let this thread die (NYK)

@ better chance of signing Kidd over Nash. Is that hahn saying we have no chance to sign Nash or our FO wanting to sign Kidd?

I need to hear some news about TD getting the boot already, looks like Fields is here to stay another few years but don't worry with another good 2nd round pick he may get little to no play next season with that pick and when Shump returns.
Nah, thats just Hahn's opinion...But he feels that Phoenix will try to keep Nash and NY's MLE probably wont be enough to compete with Phoenix.  
He did say that since Shump is out, knicks will sign Fields.

Knicks will be looking to make moves on Draft Day tho.
Knicks are always looking to make move on draft day. I just hope whatever we do isn't boo worthy. Would love to see us trade up.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like 100% of things Lebron does. Just the same as Knicks fans don't support or love every single thing their team does.. Same with a player.

Except Russ.. Everything he does is awesome. Everything.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Someone give me cliffs of what's going on in here? Haven't been on in a while. And you guys talk too much.
The usual. Knick fans vs Knick fans. I felt the need to stick my nose in for whatever reason.

Just hope we get our act together as a whole. Although he takes the fall a lot, watching the Finals I wish we had a player with the personality of Russell Westbrook. At least our #1 or #2 player have that type of intensity year 'round. Intangibles like that make a huge difference in how far your team can really go imo.

Kidd or Nash would be perfect, serious depth and high Bball IQ which is underrated nowadays.
I am glad to hear the news regarding the early bird rights for Lin and Novak.

i would rather have the Argentenian PG over Kidd right now. Kidd is an aging PG and while an all-time great I wonder how much he can actually help the Knicks even in a backup. I think the Knicks getting Kidd would be sake of getting a big over the hill name....I would rather go with a younger veteran option like Priogioni (sp).
If the Knicks truly want Lin to be the pg of the future, bringing in Kidd is a must. Simply because you want Lin getting as many minutes as possible running the team. With Nash, that won't happen. And please don't say that Nash and Lin can be on the floor at the same time. That backcourt would get absolutely destroyed by opposing teams.
I am not really fond of bringing in Kidd but Shuges I totally can rock with your logic of bringing in Kidd over Nash. Kidd would help Lin's development immediately more than Nash will as you said because he would take minutes away from him.
Yall are insane. Let Kidd go back to the Nets or the Heat. I don't want him on this team. Son is washed up. I'd prefer Nash everyday.

I don't care about Lin's development or him being the pg of the future if those are the options. Let him be backup to Nash and learn from dude in practice. He was playing better with the 2nd string anyway.
I agree with Stephan A. Smith. As much as the Knicks have shown promise, they've also shown displacement and lack of effort on both sides of the ball.

Granted they did play significantly better with Woodson as the coach, I don't think he's the answer to any of our problems. We don't really have many options right now, so we have to work with what we have.

As for the whole Kidd/Nash thing. I agree with Shuges on this one. If you want Lin to learn and develop as a PG--Bring in Kidd. Nash will only take away valuable mins from Lin and won't really teach him much. We'll be spending $3-5 million a year just to have him play 15 mins per game and learn from Nash. Although, Nash will give you instant results, but for how long? You know what you're getting from Kidd. No one expects him to come here and play like he did circa early 2000's. He'd play 15 mins and teach Lin a thing or two.
We are in win now mode I couldn't care less about his development

You get Nash and go all out for two years. Try to win a chip. Then we are one year before the main three players contracts expire. Go from there
UPDATE -- Klempner's response to the league's appeal: "The NBA is entitled under the CBA to file an appeal, and we will respond accordingly. We don't think any such appeal has merit, and we are confident that the decision will stand and these players will benefit from it, whether it's through an expedited appeal process or a negotiated resolution.

Regarding the timing of July 1, there's no way that any two parties, much less these two parties, can agree on the identity of three arbitrators, hire them, file briefs, hold a hearing and get a written decision by the panel in one week, so, of course, the appeal can't be resolved by next week."

Yeah. I see us getting screwed with the timing of things. Nba can just delay us with appeals they don't even have to win

Stern been *%#+!** up left and right. Basketball reasons.
at yall calling J Kidd washed up like he didnt just win a championship as a starter last season

for the team the knicks are runnig under woodson with the offense ran through melo id actually prefer kidd over nash because he is better at keeping the ball movement and running the offense in the half court than nash is, which is really the main thing with melo. Hes also a better defender which i like because at this point in their careers theyre both kind of defensive liabilities, but with nash at this point youre basically playing with one man down. I mean !!## it id be happy with either, but we do have tyson chandler and if we have jason kidd running the point (although 2 years older) i find it hard to believe that last years mavs would be much better than wed be if they are at all.

anyway i havent posted in here much but ive been keeping up with the thread so dont think im sleeping on nt even when im not active but i know yall want a rant so here is my .02

!!## jeremy lin. Im over him and there are better pgs on the market. He had a nice stretch where he was extremely turnover prone and defenses had him figured out before he got injured. I think that the ony reason we wanna make him our franchise pg is because he sells jerseys, tickets, media hype, and msg stock which is the typical dolan bull %*@* that i cant stand. Good story but good story does not always = good option

The less sexy player we should put our chips in for this summer is goran dragic

I love goran dragic. While id like a kidd, nash, or argentina id prefer to go for a guy who has a chance of being our guy for the future and i think the only player with that potential that we can very well get if we choose to do so is dragic. The guy backed up steve nash for 3 seasons so he has learned from the best, he is young, smart, tall, athletic and Put up better numbers than lin this season as a starter. He has been effective over a much longer time frame as nashs backup for 3 seasons and even more this season. Hes a free agent this summer and with the emergence of kyle lowry, its unlikely they match many offers for him. This is a player that i can see emerging as a potential star next season as a starter given the right circumstances and i think that can be here

However if houston keeps dragic and chooses to get rid of lowry (less probable) i still say we go after lowry who i also think as a star in the making. The way i see it, houston has 2 young pgs who %*@* all over any of ours and we would be foolish to not go after one of them.

The next thing is that the knicks need to put pride to the side and part ways with amare. I love amare, he started this movement, and i have kept out hope for a year and a half that him and melo will mesh but they just can not. We will not win a ring with melo and amare as teamates and amare is clearly the more expendable of the 2.

Melo played better than anyone inthe league and the knicks went 18-6 to cLose the season. Im not stupid and think we can win a ring like that but i also know we wont be winning one with amare. He is losing his explosiveness, is a drfensive liability, but unlike people who forget how dominant e was last year (cause peoples basketball memories seem to be worse than goldfish word to jkidd) amare still has A LOT to offer and i know on the right team he can be the force he was last season. However we need to get rid of him because him and melo totally do not mesh. Amare is a penotrator who needa to dominate the ball and attak one on one and that cannot work with melO. The knicks need a big man who can pass the ball and feed tyson down low or melo on the wing and also have a post game/ mid range while many people think amares contranct makes him expendable i thought of a trade that could solve all our needs...

We get dragic from houston in a sign and trade where we also recieve luis scola, camby, and our first rounder back while giving houston amare and lin. This trade gets us our pg of the future in dragic and a mid first rounder which would be HUGE. Scola,although not nearly the talent that amare is makes the salarys work and is a much better fit at pf for the knicks because of his passing and offensive touch. Camby is also there for salary purposes but would also be an ideal backup for tyson in ny and i am sure he would play inspired bball making a final title run back in ny where e made his 1st title run. IMO houston does this trade despite salary concerns for a few reasons.

One is that they are a fringe playoff team that needs to take a risk on a #1 option to get them over the top. They. Are a win now team as their trade for kevin martin shows and the emergence of kule lowry. The rockets are also an ideal fit for amare because he again becomes the #1 option giving him the offensive freedom that he needs like he had in ny, and the rockets have the essentials necessary to get the most out of amare. They have the pg in lowry (or dragic if they choose that route) to run the pick and roll with stat, they have a shooter and a true #2 option in martin for stat to kick it out to on double teams, solid role players, and a center like dalembert who compensates for amares defensive woes. They could even draft a center like fab melo since they would still have their draft pick to work with.

Due to all that amare brings to houston, and because they are a borderline playoff team without him, i can see houson taking the risk of amares salary especially because scola is older than amare and has a bad salary as well although he is not as good.

Other trade scenarios i like are amare, lin, fields for rondo/kg (sign and trade), or amare/lin for deron (just saw that on here and i liked it
) but those are obviously less realistic especially because they are both in our division (especially the celtics one)

Next order of business would be to get rid of landry fields broke #@% jumper. Over him as well, the way i see it he serves no purpose. Despite what yall say players with jr smiths scoring ability at his price tag do not come along and if he accepts his option you keep him because we have little money or draft picks to find other legit scoring options. For me jr's price makes up for the fact that he makes you wanna put a bullet in your mouth every now and than. Beggers cant be choosers

I would love to trade landry back to northern cal or some %*@* for their late first rounder considering landry is from the area and they are looking for swinggmen in his mold.

We have jr to come off the bench an i think it is all agreed that shumpert is our future at the position making landry the odd man out (his jumper doesnt help his case). However with shumperts acl this is where i would like to knicks to use their mle for the what can be the best value move of the summer.

Signing ray allen. Ray ray would be an ideal 2 guard for us in our championship push. He would come in right away and start at the 2 with jr and shump backing him up and right around the time ray is ready to call it quits, iman will be ready to take the reign as starter and well move forward with him and jr. Ray is also perfect in that he has big game, clutch shooting, championship experience, he is a locker room leader and with guys like him and chandler and potentially jason kidd there would be no possible way for melo not to be 110% focused on chasing that elusive ring. And of course ray allen is the best 3 point shooter of all time and we need that for melo double teams (and a ridiculous upgrade over landry)

I do not like this team winning a ring and i dont see management making these kind of moves to improve our team because of the controversy/fan criticism we would take by trading big names like lin, amare, and fields, for guys like goran dragic and luis scola. But i figured i might as well share my feelings anyway. When we werent going anywhere before 99 we made similar moves in giving up big names starks and oakley for littler known spree and camby and while it cost ernie grunfeld his job it gave us another title chance. If knick warrior/legends starks/oak can be traded for the greater good of the team so should he the same for amare and lin who haveny experience 1/10 of what those 2 did but it probably wont. Either way i would feel MUCH better moving forward towards competing with miami with a roster of

PG: Dragic
SG: Ray
SF: Melo
PF: Scola
C: Tyson
6: Shump
7: JR
8: Kidd
9: Camby
10: Novak
11: Jeffries
12: Jorts
Plus the #16 pick which we could potentially use as an eventual replacement for scola like Henson or Moultrie or maybe an athletic swingman like Moe Harkless or Terrence Ross

Anyway there is my rant take it as you will, i think that team right there is a contender talent wise and how they mesh unlike what we have now an i do not think any of it is entirely unrealistic if we focus on the right things

As for the NBA finals i gotta give it to lebron son played his #@% off all season long and earned that ring, didnt think he had it is him. As for the fatman im sure yall Team NYK OGs like myself now my feelings

Knick Fan #34 for life
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