Lets get a tips, tricks & steps 2 help Produce STICKY PL

to all my mpc owners..what do u think would be the best to start out w/ the xl or 1000? I keep hearin horror stories of the 1000s pads..thx in advance.
the hell pots and pans..

anyway like everyone else starting out.. i need advice on hardware
2kxl or invest in 2500 or something else.. i want the new technology
but i dont think i'll be coppin a keyboard anytime soon
"Never ever ever in this life try to sell me something full price and the ish was only half right..I aint a sucka" - Hus
Hey everyone, I've been trying to get into producing last summer but really didn't have no advice or guidance and it turned out horribly. Can some of you advise what tools/ software I should start off with. I really don't want to invest too much because it may or may not be for me. I want to invest in something GOOD yet cheap if that is possible and if I get really good I will pursue this.

Don't let this die!
wats the diff between mcd and old xl

"Never ever ever in this life try to sell me something full price and the ish was only half right..I aint a sucka" - Hus
Anybody know how to hook up the MPC as a module to Reason? I figured...from the MIDI controller OUT to MPC MIDI IN...from the MIDI USB to the computer...am I missing something here?
I was ignored before. :rolleyes
Hey everyone, I've been trying to get into producing last summer but really didn't have no advice or guidance and it turned out horribly. Can some of you advise what tools/ software I should start off with. I really don't want to invest too much because it may or may not be for me. I want to invest in something GOOD yet cheap if that is possible and if I get really good I will pursue this.
get a keyboard a midi keyboard to be exact and a software program such as Reason. run you a total ofroughly 500 if you do it the legit way.

here are some links to a keyboard and reason.

turntablelab.com/producti...4707.html- one of these



this will get your feet wet, and depending on how you feel about it. you can stay where you are or move up or down with equipment. You add to your original set up the more you progress. it makes stuff easier
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ShoeofKuriboed school because it would've all made sense from the start. you can even learn how to mix your tracks which is really dope too (and eliminate the engineer's job). if you sell a beat, thats more money in your pocket in the end

Does anyone know when that Akai MPK releases?

i've heard july 1st for $349. i don't know how credible the source is though
don't sell yourself
to fall in love
with those things you do

buying a car? don't get ripped off. check out my CAR BUYING GUIDE for some tips
i just picked up a turntable and im wondering what else i need, i got a boombox stereo but the sound is lacking when i hooked it up through there with the red and white cables.

How exactly do you hook up a turntable to an mpc?
you will need alot more besides a boombox stereo and turntable. see when you go hardware it requires more pieces for a seamless work enviroment.

depends on the turntable you have. if its a technics you are going to need a dj mixer which you would then connect to the MPC thru its rec in puts and connect the outputs on the mpc towards your boombox stereo...its gonna be crazy but it will work
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Yeah, its pretty easy to hook up turntables to an MPC...its really easy to record a sample into the MPC, you just hook it up into the record inputs of the MPC...if your trying to use the boombox stereo to listen to it I'd suggest just picking up some pretty good quality headphones for anywhere between $75-$100...thats just my opinion though some people will enjoy monitors for listening, I enjoy the headphones...
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