Let's re-visit the NBA dresscode

Because those types of clothes are associated with hoodlums. I went to a majority white school and white dudes were being written up all the time for wearing sagging jeans and XXXL shirts (like the Jason Williams pic with Wade). Normal human beings wear clothes that fit; it's been that way for centuries.

I agree with whoever said that this is AI's fault. There were plenty of black NBA players who weren't dressing that way, and the few that did were left alone until AI came through and started overdoing that "rebellious street dude" routine.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The players have seemed to embrace it.  Niketalk still mad as hell though


Very underrated post.
There isn't really a dress code anymore. I saw Melo rocking a t-shirt with a snapback on the sideline one day.

The hot style at the time was to wear tall white tees and rock ice, it's not like that was just something that "gangsters" or "thugs" wore. No one would be caught dead today still rocking large jeans and a 5x tee.

I agree with whoever said that this is AI's fault. There were plenty of black NBA players who weren't dressing that way, and the few that did were left alone until AI came through and started overdoing that "rebellious street dude" routine.
You guys are clowns.

Like A.I. was the only player who rocked a white tee iced out.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

I agree with whoever said that this is AI's fault. There were plenty of black NBA players who weren't dressing that way, and the few that did were left alone until AI came through and started overdoing that "rebellious street dude" routine.
You guys are clowns.

Like A.I. was the only player who rocked a white tee iced out.

Please re-read what you just quoted
There were players dressing like that, AI just took it over the edge with his tats, clothes, rap album, etc to the point where Stern couldn't take it anymore. He was the pioneer of the "hood NBA player" persona which many players in the future began imitating. I couldn't care less what a player is wearing, especially since all the dress code did was convert 3XL tall tees to 3XL suit jackets, but like it or not that's what happened
Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

I agree with whoever said that this is AI's fault. There were plenty of black NBA players who weren't dressing that way, and the few that did were left alone until AI came through and started overdoing that "rebellious street dude" routine.
You guys are clowns.

Like A.I. was the only player who rocked a white tee iced out.
Please re-read what you just quoted
There were players dressing like that, AI just took it over the edge with his tats, clothes, rap album, etc to the point where Stern couldn't take it anymore. He was the pioneer of the "hood NBA player" persona. I couldn't care less what a player is wearing, but like it or not that's what happened

There's been "hood" players before, during, and after Iverson's tenure in the league. To blame one person as to why there is a dress code is crazy.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by SFC415

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

You guys are clowns.

Like A.I. was the only player who rocked a white tee iced out.
Please re-read what you just quoted
There were players dressing like that, AI just took it over the edge with his tats, clothes, rap album, etc to the point where Stern couldn't take it anymore. He was the pioneer of the "hood NBA player" persona. I couldn't care less what a player is wearing, but like it or not that's what happened
There's been "hood" players before, during, and after Iverson's tenure in the league. To blame one person as to why there is a dress code is crazy.
I edited my post before you quoted it, cause I worded it wrong. How many SUPERSTARS before AI were rocking braids/tattoos, wearing hood clothes, and making rap albums? AI was a huge role model to every "hood" dude because now they saw that they didn't have to change the way they dressed/looked/acted and could still make millions playing basketball. Without AI you wouldn't have dudes like Carmelo (pre-haircut and wardrobe upgrade
) as faces of the NBA. I doubt Stern cared about random bench players coming in wearing 3XL tees, but I'm sure he cared when the players he needed to market his product did.  Eventually pretty much every superstar athlete started looking like AI, which is what sent Stern over the edge.
Originally Posted by AG 47

If your job has a dress policy, you adhere to what the rules are. Plain and simple.

That was never the issue though. I think compliance is a given. It's the reasoning as to why it was implemented to begin with.
Do you have a quote from Stern with the EXACT reasoning why the change was made?  Not necessarily calling you out, but I'd like to see why Stern changed things up. 
You opposers make such a big deal out of it.  I know the point you guys are trying to come across when you say it's because of stereotypes of dress.    Stereotypes that you would see in the way a lot of players dressed.  I see it as not wanting the players looking sloppy.  Would it be more acceptable if the commissioner was black?  What about if the owners were the ones who made the rules for their teams?  If being told how to dress is one of their biggest complaints, then life isn't that bad for them.  They have to dress for work just like a lot of us do.
Originally Posted by bchimcuter

Originally Posted by you big dummy

 Jason Williams' shirt 

I for one like the dress code. When you're going to the arena and being seen, you're representing a business. The NBA wants to be respected. It has nothing to do with color in my eyes because there are white players who cannot dress as well. When players are off work hours, of course they should dress however they want, but when it's time for the cameras to roll, interviews to be done, and the face of the organization is whats being represented, then the dress code should be in full effect. 

Would you go to the dentist and sit in the chair if he came out with a Ho Depot shirt on? 
Salient excerpts from an upper year sociology paper I wrote last year related to this discussion:

In1993-1994, Stern reportedly wanted to recruit Duke University head coach, MikeKrzyzweski. According to Sports Illustrated, “The commissioner worriesprivately about the league’s growing problem with trash talking and violence,and hire like Krzyzewski—intelligent, disciplined, respected—would be a publicrelations coup
Hilarious to me dudes who play basketball for a living have to dress "professional" and wear suits and $$!$ but reporters show up in Ed Hardy jeans and rhinestone DKNY shirts,and tennis shoes like they're about to go party at karma with the Jersey Shore cast and nobody says a word. Anyone who would deny the racial element to the ruling is in denial.
Like someone said, there's no denying that race and racial stereotypes played a big part and that's never a good thing. But there are a couple things you have to acknowledge. #1, I have as many problems with David Stern as anyone, but he's not a racist. He has a tough job, which is to sell a largely black league to a country that has a lot of really damn racist people in it. I'm not sure what the ethics are of him even trying, but it's his job and he's doing it to make the owners and the players more money.#2 you have to acknowledge that since the dress code NBA players look really damn good. No other sports league has that kind of class on the sidelines, and I think it's done a lot for individual player's brands and status. LeBron is appearing on vogue magazine (albeit in an incredibly racist cover), Amare is working in fashion stuff, and to be honest I think a lot of handsome black men have become sex symbols for white America in a way they never were before.Because this is nketzlk, I'll say. "pause". But those things are still true.
There isn't really a dress code anymore. I saw Melo rocking a t-shirt with a snapback on the sideline one day.

Didn't see Melo, but I've seen Kobe dress casual for what I thought was a strict dress code.  I think the league could have accomplished the re-imaging more subtly.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by bchimcuter

Originally Posted by you big dummy

 Jason Williams' shirt 

I for one like the dress code. When you're going to the arena and being seen, you're representing a business. The NBA wants to be respected. It has nothing to do with color in my eyes because there are white players who cannot dress as well. When players are off work hours, of course they should dress however they want, but when it's time for the cameras to roll, interviews to be done, and the face of the organization is whats being represented, then the dress code should be in full effect. 

Would you go to the dentist and sit in the chair if he came out with a Ho Depot shirt on? 
i wouldnt care about what he wore TO WORK... if he was dressed appropriately while doing his job in the dentist office then its all good...
the players job is to play basketball... so when they are on the court @ work,  they wear their uniforms...
Anyone who would deny the racial element to the ruling is in denial.

Exactly, alot of folks just don't want to hear the truth so they want to be feed lies. Not to mention, I see alot of dudes in here, especially black dudes still got that house #$#!$ mentality as far as agreeing with the new dresscode. Also, for all the folks that still agree with the dresscode, I see that NOBODY addressed the point of how Mark Cuban dresses on the sidelines, and he represents the league in some ways to a higher degree than some of the superstars, but I see folks are just going to go with the program in regards to Mark Cuban, can't say nothing bad about him or others like him.......SMH.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Anyone who would deny the racial element to the ruling is in denial.

Exactly, alot of folks just don't want to hear the truth so they want to be feed lies. Not to mention, I see alot of dudes in here, especially black dudes still got that house #$#!$ mentality as far as agreeing with the new dresscode. Also, for all the folks that still agree with the dresscode, I see that NOBODY addressed the point of how Mark Cuban dresses on the sidelines, and he represents the league in some ways to a higher degree than some of the superstars, but I see folks are just going to go with the program in regards to Mark Cuban, can't say nothing bad about him or others like him.......SMH.

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but owners/bosses can wear whatever the hell they want. My boss comes in wearing t shirts, jeans, and sandals. Dude only changes into formal wear when he has a business meeting with people outside of the company. Meanwhile the rest of us are required to dress professionally no matter what. You can't really compare owners to employees
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Zyzz

who would honestly think it was a bad idea? they are millionaires, they should be dressing as professionals and looking clean. Not wearing du-rags, baggy jeans, and over sized polos.

....yet mark Cuban can get away with wearing a too little tshirt with tattered jeans and everything's gravy.
...so if being a millionaire professional really is the reason, this somehow doesnt apply to the billionaire owners? i wonder why?



so yall gonna act like this wasnt posted in here ...

uh huh, skip right over the post that makes the most sense
^ cats are so brainwashed into thinking what somebody should dress like...there are so many filty rich dudes who walk out the house not giving a damn what they are dressed like.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by AG 47

If your job has a dress policy, you adhere to what the rules are. Plain and simple.

That was never the issue though. I think compliance is a given. It's the reasoning as to why it was implemented to begin with.
Do you have a quote from Stern with the EXACT reasoning why the change was made?  Not necessarily calling you out, but I'd like to see why Stern changed things up. 

"There are different uniforms for different occasions," Stern said. "There's the uniform you wear on the court, there's the uniform you wear when you are on business, there's the uniform you might wear on your casual downtime with your friends and there's the uniform you might wear when you go back home. We're just changing the definition of the uniform that you wear when you are on NBA business."

It's pretty clear that the NBA wanted to swerve away from the stigmatism associated with baggy clothes and chains. Now is that racial. I think it is. But maybe being a black man in America makes me bias.
The same dudes that are wearing baggy jeans are the same people that have friends that are drug dealers more often than not. Despite what you believe it does represent the brand better to have people dressed up. The stereotype I see is that just because you wear a suit it means you don't do illegal things. But perception rules the world.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Zyzz

who would honestly think it was a bad idea? they are millionaires, they should be dressing as professionals and looking clean. Not wearing du-rags, baggy jeans, and over sized polos.

....yet mark Cuban can get away with wearing a too little tshirt with tattered jeans and everything's gravy.
...so if being a millionaire professional really is the reason, this somehow doesnt apply to the billionaire owners? i wonder why?



so yall gonna act like this wasnt posted in here ...

uh huh, skip right over the post that makes the most sense

....cats dont read on NT. dudes be too eager to just hit reply.
...i dont pay any attention to yt folks on this issue or brainwashed black folks anymore. the whole 'proper attire' issue is absurd. why? because everything's inappropriate until yt folks start wearing it, then it becomes 'what everyone's wearing today'
.....its the reason why Sir Richard Branson can wear whatever the $*+% he wants to a meeting and no one says a word. yet Russel Simmons wears what he wants and people have something to say.
....and again.
...if this really is the reason
 STERN said:
We're just changing the definition of the uniform that you wear when you are on NBA business

......explain Cuban.


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