kiss my #!#!!*$ %!#.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Yo... Real talk.

Something about seeing that EC picture this am made me feel some type of way about Ewing not having a ring. It was specifically Ewing that I thought of... is he the only GREAT center not to have one?

Like that's some type of cruel joke
I was reminded of that during the Dream Team documentary, it bummed me out big time. He just didn't have the luck that you need to win. If Bernard didn't get that injury then maybe they could have been great together.. if Starks shot better Game 7 of the Finals.. if he didn't run into the Bulls dynasty.. if he didn't have to go up against Hakeem.. and while those Knicks teams were gritty and tough, it would have been nice to have another superstar alongside Ewing to help. And now the guy has put in his years as an assistant and can't even get a coaching job.

And it would be great about the arbitrator siding with us.. but I'm still not that excited about Lin. He's an exciting guy, his play probably saved our season, and he could get better... but I think the team is chasing the celebrity rather than the player.
Originally Posted by Charles Schwag

Originally Posted by DubA169

And some of you guys were rooting for the heat SMH. %%#@ those clowns. If we had anyone had balls on our team they would close line the first one that goes for a lay up. But they closer to hanging out and yucking it up.

Crazy. I saw supposed knick fans like Big J and Al3Xis....rooting for the Miami Heat in their threads and man crushing and being a Fan boy for Lebron James...

I really don't understand how a Knick Fan can seriously root for the heat or Bron. That'd be like Yankee rooting for the red sox, a Jet rooting for a Patriot, Dodger rooting for the Giants, and Eagle fan rooting for the NYG.

I though the Knicks and Heat hated each other....guess dudes forgot about the rivalry in the 90's and early part of this decade. The fights, mourning LJ and van gundy.

I guess Big J and Al3Xis might as well put Team Heat or Team Bron Bron fan boy in their sigs.

Where is the loyalty?

and here I thought that Oasis was the only one jumping ship.
But then again you had dudes in here talking about they were going to switch over to the Brooklyn Nets if Jay and the Russian could keep D. Will and get Howard.

This franchise doesn't show me or any of us fans loyalty. Dolan and Isiah and all those bum 2000s Knicks teams... high ticket prices.. not letting Donnie do his job.. I've been a fan through all of that. I've been a Knicks fan since birth and I'll probably always be one... but this current owner doesn't deserve our loyalty.

Yeah, I rooted for Lebron and I'm glad to see him win. I said it at the time that of all the teams I wish it wasn't the Heat, but it is so oh well. I cheered for the player, he just happened to play for Miami. I became a Lebron fan years ago, back when the Knicks were embarrassing themselves and were the laughing stock of the league. I'll cheer for the team over another player ten times out of ten.. but I have favorite players who aren't Knicks because the Knicks weren't exactly giving me tons of options. Crawford, David Lee, Nate Rob? Yeah.. no thanks. I was a huge fan of Gallo and Chandler.. but they got traded.

I don't care if people define a "true fan" with some absurd logic and set of rules. If you want to try to alienate some of the fanbase, then knock yourselves out. I'm a Knicks fan, I'll continue to be one and a Lebron fan... and a Westbrook fan.. and I was a Dwight fan (until this year at least)... and hell.. I even like Rose too. $!#% what you think
I've never seen D-will as a pass first PG, i mean yeah he does distribute but not like guys such as CP and Nash do...i'd much rather sign Nash...we've all seen what Stat can do with him, and he will make sure both Stat and Melo get their looks

So what's the team looking like thus far?...

C Chandler
PF Stat
SF Melo
SG Shump
PG Lin

JR (if he takes his option)

If we get those guys signed, that leaves three spots: one should be for a veteran point guard, the other two for solid backup C or PF (lou amundson?)
I hope New York Knicks can keep Jeremy Lin because he can play very well with international player like Gary Forbes and Steve Novak. Very good persons.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Yo... Real talk.

Something about seeing that EC picture this am made me feel some type of way about Ewing not having a ring. It was specifically Ewing that I thought of... is he the only GREAT center not to have one?

Like that's some type of cruel joke
I was reminded of that during the Dream Team documentary, it bummed me out big time. He just didn't have the luck that you need to win. If Bernard didn't get that injury then maybe they could have been great together.. if Starks shot better Game 7 of the Finals.. if he didn't run into the Bulls dynasty.. if he didn't have to go up against Hakeem.. and while those Knicks teams were gritty and tough, it would have been nice to have another superstar alongside Ewing to help. And now the guy has put in his years as an assistant and can't even get a coaching job.

Man... That's really what it comes down to... Your REALLY need to have lady luck on your side in terms of circumstances.
they didnt put a true number 2 around Ewing, and didn't give Riley the ownership he wanted.

it doesnt get more complicated than that
Amongst Knicks fans I thought it was common knowledge that Big J and Al3xis were fans of Bron and Al3xis isn't a big fan of Melo to boot.

Don't really think other Knicks fans had a huge problem with that, we've been past that real fan nonsense that tends to bubble up when ppl are mad about something.
Dudes are wild with this super-loyalty %$%!. Like if your parents said they liked Durant or Rose or *gasp* LeBron, dudes are acting like they would want to off their moms or pops. Not saying people shouldn't be loyal to their team. But that super hardcore %$%! is just silly to me. That's the same type of stuff that got that off duty cop who was a Ranger fan beat to near death at a Flyers game (I think). Or the dudes in LA after the football game who got put into a coma. allen and J are definitely Knick fans and should never have their loyalty questioned.

I could understand dudes blasting me cuz I don't claim to be a Knicks fan. I follow them and watch them religiously. But I can't stand Dolan. POS owner if I ever saw one. And until he's out of here, I can't rock with them hardbody like that. Sue me.

But the 2 guys who got called out have nothing but love for the Knicks.

So anyway, who's down to start the "Extreme Fans Only Official Knicks Thread"?
Listening to Alan Hahn on espn radio, he says we have more realistic chance of signing Kidd over Nash. ( assuming the ruling still holds and Lin & Novak are signed)
I used to love MJ and Rodman but i was rooting for the jazz in those series. people are just different i guess.

I Just found it ironic that there were a good amount of knicks fans rooting for him hard, and even in celebration those 2 couldnt wait to blast new york. so im just on that #%@# them mentality. They have been messing with us for a good amount of time word to wade "i'm in a new york state of mind" and lebron's shennanigans

its just fun and giggles for them to hate on us. So i see no reason to want them to win. especially if them winning gets Eddy a ring

didnt question anyones fanhood. just an observation. either way, J and allen have thick skin im sure they are doing just fine.

what are the chances that

A- the NBA screws us over


B- the knicks do something dumb

btw that toney douglas signing was all types of confusing to me
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