Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!


On the subject of the R.O.C., as president what are some possible changes in the application of these codes would you enforce?
hold on, who is running so far? ogbobbyjackson/purpleface, kada/dubbz? and whyweststeppin and who?
Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

hold on, who is running so far? ogbobbyjackson/purpleface, kada/dubbz? and whyweststeppin and who?

so far :







i've already recieved votes and im keeping the tally. polls close this saturday @ 10 pm. i will have the results of the primaries on sunday...


yo wheres dirty i wanna set up a poll in the post like he did i just dont know how ...........
Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

hold on, who is running so far? ogbobbyjackson/purpleface, kada/dubbz? and whyweststeppin and who?

I'm not running. I'm winning.

ska, remember how you smiled and mocked me when I was overlooked for modship and instead you were chosen? Well, who's laughing now. Mods/admins cannot runfor presidency. You should've stayed on here as a civilian.

'Hi, this is Dre, from North Carolina....

...I pose a question to the panel.....

Are we supposed to treat strippers like people? Like viable, human beings? Or, are we supposed to treat them like....Well, strippers? ......'

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by KNUDslpm

hold on, who is running so far? ogbobbyjackson/purpleface, kada/dubbz? and whyweststeppin and who?

so far :







i've already recieved votes and im keeping the tally. polls close this saturday @ 10 pm. i will have the results of the primaries on sunday...


yo wheres dirty i wanna set up a poll in the post like he did i just dont know how ...........
Trying to Ron Paul me.

Nice to meet you Dre. Strippers are people too. They have been forgotten by society but for the right price they'll let you do almost everything.
I'm officially endorsing 0Drama forPresident, OGbobbyjohnson for VP, nominating myself for Treasurer


Originally Posted by dreClark


'Hi, this is Dre, from North Carolina....

...I pose a question to the panel.....

Are we supposed to treat strippers like people? Like viable, human beings? Or, are we supposed to treat them like....Well, strippers? ......'

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What does that have to do with Nike Talk? Save that for a Sociology thread
Congressman PalinFace, I say you have forgotten yourself! Indeed, let it not be said that I have disparaged you, nor besmirched your humor in any way, shape orform! I appreciate it, and have obtained many a moment of revelry as a direct derivation thereof...as for your critique of my Grammar DeregulizationProgram...it is laughable...verily, allow me 2 emit a haughty chuckle at them...*ha...hahahaha haaaa!* Clearly, it stands 2 reason that you found my postreadable enough 2 rebut it...and this is all I strive 4! I OpOsz Th1zz KiNd of tYpin...but I don't believe the people of NT should be subjected 2 acollege-level audit of their online grammar skills...free speech is just that...FREE SPEECH. Let me say that again...a poster's intelligence level or therelevancy of his post should NOT be judged by his stylized method of delivery? I ask you, Congresman Face...would you see a perfectly legitimate response 2 athread discounted because of the spellin?

Yes, my responses are rife with minor grammatical and intentional spellin errors...but does that make them any less pertinent? Does that make the poster ofthem any less important? From the gist of your post, it certainly seems like you hold that opinion. I firmly oppose Grammar Nazism, but I do support theexpression of one's thoughts in a manner of their choosing, so long as their posts may be sufficiently interpreted by other citizens. Twist my words notinto a pretzel of hypocrisy, but take them 4 what they are...a statement against overzealous grammar regulation. I am a staunch supporter of less strictgrammar policing, and let that never be overlooked. However, I do support free speech, stylized English (2 the point of diminishing returns) and the freecommunication between NTers. Would you oppose that, Congressman PalinFace?

And ska, of course you get a vote...beyond being an admin, you're just as much of an NTer as I, or Senator iBlink, GovernorOG, Congressman PalinFace, orany other NTer...all NTers were approved equal...and gahdammit, that's what I'm about! We gon take it thru Philly, and we gon take it 2 NY, and we gontake it 2 Gary, and we finna take it down south, and 2 Cali, and all ove the NT Universe...Byaaaah!

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message.*
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What does that have to do with Nike Talk? Save that for a Sociology thread
Don't we have damn near weekly threads about Strip Clubs?

About how you should act?

About whether you should make it rain?

About what to do or what not to do?

Thought so...

odrama's a no show so far. he has'nt accepted a nomination yet.



yall are write in's on the ballot so far ....

state your case to our community .........
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What does that have to do with Nike Talk? Save that for a Sociology thread
Well to answer your question, the topic of titty bars has potential to be very revealing of ones character.

Which candidate would like to take Dre's question?
Originally Posted by onewearz

odrama's a no show so far. he has'nt accepted a nomination yet.



yall are write in's on the ballot so far ....

state your case to our community .........
My policies:
-Any girl related thread must include pics or will be locked on sight if no pics are added by the end of page 2.
-I would ban on trolls on sight.
-The censorship restrictions would be lifted (racial slurs are censored). I love a cuss word or two in a post.
-The waiting period to get approved would be cut down from one month to two weeks.
-If someone believes they have been wrongfully banned, they will be given a chance to appeal the decision made by my cabinet.
-Jordan Brand forum would be deleted. That forum is useless.
-Thong shots would be allowed and nip slips are fine. No full frontal nudity.
-Flame wars would be allowed if deemed necessary.
-I will use correct grammar.
-I will stand up to any tyrants (admins) and their minions (moderators) when they impede on the rights of my NT brethren.

As an independent, it is going to be pretty damn hard to sway the decision of my fellow Niketalkers but if elected I will make sure, no I will come throughwith everything promised and then some. I too have lost many a name in rebellion against the totalitarian state that we call Niketalk. I have the scars toprove it. When you were banned I was there, I never forgot; will you?

Lazy B in 08.

You can make it rain you just gotta ask your wallet first.
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