Let's re-visit the NBA dresscode

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09


Let's milk the culture when it makes us money...but try to avoid the stereotypes that come with the negative pub. 

America at it's finest.

Because the players are representing a brand. 
By playing basketball...

What is your point? 

This "corporate world business" aspect that some of you keep overstating has absolutely NOTHING to do with the world of professional sports from an ATHLETE'S point of view. If you believe that what they wear to/from games is conducive to how their images are received by the public....then CERTAINLY you have to believe that race DID play a huge role in the rule. 

That's my point right there. They're playing professional sports. If this was a rec-league then it would be a different story, they can dress however they want. But some of these players 7 years ago would dress up as if they just got out of bed and didn't shower.

Do you have any idea what your talking about? Honest question. So Stern made this dress code because too many dudes were coming in with cheeto stained shirts, and muddy kicks huh. These dudes are athletes, and at the time this rule kicked in they were wearing jerseys and chains. This didn't have anything to do with professionalism stop it homie. 
I never understood how any of you would be "against" it when you aren't even in the league. Most of the players in the league love dressing up and looking sharp, there might be only a few that are annoyed by it and do the bare minimum (word to Tim Duncan)...so if the players aren't upset about it, why are you? 
Get over it. Its called professionalism. 
Some period just don't understand the concept of professionalism and think that all clothes are created equal.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09


Let's milk the culture when it makes us money...but try to avoid the stereotypes that come with the negative pub. 

America at it's finest.

By playing basketball...

What is your point? 

This "corporate world business" aspect that some of you keep overstating has absolutely NOTHING to do with the world of professional sports from an ATHLETE'S point of view. If you believe that what they wear to/from games is conducive to how their images are received by the public....then CERTAINLY you have to believe that race DID play a huge role in the rule. 
That's my point right there. They're playing professional sports. If this was a rec-league then it would be a different story, they can dress however they want. But some of these players 7 years ago would dress up as if they just got out of bed and didn't shower.
Do you have any idea what your talking about? Honest question. So Stern made this dress code because too many dudes were coming in with cheeto stained shirts, and muddy kicks huh. These dudes are athletes, and at the time this rule kicked in they were wearing jerseys and chains. This didn't have anything to do with professionalism stop it homie. 

Then please care to explain what this has to do with?
I still dont understand why you keep associating the word professional with a type of attire.

Should a "professional" skateboarder wear a suit to the ramp..
Then change into a t-shirt and cargos to skate?

You're playing word association right now. By your logic...anyone considered a "professional" in their respective fields should wear business attire.
How do you guys know how the players feel about it? Other than Iverson can you even picture anyone speaking out against stern? Again talking out of your %%##+
If your job has a dress policy, you adhere to what the rules are. Plain and simple.

The good thing about it now is that you have guys like CP3, Lebron, etc who have EMBRACED dressing better. These guys have built their brand to go waaaaay further than the b-ball court, and they can now be considered fashion icons.
Lol here come the professionalism folks. Ok.

Props to the folka who acknowledge what this is really about. Ive said enough already
Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by mrdieselfuel09

That's my point right there. They're playing professional sports. If this was a rec-league then it would be a different story, they can dress however they want. But some of these players 7 years ago would dress up as if they just got out of bed and didn't shower.
Do you have any idea what your talking about? Honest question. So Stern made this dress code because too many dudes were coming in with cheeto stained shirts, and muddy kicks huh. These dudes are athletes, and at the time this rule kicked in they were wearing jerseys and chains. This didn't have anything to do with professionalism stop it homie. 

Then please care to explain what this has to do with?
Definitely not players looking like they "didn't shower" which you pulled out of your *@% btw. It has to do with Stern having no other way to hurt AI, and he found a loophole in stereotyping. 
Originally Posted by Zyzz

who would honestly think it was a bad idea? they are millionaires, they should be dressing as professionals and looking clean. Not wearing du-rags, baggy jeans, and over sized polos.

....yet mark Cuban can get away with wearing a too little tshirt with tattered jeans and everything's gravy.
...so if being a millionaire professional really is the reason, this somehow doesnt apply to the billionaire owners? i wonder why?


Anyone who thinks that the dress code wasn't a move made to better market a majority black league to a majority white market is kidding themselves. The NBA wanted to tone down what they considered a ghetto image of the league and assuage the concerns of affluent (read: white) fans.
Maybe it's just me, but the last few years it seems that the NBA has been lax with the enforcement of the dresscode.
If your job has a dress policy, you adhere to what the rules are. Plain and simple.

That was never the issue though. I think compliance is a given. It's the reasoning as to why it was implemented to begin with.
I never had a problem with players dressing well. Stern really had no choice at the time if we're honest. The league's image was in shambles after the Malace in the Palace and the 04 Olympic run. His league was seen as a bunch of violent Ghetto thugs that played "street ball." Was this an accurate perception of the league? No, but Stern needed something to improve the league's image fast, so he implemented the dress code and the NBA Cares tv spots and community outreach.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Anyone who thinks that the dress code wasn't a move made to better market a majority black league to a majority white market is kidding themselves. The NBA wanted to tone down what they considered a ghetto image of the league and assuage the concerns of affluent (read: white) fans.


Fashion has changed anyways.  Look at rappers.  This was the "AI" rule the end of the day.
The brawl at the Palace had a lot to do with the dress code being implemented. The league had to do something to clean up the perception of the players after that.

If the brawl didnt happen we might not even have the dress code
Both DIOR and sooperhooper made good points.

I really think most of the players just found away to navigate around the rule with the changing of trends.
Can't no one tell me that the Urkel lens-less glasses look isn't lame. A lot of the NBA players seem (especially a
year or 2 after the rule was in place) to be overdoing it on purpose. It's almost like "Oh, you want us to dress
'professional'? Ok, we'll go all out then", in which you see the decked out nerd-look running rampart
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Anyone who thinks that the dress code wasn't a move made to better market a majority black league to a majority white market is kidding themselves. The NBA wanted to tone down what they considered a ghetto image of the league and assuage the concerns of affluent (read: white) fans.


Fashion has changed anyways.  Look at rappers.  This was the "AI" rule the end of the day.
Yup. The issue was never the actual result of the dress code, the issue was the implementation of a dress code onto, and due to the urban populace in the sport itself. My issue to this day with the dress code is the very fact of why it was issued, not the fact that it was.
Who gives a !!!+ though? They are being paid millions of dollars. They are all blessed, and they should all be grateful for even being in the league.
ALL of us have bosses that we think hand down stupid rules sometimes, but we still follow them. Why? Because we value our jobs.

So why should they be any different? Why does it anger you so much that they are asked to wear collared shirts? How does that negatively effect your life?

You are more upset about it than anyone in the league. What the hell is wrong with asking your employees to look sharp? Who cares if its a basketball league its still a profession.

You laugh at us bringing the word professionalism to the table, yet ever since you were a kid you as well as everyone else considered NBA players "pros," which is irony at its finest.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

I understand why it was enforced, but I don't necessarily agree with the notion of there being a look you should have because you make a lot of money.

Agree 100%
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