Let's re-visit the NBA dresscode

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

Like I said psuedo Cornell West. NBA owners look at their players attire and stereotype it as "hoodlum" attire. They want to "clean up" the image of the league so they can market the NBA to the white middle class and globally. NBA owners pay David Stern so he implements the dress code they want. The players are NBA employees so they abide to the dress code that was born from stereotyping and racism. People like you think its BS but rather than do anything about it you go to a sports forum on the internet and get on a soapbox and talk down to people who disagree with you. Its not that difficult to understand. You can continue bloviating on here now. 
No, I enter a thread on the topic as I would for any topic and speak my thoughts. "People like you think its BS", and seeing as how you said you and not us, people like you think it's ok to judge and stereotype based off race. I came in here and shared my thoughts you came in here and shared yours. I think thats a issue, I didn't think it was when it happened. You think it's ok. I don't think racism and stereotyping is ok on any level, and I won't except it when it applies to me, but the players who were slighted did nothing about it so there isn't much to do but discuss. The same way I feel a certain way about it, you feel a certain way about what I have to say about it. So are you "all bark and no bite", or are you gonna take action and come knock me off this soapbox? Same way you aint gonna do @+**, I don't have to dedicate my life to protesting the NBA. Get it? Now hop off doggie
I don't think its okay to stereotype people based off their race that is why I work for a nonprofit that goes into innercity communities of color and educates residents about their rights and how to take action on subjects like healthcare, the justice system, law enforcement, education, birth control etc. I actually DO something about injustices in the inner city communities. The NBA dress code is not right but at the end of the day the players make millions so having to wear a suit is not even in the same universe as the injustice I see everyday at work. They can choose to play ball overseas. Knock you off your soapbox? Are you E-Thugging now? When I say "people like you" I mean people who yell to the heavens about the ills of racism but never do a damn thing about it. Stick to being a pseudo academic and not doing jack other than bloviating and calling other people ignorant when you should look in the mirror. 
Read through this thread and read the remarks and tell me most weren't ignorant. "these guys in baggy clothes are friends with drug dealers anyway" This thread isn't about the injustice in the inner city communities, so that's  great that your doing something for your community but that has ##@@ to do with this topic. We speaking on the dress code and that's what I'm speaking on, just because you see worse doesn't make it right, just because they have money doesn't make it right. Don't get me wrong I'm not losing sleep over it, but this thread is on that topic, so I am speaking my mind on that topic. I should look in the mirror? Listen to yourself, no one can address racism unless they do what your doing? %!$@ off your high horse, this topic is about the dress code. I stated how I feel and you just agreed with me. So you really aint saying ##@@
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by gllahone84

Kids prb don't look up to Cuban because he's not from the same environment, and he hasn't endured the same struggles that most of these kids have which makes the transference of image so infectious to the youth. I for not one second would ever assume that Mark Cuban has the same type of influence on the inner city youth as most active players.
The reason kids don’t look up to owners is because it’s not as appealing. The endorsements, and so many other avenues of influence are handed to the players by corporations with one goal in mind, and that’s to sell products and get more people active in chasing the dream of one day making it big.

...now you're splitting hairs. so should we now exclude players from the similar backgrounds as Cuban? 
...this is a business. Cuban is as much a part of the business as anyone thats a part of the NBA.
...if WE need to present a more professional look, cool. then WE need to do it. thats what makes the whole parents a bed time argument invalid and a horrible analogy. as a parent you dont tell your kids WE'RE going to be at 8:30. you tell them THEY are. the NBA presented this problem/solution as a WE problem/solution but arent enforcing it that way.
You sound like you are just trying to break down words to figure out some technicalities and **! to make a point
Like really... "WE" means everyone in the organization? Like you honestly think the guy who cooks the hotdogs needs a suit to change into after the game? If I gave you a lineup of all the NBA owners odds are you couldn't even name half of them... so because Cuban decides to "be all up in the videos" they are gonna pass policy requiring that the dress code extend to owners? 
The owners are not the product. No one goes to games for Mark Cuban. From a business standpoint, what he wears has no bearing on the success of the league. As an owner he can be as visible or as invisible as he wants to, he can be present or he can be "absent"...  he doesn't clock in/clock out, when he's at a game he's ambiguously a fan and owner at the same time 

You're sooooo reachin bringin Cuban up
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